Kibler Kit


New member
Breech fit is crucial, so make sure that is right before addressing the tang. Make sure the barrel is seated to where the touch hole location is correct. If the tang needs to go deeper to make that happen, then so be it. You definitely want the barrel/breech/tang to lay into place without being pulled by the screw. If you have any doubts whatsoever reach out to Jim Kibler, he is very responsive and helpful.


New member
Breech fit is crucial, so make sure that is right before addressing the tang. Make sure the barrel is seated to where the touch hole location is correct. If the tang needs to go deeper to make that happen, then so be it. You definitely want the barrel/breech/tang to lay into place without being pulled by the screw. If you have any doubts whatsoever reach out to Jim Kibler, he is very responsive and helpful.

In Jim's video the end of the tang is pulled deeper with the screw. Barrel fit and touch hole is correct. I've decided to not file from the bottom but will file from the top like in the video.


New member
I gave up on draw filing. The file marks were worse than the tool marks so I tried some 150 grit sandpaper and it works better. Definitely not faster but better and easier on my back. This is what I started with.


This is after 150 grit. I'll probably go on up to 320.


The stock is done at 320. Joke on me is I couldn't figure out why the patchbox cover didn't fit flush anymore. Then it hit me the butt plate wasn't on it. D'OH :D


