Keltec P-32 who carries one how much have you shot it?

Master Blaster

New member
Lately I have been finding myself more comfortable with the deep concealment the keltec P-32 offers. I have had mine for a few years, since shortly after they first came out. At first I had a few jams, and in rapid fire I had misfires, which were not a malfunction but my own failure to let the trigger return fully forward. I carried it for a while when I first bought it, but then only occaisionally when I felt the need for deep concealment in very light clothing or suits with small pockets.

I have done a bit of shooting with mine and after 700+ jacketed rounds and 800 or so lead rounds, most all handloads, I am comfortable with its reliability and its accuracy. I can hit a paperplate sized target at 25 yards every shot with mine, and at 3 to 7 yards I can hit the black on a 25 yard slow fire bullseye target every time.

Now I realize that .32 acp is less than a dream round for personal defense.
My current load is a 60 grain golddot, and 2.6 grains of titegroup, and a winchester sp. This load will penetrate 3" of packed dry newspaper in my ballistic test box. For comparison .45 acp will go 3" also.

So how many folks out there have one and carry it?

Have you changed the recoil springs? and with what springs keltec or wolf?
Does anyone have a large number of rounds fired from their's, and if so how many and have you replaced any parts?

It seems to me that the design and construction of this little gun should make it glock like in its durability. So lets hear about yours:)


New member
Just got mine a couple weeks ago. Haven't shot it much, but with a Uncle Mike's pocket holster, it is just great to carry. See the other thread, also of a few weeks ago about the P-32.



New member
I have both a 1st generation P32 and a 1st generation P3AT and I bought them both new. I have shot them both many times with zero malfunctions of any type. I did do a 'fluff and buff' on both of them when I first got them but that was it except that I did replace the plastic magazine release on the P3AT about a year ago. I had read a few reports of them wearing and releasing the mag when shooting. Mine never did drop a mag but I looked at it as preventative maintenance. No matter where I go one or the other of them is in my front pocket.


New member
I have a P32, had it about a year. I haven't kept track of round count, but I am somewhere close to 500 rnds. I have not had 1 malfunction at all. This is my 2nd Kel-Tec, they are no Seecamp, and they are definately not the junk people make them out to be.

I may buy another one in the future, as they haven't let me down. Mine is normally my shorts/summer carry gun.

Bill DeShivs

New member
I have carried mine every day since I got it as a pre-production test run offered to members of the K/T forum over 10 years ago. It doesn't like Fiocchi HPs, but otherwise it has been 100% reliable and accurate. There is no reason to replace any of the springs on these guns.
Leave it alone, shoot it, and carry it.
My wife and stepdaughter carry P32s too.


New member
I have mine for about 5 years. Lost count on how many rounds. It is always with me when I am not carring my Rami. Can't say I am as good a shot as you. But I do get them all in center mass at 3 to 5 yards which I think is all I'll ever need it for. I carry at the 1:00 position and it is very comfortable and I hardly know it's there. Good little gun in my opinion.


New member
ive got a 1st gen P32..... havent had any problems with it at all.
I carry it when I cant carry anything else due to clothing or function im attending. :)


New member
My current load is a 60 grain golddot, and 2.6 grains of titegroup, and a winchester sp. This load will penetrate 3" of packed dry newspaper in my ballistic test box. For comparison .45 acp will go 3" also.

Sorry for going off topic here, but are you saying that you handload your SD ammo? I have thought about doing that, but I am afraid that it could possibly be used against me in a prosecution by an anti-RKBA District Attorney. Your thoughts?


New member
I am on my second one

My 1G P-32 does the heavy lifting. I shoot it every single range trip (2-4 times per month, ~50 rounds each time). It has roughly 2,000 rounds through it and another 1,000 rounds of dry fire (with snap caps). All original parts.

My 2G P-32 has only 200 rounds ingested and it goes everywhere with me.

I keep both very clean and well lubed.

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My wife carries one. She's got between 1000-2000 rounds through it. No problems, no replacements. Gotta use good ammo in it, though.


New member
Ok, I'll bite. Mine failed to fire after less than 100 rounds. I fixed it, and carry it daily, but knowing what I do now I wouldn't buy another. The Ruger has a last round slide stop, a great idea. I'm waiting to hear if they have the same problems as the Kel-Tec. Kel-Tec trigger rods work out and fail the gun, but you can see it coming if you know what to look for. Dry fire it with a snap cap and see where the trigger is when it releases, if it seems like it's getting closer to hitting the frame you may have a problem that could turn into a very bad day. They are a real pain to disassemble and fix!

Bill DeShivs

New member
The ruger does not have a last round slide stop. It's manual.
They will have the same problems as the K/T, because they are a direct copy of the K/T.
That doesn't mean that either aren't good guns for their purpose.


New member
Mine failed to fire after less than 100 rounds.
Was it a trigger issue where it wouldnt release, no matter how hard you pulled on it?

Thats what happened to mine anyway, and soon after I bought it new. If it does, dont reach up with your thumb and pull back on the hammer at the same time as your pulling on the stuck trigger. Trust me, you dont want to. :D

I've owned two Kel Tecs, (a P32 and a SU-16) and wont bother with another. I picked up a couple of Seecamps right after I dumped the P32 (and later the rifle) and have never regretted either decision.


New member
I Love mine and carry often! ..has somewhere between 1500-2000 rds through(lost count around 1500) without a hiccup.

I did do an F&B in the beginning because its rough Parkerized finish needed certain points polished(basically just the ramp and rails).
One can probably avoid having to do this by simply buying one in Hard chrome. :)

The P32 in general tends to be very reliable.
And with a +1 ext. carries 8+1 and is still extremely concealable.

michael t

New member
I have 2 of the 2nd Gen Both over 500 rounds most of that Corbon HP
I cleaned one of mine real good.. Greased the rails a little heavy loaded and empted the mag. Reloaded and on 1st of mo . I would remove from pocket fire till slide lock Reload and return to pocket Did this for 6 mo. carried in pocket and never cleaned . After fireing and carry for 6 mo I took apart . What a mess crud, lint ,Took a while to clean. But in that entire 6 mo. test It never fail one time. Like I said they have over 500 rounds thru them and still running flawless.
I also have a KT in 380 but I carry the 32 more.
Wie claimed 2nd one as her own.


New member
"ive got a 1st gen P32..... havent had any problems with it at all.
I carry it when I cant carry anything else due to clothing or function im attending. " Ditto for me...including: :)


New member
Show of hands please.

I,d like to know who all finds it VERY difficult to rack/cock your keltecs.. I,m beginning to think its me??


I,d like to know who all finds it VERY difficult to rack/cock your keltecs.. I,m beginning to think its me??

Not just you. Keltec has a reputation for a stiff slide and trigger. However, the more you shoot it, the better it gets - to a point. The P-32 seems to be better than the PF-9, which is better than the P-11. I have no info on the 3AT.

Check Pax's site and some posts by "Heepstress" for some alternative ways to rack a stiff slide.

The advantage of a DA semi is you only have to rack it once, to chamber a round. It's perfectly safe to carry with one in the chamber as long as the holster covers the trigger. The disadvantage of Keltec is you have to rack it again if you have to use a spare mag. There's no slide lock. In that case, adrenalin would help you move that slide. :eek:

All this being said, I'm not gonna bad-mouth Keltec (except for that POS, the P-40). My PF-9 and my wife's P-32 have been totally reliable with over 2000 rounds through both of them. One thing about the P-32, you gotta use GOOD ammo. The hotter it is, the better the little pistol likes it. Cheap, weak ammo will jam it every time.

As "micheal t" says, keep it clean, too.


New member

PAX was kind enough to jump in and give me all the available pointers,to help me out. I can get it cocked,thru several attempts. But was thinking if I shoved the spare clip in before expending the last bullet,would be one answer. I purchased this gun as a pocket gun,so SIZE and PRICE were major factors. Now is the Seecamp,LCP,NAA, clone,s etc, easier to chamber than the Keltec 380? I have heard nothing to the contrary.. Thanks for any help. Just going to the next step. Prob end up keeping the piece and dealing with it,but just curious on the more expenzive tiny 380,s..