KelTec issues

Terry A

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Yesterday, 09:21 PM #17
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Join Date: July 9, 2004
Posts: 4,866 I had four Kel-Tecs. The factory Help Line was great...but none of the pistols were ever reliable enough to carry. I spent a lot of money on mags, ammo, springs, etc.

I sold each with full disclosure at a big loss.

I learned my lesson.

K-T will never see another dime of my money.

YMMV, and I sincerely hope it does. But if not, remember my words.

I'm not feeling all that good about hanging on to it when it comes back. Most likely, I'll test it to make sure it functions and then sell it with full disclosure.

Thanks for your post.

Today 01:04 AM
Chowder I had a PF-9 that I sent back for repairs also. It took some time but came back with a new slide, polished feed ramp, an extra mag that I didn't send with it and a letter detailing all the repairs. I was annoyed at the time I waited but they most certainly stood by the product and made sure I was happy with my gun.

Chowder, that's great they did all that for you. It would take something along those lines for me to even consider keping it. Anything less and like I just said, I won't be able to trust it.

A pistol that doesn't function right is like a cheating woman. You can't really trust them much in the future.....

Today 01:49 AM
Mosin44az So Terry A, did Kel-tec pay for shipment to them? That would be a new policy for them.

If not, they might reimburse if you ask for it.

I paid $100.02 to have it shipped out. The man I did finally speak with said they don't send shipping labels like Springfield and other companies do.
Then, I received an answer to an email I sent and here's a copy.....

I’ll mail you a new firing pin, spring and screw to see if that helps, but if not, let me know and we’ll email you a shipping label to get it in here for service.



Physical Address: KT Service Dept. 1475 Cox Rd, Cocoa FL 32926--firearm repair

Mailing Address: PO Box 236009, Cocoa FL 32923--returning accessories

I'm most likely going to try to get thru and request reimbursement.

Thanks everybody who's contributed in this thread. It's a great learning experience.

Terry A

New member
Today, 01:49 AM #20
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Join Date: January 15, 2006
Posts: 2,061 So Terry A, did Kel-tec pay for shipment to them? That would be a new policy for them.

If not, they might reimburse if you ask for it.


I just got off the phone with a lady who couldn't have been more nice or helpful. She asked me to send in a copy of the FedEx bill for consideration of reimbursement.

Even if I don't get it, just knowing that they have good customer service people who actually try to resolve issues is a really nice feeling.

I've plugged KelTec alot over the years. Not that this is life-changing or anything like that, but I'll post whatever the outcome is on the pistol and the shipping label reimbursement.

Thanks Mosin for the nudge!


New member
I had a positive experience with kel-tec. I needed a rear sight for my sub 2000. It was broken when I purchased it. I had a live body on the phone in less than ten minutes. This was aprx 3-4 months ago. I ordered two rear sights and a recoil spring.

The gentlemen took my mailing address. You could just sense he was in a hurry to get me off the phone. "Thank you Sir" I said "I need to pay for this order" "Were sending for free." I had my order two days


New member
I had a positive experience with kel-tec. I needed a rear sight for my sub 2000. It was broken when I purchased it. I had a live body on the phone in less than ten minutes. This was aprx 3-4 months ago. I ordered two rear sights and a recoil spring.

The gentlemen took my mailing address. You could just sense he was in a hurry to get me off the phone. "Thank you Sir" I said "I need to pay for this order" "Were sending for free." I had my order two days

Walt Sherrill

New member
I've had a P-11, a P3AT, two Sub2000s (9mm and .40), and now have a PF9.

I've also had a Kahr P8 and still have a Kahr CM9.

Never had a problem with any Kel-Tec product, and while I think the CM9 may be an easier-shooting gun than the PF9, I hesitate to give up the PF9 and use the CM9. (I really liked the Kahr P8, but someone made me an offer that I really couldn't refuse -- I made a significant profit on a gun bought used!!)

I also had a Ruger LCP, which seemed like a "pretty" P3AT, and the slightly larger trigger-guard of the LCP made it more pleasant to shoot -- as the P3AT hit my trigger finger in recoil.

None of the Kel-Tecs (except the Sub2000 in 9mm) are what I'd call "pleasant" to shoot. I've found that the KTADDONS grip material does make them almost pleasant, and works with the LCP and LC9, too.

One of my shooting buddies bought a P3AT and called it the biggest piece of crap he ever owned. Said it wouldn't hit the broad side of the barn, and sold it quickly. I let him try mine, and he couldn't hit the broad side of the barn with it, either. I then took it and shot about a 3" group at 25 feet, and he shut up. This guy is a better shot than I am with most guns, but the Kel-Tec P3AT just didn't work for him. I suspect that some folks just have that sort of problem with Kel-Tec products.


New member
Kel Tec Service

Bought a new PF-9 in early July. It will not extract a spent shell.(It only comes out 1/3 and hangs up in the breech). After fooling with the extractor and cycling unfired rounds manually just fine I decided to send it back. Kel Tec makes it clear the owner pays shipping. As with some of the previous comments here, no human at Kel Tec was reachable. I shipped it ($60) and they've had it a week. Maybe by Christmas I'll get it back. I should have spent the extra bucks and stuck with Kahr. By the way,my best friend bought a new PF9 at the same show and hasn't had any problems.


New member
terry , KT will fix it and do right by you. Just know that with todays production as high as it is you pay some serious money for a very nice firearm and get a **** in return. You going to dump a 2000 dollar handgun too if it had troubles. Hang in there. The only handgun I have shot that gave me issues from round one was a KT p-11. Bought for a son-in-law that I would break in for him. Sent it back, fixed quickly with mostly new parts. Fired 500 rounds thru it trouble free and is carried 5 years later with no problems and many thousands of rounds. They do have very good CS once you get something to them. Free shipping label right. I also carried a pf-9 for 2 years .


New member
Return from warranty service

Got the PF9 back this week.(sooner than expected) Ran 60 rounds through it with no problems. They had replaced the entire slide and polished the feed ramp. I would consider carrying it in a pinch but my Kahr PM9 handles the recoil sooooo much better and is totally reliable. I'll submit a request to Kel Tec for reimbursement of the shipping charges.