keep the guns forever? send them on their way someday?


New member
If I don't like them I sell them and buy a new gun (or at least something gun related since I sold my Beretta 92 and bought reloading gear). Some guns I have I don't shoot much but still just can't bring myself to sell them.

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Some are keepers...others, until I get tired of them

I hae my Grandfather's Ithaca shotgun, its 102 years old, currently. I have one of my Dad's rifles, and 3 of his pistols. They are gone from the family, but their guns are still with us, and provide memories everytime I see them.
I still have my first deer rifle, that my Dad gave me. These guns aren't going anywhere until after I do. Then they will go to my children. Along with whatever else is in my collection at the time.

Others, I have bought, and some kept for decades. When I decide I want to sell or trade them, I will.

lee n. field

New member
keep the guns forever? send them on their way someday?

Also to note this: You can't keep those guns forever. All, in this era, die.

Unless a particular piece has historic or sentimental value, Hitler's gun or your grandfathers, they're toys, tools and a store of value.


New member
Interesting question. We only have one child - a boy who is now 11. I haven't talked it over with him but this is what I'm thinking:

There are a few guns in my collection that have been in the family for generations. He will most definitely inherit those guns.

There are a couple guns in my collection that are my son's guns (meaning, I bought them for him). He is welcome to take them with him when he moves away from home as long as he is able to store them safely and securely.

The rest of my guns may be kept or sold, at my son's option, upon my death. I don't plan any sort of mass sell-off prior to that time.