keep the guns forever? send them on their way someday?


New member
I was just wondering people's thoughts on the guns they own. Are they a part of the family, or I should rephrase: are they lifetime purchases? Some people might sell at one point due to financial issues but also for a numerous other scenarios. I almost sold my ruger gp100 357 a while back to make room in the safe for a 44 magnum I was gonna buy. I pretty much knew this wouldn't happen though. I am the type of person who will never part with any of my firearms except to hand them down thru my family in one form or another.

thoughts on this or your opinions? are there certain weapons you would never let go, yet others you can't wait to have a good offer on?

all the best


New member
I'll keep the ones I now have,,,

I only have a very few guns from my youth,,,
Most of my guns have been purchased in the last 3 years.

In my case they are all guns I have wanted for a long time,,,
Or guns I recently "discovered" and like quite a bit.

For that reason I'll probably keep all of the ones I now have until I die,,,
Or until I'm too old and/or infirm to actively shoot them anymore,,,
in which case I'll give them away to carefully selected people.

It's self-serving but I would like the pleasure,,,
Of seeing the reactions of the people I gift my guns to.


Dr. Strangelove

New member
I sold an SKS and a Taurus PT 101P, both mostly because I bought them on a whim and just didn't really care for either. (plus needed the money)

Any I've received from family or had since childhood, it would be very hard for me to part with them, but I've learned to never say never about anything.


Active member
I have sold 7 guns in the last 27 years. Out of those, I only wish I kept one of them. You'll know when it's time to sell a gun. Either you will be able to get a price you just can't refuse, or you just don't want that gun for whatever reason anymore.


I love mine so much I want to be burried with them. They all wouldnt fit in the casket with me but I will get a casket placed underneath me to hold them all.:cool:


New member
They'll all be gone before I am. I'm down to three at the moment, even though my latest is less than a month old. But I traded away two that I already had for that one. I know that no one else in the family is interested, so it doesn't matter to me at all. I'm trying not to worship things at this point in my life.


New member
Keep forever, that's why it's called a gun collection :D . I plan to pass my guns down to my kids. Some day I stand to inherit a few too ... some even from my grandfather and my wife's grandfather. Those too will be passed down to my sons eventually.


New member
I love mine so much I want to be burried with them. They all wouldnt fit in the casket with me but I will get a casket placed underneath me to hold them all.

Gun safe = gun casket :D

Actually, that seems like a terrible waste of guns. Find someone who likes them as much as you (raising hand)...


New member
I'm training all my kids to be shooters. I'm also buying guns specifically for them for the future, while I can afford it and while the current political environment permits it. Some of the guns they will get when they move out and begin their lives on their own. The rest they will inherit when I depart the fix. The intent will be for them to hand them down as well, so potentially my grandkids, great grandkids, etc will be shooting the guns I buy today.

So, lifetime purchases? No, longer than that.

The best part will be what they find if they ever remove the butt plate or recoil pad off the stock. I am writing messages to them to laminate and put under there. It will be a great surprise to them one day...


New member
I have sold several in recent years and now with I hadn't.
We may value them personally for reasons beyond intrinsic worth. But, fact is, once we die they just become some of the 'stuff' your family must deal with. If they don't want the gun then they will be sold, probably for way less than market value. However, in many cases the family does want them. The rest of my small collection, about a dozen, will remain and be designated who gets what in my will.


New member
Not to jack the thread,,,

It will be a great surprise to them one day...

I pulled the stock off of an old Springfield to clean it for a friend,,,
Rolled up inside the stock under the barrel was a note,,,
It was a very short bio of the original owner.

My friend said he was going to try to find any descendants,,,
I have no idea if that action ever came to fruition.

I have already listed who gets what gun(s) in my small collection,,,
Each gun comes with a sealed envelope containing a letter to the recipient,,,
In the letter I explain what their friendship has meant to me and why I selected this gun to give to them.

Sounds sappy but I want them to remember me for a short while.

Just an interesting segue,,,



Active member
Each gun comes with a sealed envelope containing a letter to the recipient,,,
In the letter I explain what their friendship has meant to me and why I selected this gun to give to them.

Sounds sappy but I want them to remember me for a short while.

Sounds like a good idea to me - I might just have to borrow it from you.

Southern Rebel

New member
I love mine so much I want to be burried with them. They all wouldnt fit in the casket with me but I will get a casket placed underneath me to hold them all.

Please bury them on top instead of under you - I hate the idea of disturbing the dead with a bunch of shovel racket! :D

Oh, if it isn't too much trouble, please provide a map of the cemetery so that we can come by to pay our respects. :rolleyes:

(Now, the above may sound disrespectful - but if you were still functional and someone buried you, I would certainly try to rescue you also!)


New member
With one or two exceptions, I have kept all the guns that "work for me." However, I can certainly see why one might keep only a certain number of guns to meet specific needs.


New member
I have only traded on gun in my short collecting life. I bought a sigma series 9mm and I liked it alot. I made the mistake of taking it with me to my parents house and allowed my pops to take a peek at it. He unloaded it and broke it down and after 10 minutes of silently inspecti ng every aspect of the gun and dry firing it for a few more minutes he offered to trade his keltek for it. I said hell no. After a few hours and some back and forth smack talk he offered ONE of his g27's (he has 3). Oh I snatched that joker like a fat kid snatches donuts at a bakery. I think I came out on top. Its my EDC gun and I'm in love with it. My pops uses his sigma as his truck gun. Other than a situation like this I will never part with my guns. I take my time to buy them to be sure it will be something I will want to keep. Ill now ask my pops if he would like it if I have a change of heart after the purchase. This weights a bit on my buying decisions. All his guns will be mine or my sons anyway and I plan keeping the tradition going forever. Or at least until our government takes them. :( Then I guess me and my family will become outlaws. We'll see when the time comes. If it ever does.


New member
I suppose I could sell a gun but I haven't yet. I almost sold my Glock 22 (my least favorite handgun) but couldn't do it. It's my only .40 and it makes a great camping gun.


New member
I sold a colt 22 years back and still can't forgive myself for it. I just can't get rid of any gun Ive purchased since. Will pass them on to my children and hope they continue the tradition.
For me, Theres nothing better than cleaning and shooting the guns my dad passed on to me.