Knife Control May Come to America - Unbelievable!


New member
In England, a law was passed that beefed-up the standard pint glasses used in pubs. Seems too many people were showing up in emergency rooms with ghastly wounds from having the glasses broken over their heads. Sure enough, revelers subsequently reported to emergency rooms suffering from blunt trauma. :rolleyes:


New member
wayne: Well you see, back then the stupid people usually got killed or accidently killed themselves. Nowadays they are allowed to procreate and bitch and moan and get these silly laws passed.


New member
We already have this law in Beverly. Which is on the north shore of MA. Other city and towns around here have the same law.
Some of us have started to challenge it.
I have asked our city solicitor for answers to questions like;
How do you define knife?
How do you measure the length of the blade?
Do I have to go directly home from work and not stop for milk?
How do cooks use a knife on school property since there is a section of the law that prohibits knives on school property?
I have called our Chief repeatedly for answers also.
I went to school with him and he is an upstanding, no ducking type of guy.
Have yet to meet with him.
I have also mentioned to them that they and the city might have problems with this law due to fact that SCOTUS defined the 2nd as an individual right. I also have mentioned Title 18 USC 242.
My feeling is that they know it is a BS law. We need to push back.
Anyone in my area that wants to help, we could use it.