Kel-Tec PF9 Range Report


New member
The EMP is an amazing little gun. Try shooting groups with the Kel-Tec like this:



The Kahr is a tiny little gun too, if you want something small, light, accurate, and polymer:




Is there some reason why the same people always have to recommend $1000 weapons because "they" don't like something if they didn't choose it? Several of my friends have the EMP, and ALL of them are having reliability problems with the little beastie. They were bought as they showed up on the shelves, early models. Seeing the problems that they've had, I couldn't honestly recommend the EMP as a self-defense weapon, unless you were going to use it as a bludgeon. A $1000 bludgeon.

I have a P11, and the trigger is a bear. However, if I find myself in a shoot-out that requires a couple of hundred rounds, there's other things to worry about. Like, where am I going to get the couple of hundred rounds? I shoot it 50 rounds at a sitting, and have so far avoided "palsy" with my soon to be 60-year-old hands. I'm still hitting the target at 15 yards, as well.

I also own a P32, and the trigger is MUCH lighter than my P11. It's small, light, and disappears into a pocket. Never missed a lick when shooting. I have found that I can also group quite well at 15 yards, now that I've practiced, and 50 rounds is quite easily fired, one after another.

I have a K-frame Model 10 from the late 1960s that has a trigger that feels like 10 miles of bad road. It's a factory trigger, right from S&W. I'd rather be shooting my P11 than that particular pistol. "Glass-Smooth", HAH!!

My suggestion is to try one out before buying anything. If you can afford an EMP, and can find one that's reliable out of the box, have at it. Same with the Kahr. Same with the Kel-Tec. One of the reasons that companies stay in business is because not everyone agrees on the worth of a particular handgun. Fit, and pointability are personal traits that are determined by physical properties, and not by listening to someone else glorify their choice.

Pappy John

New member

Nevermind. I don't like it THAT much.

The new mag has my PF-9 working like it should. Sent for a new spring and follower for my original mag. Kel-Tec is providing them gratis. Nice customer service.

Pappy John

New member
The EMP is an amazing little gun. Try shooting groups with the Kel-Tec like this:


Okay, Sturm, I love a challenge. I couldn't quite match that group, but I don't think this was too shabby. Forty rounds from 21 feet.


Of course I said "Oh, p-shaw!" when I pulled that 9. But it was 100% me...not the gun.


New member
he new mag has my PF-9 working like it should. Sent for a new spring and follower for my original mag. Kel-Tec is providing them gratis. Nice customer service.

I would have changed the mag body myself.I have a feeling it's a mag lips holding the round to low or the space between the feed lips is to wide.

Let us know what happens with that mag.


Moderator Emeritus
So far, two out of five PF-9s I've seen have gone down with trigger return spring problems. Fortunately the fix is a simple one.


New member
It's an interesting gun.
However, it's not interesting enough for me to rush out and trade my G26 in on one!!!
When you have nine millimeters up the wazoo you have a tendency to think about these things whenever a new one hits the market.


New member
I have no doubt the PF-9s are going to work out to be great little guns. A worthy sister to the P-11. I hope everyone continues to bash them so those of us who continue to BUY them can still get them cheap.


Moderator Emeritus
Who's bashing? I just said that I saw two out of five go down with trigger return spring problems.

What happens is that the plastic frame is what holds the trigger return spring captive; there's enough flex in the frame to let the little 90* elbow spring pop loose; et voila, your trigger don't reset no mo'.

The fix is to remove the little metal chassis that carries the lockwork from the plastic frame, heat the plastic frame enough to where it's just a little flexy (I'd imagine your dishwasher on hot would do the trick; the gunsmiths used the ultrasonic cleaner) squeeze the frame to make the chassis a little tighter fit, cool the frame quickly to make it 'take a set', then reinsert the lockwork chassis. There you go; all better.


New member

It's true the 380 also has a problem with trigger rest.My trigger failed to rest once,and nothing seemed would fix it.

Till I dropped the mag and racked the slide,since then it's been 100%.

Pocket pistols will always have issues due to violent recoil being placed on such small parts.Kahr has it's share and I'm sure the new EMP will also suffer the same fate.


New member
OK. But is the PF-9 a pocket gun? I can pocket a P-32, of course. I routinely pocket an aluminum-frame Model 85. My PT-745 is a bit much, though. When I carry it, it's in my right front pocket, but I still resent the weight and size--and the print.

Does anybody pocket carry the PF-9? How does it compare to a J-frame? Would you be comfortable sitting down in jeans on a bench at the playground next to a soccer mom or would there be a obvious gun on your thigh?


New member
Well the gunshows around here are asking $399 :eek: and will only go down to $350 :eek: :eek:

Even a used one I saw was $350 :eek: :eek::

Is the gun worth that price :confused:

Pappy John

New member
Keep lookin'. Mine was only $249......'course that was before taxes and tags.

I'm sure they weren't selling it at a loss.


New member
I don't think the PF-9 would replace my Taurus Snub as my pocket gun. The slickest pocket gun I have is my P32. An auto any larger than that becomes really difficult to pull out of my pocket with my meaty hands on the grip. The small boot grip and bobbed hammer makes my snub a snap to draw from the pocket. I have a P-11 that fits easily in the front pocket of most of my jeans but drawing is, once again, iffy. More and more I am leaning towards a light framed .38 snub as my ultimate pocket gun. I haven't seen anything that is going to replace my M&P 9c as my belt gun.