Kel Tec 2000sub v Beretta CX4 Storm


New member
Looking into getting a 9mm Carbine and I might be buying a Kel Tec 2000 sub. Does anyone own one of these and have problems?? Another more expensive option is getting a used Beretta CX4 Storm, the concern I have other than the price (which is almost $200 for a used carbine) is there seems to be a lot of used Storms available...not a good sign. Is it a quality issue or is the Storm just not a good seller.


New member
I know nothing about the Storm, but I really like my 9mm S2K. Couple of thousand rounds, no problems at all. Can shoot it indoors or on the pistol range. "In the black" accurate at 25 yds, reasonably accurate at 100yds. Good plinker.


Doug S

New member
I ordered a Kel-Tec Sub 2000 with the G17 grip today. I have no prior experience with this firearm, but the Beretta is going for over $600. I just can't see what makes the Beretta so much more expensive. The S2K only costs $275. I picked up a Hi-Point 9mm carbine this week, and even though I didn't expect much, so far, it is a nice shooting, reliable rifle. If it used Glock mags, I wouldn't have bothered with the Kel-Tec.


New member
me either

I can't see why the storm is so high either. If I am going to spend that kind of money I'm going to buy an AR


3 gun

New member
For what I paid for my slightly used Sub2000 I could almost have 3 for the price of a Storm. I've done a short write up on my time with my Sub2k HERE
Since my last update there I've found a new way to mount a scope that may work much better than the KT mount. It may even allow the carbine to fold again. The parts are ordered, when I get them on and sorted out I'll do an update with pics.


New member
You said it about the Beretta Storms price...I can buy a cheap AR for that price. I know the guy at my store will try to sell me one because I have to order a Kel Tec but they have plenty of Storms in stock. Sort of like when you buy a car they want you to buy something on the lot. I just find the fold-ability of the kel tec is a big plus. Also there is a slight possibility that I might be purchasing a Glock handgun in the future so having the Glock version would be great for magazine compatibility


New member
I know that they don't make them anymore, but I have a nice little Marlin Camp Carbine in 9mm, and I bet it would shoot circle around the storm and kel-tec :D


New member
I have the Kel-Tec S2K in .40 gripped for the Beretta 96 mag and I like it so far with 3 dozen rounds through. Bought it used (100 rds), for $250. But, I also bought a new CX4 Storm in .40 as well. I figured too hard to choose, so I just got 'em both. The Storm is due in sometime this week from BudsGunShop. Maybe I'll do a head-to-head at the range soon, and post the results. Shoot well-be safe. :)


New member
Badman do that...that would be cool. I also notice Hi-point carbines in your list, you should compare all three.

Dirty Harry....If I can find a Marlin Camp Carbine, I will buy it. They are getting hard to come by.

arabian cowboy

New member
with all these 9mm carbines going for 300-600$, does anyone know why bobcat charges an outrageous 1400$ for their mp5 clone 9mm carbine? is it just because the name recognition of hk? i would like to have one, but its about 1000$ more than i would pay for a 9mm.


New member
ive shot my brothers .40 cal storm and i liked it alot, i thought about buying one but i think im gonna go with the .40 cal hi-point


New member
Hey Mickey. That's a good idea! The Hi-Point Carbine is a .40 also. Hi-Point has it for repairs at the moment, but when it gets back I'll do a comparison of the three. That'll be Kel-Tec, CX4 Storm and Hi-Point, and they are all .40 caliber. That should be interesting at least. I'll start now saving for all that :)


New member
I've never owned a Sub 2000 but I did own its predecessor, the Sub 9. I really wasn't too impressed with it. The Kel Tec Sub is one of those "solutions in search or a problem." Folding is neat but is it really useful for most people? About the only time I could see "needing" a folding carbine might be for a suitcase gun. If I was taking an interstate road trip, and didn't want to get involved with handgun legalities for motel room security, it might be nice to have a "long gun" that could be concealed in a suitcase.

I currently own a CX4 Storm in .45 ACP. The ergonomics of this carbine are fantastic. (The Kel Tec looked and felt like it was designed by a plumber. No offense, if anyone reading this is a plumber.) I might have been more attracted to the KT if it was offfered in .45 ACP. My Storm will probably fit in a medium size suitcase also. At about 30", it's shorter than a Bushmaster M4 with the buttstock telecoped in, very compact for a "long gun".


New member
I have shot both the Kel-Tec Sub2000 and the Beretta Storm CX4. I thought I'd like the Sub2000, but it was flimsy and the noise of the bolt cycling was loud (even with hearing protection). I'm not saying it doesn't work as a firearm, it just didn't seem like it was in for the long haul with a decent round count. In contrast, the Storm seemed like a relatively solid gun. It was fun. It did what I needed it to do and it seemed like it would hold up over time.

As far as the reasons for seeing many used Storms for sale, I think that is a function of market share coupled with the narrow niche of a pistol caliber carbine. While the CX4 is great for indoor range use where you may be limited to pistol calibers, it's not the tactical tool Beretta is trying to paint it as. I think a lot of people got one and then decided they didn't want $500 tied up in an oversized pistol with limited application. With the Sub2000, I don't think you see a lot of used ones for sale simply because they're not that popular to begin with and their resale value is low. If you picked up a Sub2000 for $300 and then went to a gun store to sell it, the store would probably offer about $150. At that price, you might as well keep it.

There are pros and cons to both designs (for example, Kel-Tec was brilliant in making several versions of their guns to be compatible with several different brands of magazines). That said, you should probably invest some time in trying both before buying either. Good luck...

Te Anau

New member
Hey Mickey. That's a good idea! The Hi-Point Carbine is a .40 also. Hi-Point has it for repairs at the moment, but when it gets back I'll do a comparison of the three. That'll be Kel-Tec, CX4 Storm and Hi-Point, and they are all .40 caliber. That should be interesting at least. I'll start now saving for all that
Good idea.You could give us a decent rundown just using 50 rounds through each.Make sure theyre all running the same ammo.;)


New member
OK Te I want to digress a moment...

Te Anau, I think 50 rounds each-same ammo, on the three carbines is a good suggestion. And just to let you know, I took you up on another of your suggestions from another recent thread. Getting off the subject of this thread for a moment...Back about 2 weeks ago you mentioned the Master Piece Arms pistols and everyone else on the thread started being sarcastic and making fun. Not me! I was curious so, I looked it up on the net and I thought it looked very cool as well. I bought one! I bought the MPA .45 Defender, picked it up from my FFL yesterday and shot it for the first time today. I put 150 rds through it at the range with 4 FTE's/stovepipes but not a big deal. It was even pretty damned accurate, believe it or not. It is heavy, but shooting it is comfortable with very little felt recoil. And it certainly raised some eyebrows, all the guys at the range asked about it! Let the other guys on the forum laugh all they want, the MPA is a lot of fun! Oh, and I also bought an HK P2000 LEM .40 and fired it for the first time today as well. Flawless/deadly accurate, through 214 rds! Thanks for the tip Te! If I can ever figure out how to post pics on here I'll let you guys see the collection. :D