Kimber Rifles - Need Inputs


New member
Well if someone has a 1 inch rifle for 3 shots from a cold barrel, thats all you need for a hunting gun. If its opening up after just 3 rounds, there are several things that can easily be done to fix that. But he question remains, why bother, 99% of all hunting shots are from a cold barrel. 90 percent of the time all you need is one shot if you do your job as hunter.
For those of you who complain about the groups on your Kimber opening up after you shoot a lot, just about any sporting rifle will do that.

I can agree to that. However, I don't think I've experienced such the spread issue on a proclaimed "quality" rifle...especially in the price range as Kimber's. Now, I don't think it's reasonable to fire five 5-shot groups right after another. But, it shouldn't start to open up after one 5-shot group.

A friend of mine had a Winchester Model 70 featherweight and never had this kind of issue. It did open up some after shooting quite a few shots in succession, but not 3 to 5 rounds at a time between cooling. This may be comparing apples to oranges, yet this rifle was quite small.

BTW, thanks, Tuttle8

Anything for a well respected member...;)


New member
Kimbers standard is three shot groups. My standard for lightweight hunting rifles is that #1. They stay sighted in. #2 That they group two or three shots into about 1.25 moa for game rifles. Varmint rifles must shoot to about half of that.

Here is the actual data from my Kimbers. The last time I shot them at the range was 11-4-07 as I have been out hunting.

308 84M Montana 155 VLD 2 in 1.5" 200yds. (I shot one deer with it after this at 130 yds with two shots).

243 84M Montana 100 Sierra SPT 2 in 1.25" at 200 yds.

243 84M Montana 58 Vmax 3/4" at 100 yds 3" high using setting from 100 gr load zeroed at 200 yds.

243 84M Montana 95 CT 2 in 3/4" at 100 yds. (vertical group, try more powder)

243 84M Montana 95 CT 2 in 2" at 200 yds. (hit 4" lower than 100 gr SPT load).

270 WSM 8400 Montana 150 Sierra SBT 2 in one hole 100 yds.

270 WSM 8400 Montana 150 Sierra SBT 2 in 1.5" at 200 yds. and right on. (This rifle has been extremely reliable in blasting down game but it will not see the field as I am trying Berger VLD's in the calibers that they make them in.)

243 84M Montana 100 Sierra SPT 2 in 1/2" at 200 yds. Third shot hit 1.5" higher!

I have shot hundreds of deer in the last 55 years. Only on one or two occasions has a third shot been necessary and that was usually at close range. I don't need 5 shot groups for hunting rifles. If these rifles were heavier they might shoot better with 5 or 10 shot groups. I shoot 3000 CF rifle shots a year and its all documented.

I have plenty of heavier rifles. I got the Kimbers as I am old, overweight and my knee hurts. Shooting for me is easy. Hunting is much harder.


Above are are half of a matched quartet of pre 64 M70's. 375 H&H, 300 H&H, 264 WM and 220 Swift. All are sighted in, very accurate and ready to go from a lifetime of intense effort.