Keltec site virus


New member
Good idea. Many credit card companies will also issue you a "one-time" credit card number that you use to make a single online purchase, after which it becomes invalid.


New member
As of Monday night the site was still infected. I was reading a thread on forums and clicked on a link to without paying attention. AVG popped up immediately, but this time I was quick enough to get task manager open and kill the processes before it got it's teeth in too deep.

First time I think I wasn't really paying close enough attention and it didn't really register what was happening until it was too late. Still went into safe mode and ran malwarebytes anyway just to be safe.


New member
Must be some seriously bad mojo going on over there. The site was clean for several days after my last post.

Here's where the bad stuff is now

<iframe src="BAD LINK REMOVED" width="10" height="10" style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;"></iframe>

Almost makes me wonder if somone working at Kel Tec isn't doing this internally. If I had ever used a credit card with them, I'd be cancelling it. They'll have to do something absolutely miraculous to get my business ever again after this.


New member
It would seem worth it to either hire some security consultants to address it, or just outsource the whole thing to a hosting company.


New member
Just checked, there's STILL malware on the site. Something different this time, but there's definitely still a problem. It's been what, a month now?


New member
This turned up on Google search for "keltec website virus", I decided to take a chance and follow the link:

Website Virus

We would like to extend our sincerest apologies for the persistent virus that has been plaguing our site over the past couple of weeks. We were definitely aware of it and on multiple occasions were assured the site was free of any malware or viruses, only to find out that we once again were infected and had to start the process all over again.

We have worked tirelessly with our web developer Blue Fountain Media to clean the site line by line. At this point we are being told that we finally have taken care of the issue. The virus was clearly a malicious attack from the outside, designed simply to cause damage.

We apologize for any inconvenience this virus has caused those who fell victim to it and hope that the results of a nuisance hacker doesn't mar the name of Kel-Tec or the weapons we produce.

If anyone is still picking up any type of virus or malware, please contact us immediately with as much detail as possible regarding browser type, pages clicked, etc.

Again, our sincerest apologies go out to those who were directly affected by this.

KT Team

Haven't got any anti-virus alarms going off yet, so maybe they did fix it.


New member
As of this very moment, I'm not seeing anything icky on the front page of the site (that doesn't mean it isn't elsewhere).

When I posted last night, there was definitely something bad there.