Kimber owners - info wanted


New member
As the owner of many 1911's and 4 Kimbers, I highly recommend the Kimber Pro Carry. I own is the .45ACP and the other is a .40SW. My other two Kimbers are the Ultra Carry CDP II and the Custom CDP II. These guns are great shooters and incredibly accurate. They will make almost any shooter look good. All my Kimbers have been free of problems.

My Stainless Pro Carry .45 is almost 12 years old and has at least 60,000 rounds fired. It is the most accurate gun I own. I took a risk and had Kimber install night sights which, much to my pleasure, improved the accuracy. It is my EDC gun and I wouldn't trade it for two Wilson Combat's or Baer's or any other top name, big price gun you could name.

In my opinion, the trick to owning a Kimber (or any other 1911) is to change the recoil and firing springs on a regular basis, usually when the gun is detailed stripped and cleaned every 1500 rounds. Ensure that all the metal to metal contact areas have an adequate coating of a quality gun oil and the gun is kept clean. I use either Kimber 8 round magazines or Wilson Combat magazines in my pistols. I field strip and clean the gun each time it is shot and at the end of each day, when the gun comes out of the holster and on the night table, I wipe it down and give it a very light coat of oil. It looks brand new after all these years.


New member
Out of all the .45 Colt, Para and Glock pistols that I've owned, by the far most accurate is my Kimber 3" Eclipse stainless. It even went one-one-one with a Les Baer. Guess which pistol shot more accurately, had less perceived recoil, and not a single FTF or other malfunction - the Kimber. Too be sure the owner of the Les Baer was more impressed with my pistol than I was of his. He was probably just having a bad day and I certainly wouldn't bad mouth a Les Baer under any circumstance. Of course it could have been a fluke:D