Kel-Tec P3AT failure


New member
You shot and hit the animal. It stopped what it was doing and left. How's is that a failure? If you wanted to kill it put more holes in it. Racoons are tough son of a guns. And can be quite bold. I've ran into my share of them hiking and camping. Thought I was going to have to shoot one once. We had our food secured high up in a tree. We were in bear country. Middle of th night we heard a hugh commotion. I thought oh no a bear. Grabed my Glock 30 and a flashlight to check. It was a racoon. The light and some hollering got it to leave. If I have to shoot an animal I expect with a pistol to have to shoot it several times. If one does the job great. If not shoot as necesary.


New member
Last racoon I had to shoot took 1 round from a 40 S&W carbine to kill.
Let me tell you a 40 will put a nice big hole the backside of a racoons head


New member
Head shot = insta dead.

Stop trying to plant bullets to grow guns and you will kill the critter first time next time.

mega twin

New member
My gp100 failed to stop a charging armadillo with four rounds of remington 125 grain jhp,
Maybe if I had hit it, the story would have had a different ending,
good thing it was charging away from me:)

michael t

New member
2 gut shots at point blank range
Gun didn't fail .Ammo didn't fail . Shooter failed shot placement . Head shot coon be DRT for sure. Even people gut shot run off most time. I had to shoot a dog that been hit by a car last summer .Were out in country I used a KT 380 and Corbon 1 shot in head over.


New member
friend of mine emptied a 38 into a raccoon with out putting it down, shot placement and ammo, but then again head shots to a raccoon ain't easy.


New member
A pistol will never again be my first choice to shoot a varmint. I found this out last year when I tried to kill a woodchuck that was tearing up my wife's garden. I had to empty my S&W revolver loaded with .38sp swc to get him to stop kicking. I hit him every time, too. The last shot was in the top of the head. That did it. I am not at all proud of that episode. After that I found that a 20ga shotgun with #6 shot at 25' does the trick every time. Critters are tough and anything less than a headshot usually won't put them down quickly. Shot placement is more important that what gun you are using. Even a lowly .22 LR will put down a big animal with proper shot placement to the head. It is always the Indian, not the arrow.


New member
Maybe you gotta taze them first so they stay still while you try and shoot them. :rolleyes:

Just a thought, but practice on little balloons blowing around the yard might be better practice than those bullseye targets at the range. ;)


New member
as a long time coon hunter a well placed . 22cb in the the reflection of his eye will put him down fine.

however i saw one shot with a 1oz slug once from 15'. it pretty much ripped out all the guts, it drug its self about 40' before it died.