Kahr reliability


New member
I am looking very hard at the CW40 for CCW

- VERY thin
- VERY light
- Inexpensive

I shot one the other day and though a bit "snappy" I would have no problem shooting 100 rds in single setting. I also plan to put Hogue grips on it as well.

I have been a SIG DA/SA guy, so a striker fired pistol is new for me.

So my question is this........

For those that have bought a KAHR CW or P series in THE LAST 3 YEARS ONLY

What sort of reliability have you seen personally (not internet rereads from a few years back)?

Do you trust it for CCW?

After first 200 rds, how many F-T-F, F-T-E's have you had?

(I am asking this question, because I have heard that Kahr has done some significant improvements on quality the last few years)

If I can figure it out...... I would like to make a poll as well :eek:


New member
PM9 - no failures - probably 200 rounds through it including some hi end HPs. They are VERy good at what they provide - slim. LW, and fairly accurate at close range. I DO like the LONG smooth and fairly light trigger pull - it is safe and constant between shots.

I bought mine LNIB USED.

I trust it.


New member
P380 1 fail to feed per 100 rounds for the first 200 rounds of Winchester white box. Subsequent 300 + rounds of white box + Gold Dot & Golden Saber no malfunctions whatsoever.

MK40 400 rounds no malfunctions whatsoever. Carry one or the other .... and sometimes both with no qualms.


New member
CW9, PM9 and P380 bought in last 180 days. No issues with the 9s except for the extended mag (PM9) so I don't use it, even for the range. P380 flawless during break-in but have to remember proper grip to avoid "insufficient recoil resistance", got a little sloppy during my last range trip.

I note that I was concerned over the "cheese-grater" grips, but they're not noticed during firing.

You may wish to check out this Kahr-prep thread:


And this Kahr-lube thread:



New member
(I am asking this question, because I have heard that Kahr has done some significant improvements on quality the last few years)

My older Kahrs work just as well as my newer Kahrs. That said; out of the 7 Kahrs I own, the CW9 is the only one to disappoint me due to lightstrikes.

I carry a Kahr P9, so I guess that means I trust the gun. It's trigger and striker assembly is the same as on the CW9. I suppose I got a lemon CW. It was used when I bought it.


New member
For those that have bought a KAHR CW or P series in THE LAST 3 YEARS ONLY

What sort of reliability have you seen personally (not internet rereads from a few years back)?

I have had mine for about 8 months. 100% reliable.

Do you trust it for CCW?

Yes - I would...

After first 200 rds, how many F-T-F, F-T-E's have you had?


I have over 700 rounds with the cheapest ammo you can buy from Walmart -WWB, Tula, Federal. Plus a spattering of high quaility Self Defense ammo....


New member
The mag started dropping out on my P9. They sent me a new mag catch, but I haven't tried it since I installed it.

Golfin Gator

New member
CW9 bought within the last 30 days. Traded my Taurus 709SS for it.

First range trip was 100 times the accuracy of the 709. Have now put over 200 rounds through it with no FTFs or FTEs.

Great pisto.


For what it's worth,.....

I have had 4 Kahrs over the years. Two K40's, one CW9, one CW45. All excellent weapons, zero malf's. Owning another is not out of the question for me. Just really didn't shoot them as much as some of my other guns because of the trigger pull. That said, if you don't put the time into getting intimate with the trigger pull you just don't shoot them as well as other guns, or at least I didn't. Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT bashing Kahr by no means. They build EXCELLENT weapons. I do have to ask myself if they couldn't change that LONG trigger pull somehow. But I think that trigger pull is somewhat of a safety feature for Kahr. BTW all 4 of these were ccw guns for me. So I did trust my life with them. I just got to where I didn't trust how well I shot them. YMMV. I think if I or anyone for that matter can get use that trigger that reliability of the weapon is not a question.

just because your paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you! :D


New member
Kahr K9, made in 1997: never a problem, still own it just because it's so reliable

Kahr CW9 made in 2008: Never a problem, sold it because I have the K9

Kahr PM45 made in 2009 or 2008: wore out the slide stop in 300ish rounds, Kahr mailed me a new one and all good. Always fired just wouldn't always lock the slide back. Traded it but not because it was a problem

Kahr P45 made in ? ( maybe 2009 or 2010 ) : only 250 rounds through it but never an issue, #2 in my carry rotation. If you took my Kimber Ultra away from me this P45 is what I would carry full time.

Kahrs rock....in my opinion of course


New member
As my name says, I'm a fan... Have CW45 & CW9 both within 2 yrs... put about 400 rds. through each.
Love 'em. Highly reliable... easy shooters for such light guns. They have big tough extractors and that's one of the keys to their reliability and popularity. Durable enough for range fun. Small & light enough for comfortable carry.
I haven't felt a need to buy any other autos since gettin' em... They satisfied my craving.


New member
Well, the only one I have bought within the last three years was a PM45, and it worked just fine.

I sold it because it wasn't much smaller than my P45, which has worked perfectly for the last 3-4 years....and a bit larger than my PM9, which I have owned for 4+ years, and carried for 3+.

I am currently considering replacing my LCP with a PM380. :)


New member
I bought a PM9 which I subsequently sold to fellow member threegun who reports zero malfunctions of any sort. I have since purchased a P380 which I can report zero malfunctions of any sort. What more could anyone ask? Them little Kahrs flat out work, mine from day one.


New member
I have a PM9. It has about 400 + rounds through it and never had a failure yet. I trust my life with it already. I think Kahrs are fine carry pistols. The steep ramp into the chamber made me a little nervous at first. But like I said it hasn't had any failures.

Edit: Mine is about a year old.


New member
I picked up my CW9 last Monday. It's my first polymer framed gun, and I like it very much. Seems to be just the right size for a 9mm in a compact package. I've only shot 100 rounds of my 115 grain JHP handloads through it, and I've had 1 failure to feed. But, that was my fault. I failed to use the slide stop to release the slide on a full mag, as the manual suggests. Accuracy was excellent, despite my unfamiliarity with the DAO trigger. Even so, the DAO trigger on the CW9 seems to be very light, and not too long.

I'm very impressed with the gun. I think it's going to be a great one.


New member
im about 300 rounds in on my cw9 not a hiccup. i will say it doesnt like to be hand cycled. use the slide release.


New member
I had a CW9, sold it a few months ago to fund something else. It was a great gun, around 400 rounds through it without a single problem with any kind of ammo. Did use it as a carry gun... still miss it from time to time... (sigh)

Blue Devil

New member
Pm9 for roughly 2 yrs. No failures of any kind with 300-400 rounds. I trust it 100 percent for cvs. Very high quality gun.


New member
I've had a K9 since the year they were introduced, a P40 that I traded after two years and a PM9 for about two. I shoot a lot and really worked these little pistols out and have found them to be extremely reliable. They are as reliable as any good quality large framed pistol. One caveat, the polymer forties are snappy, but very manageable considering what they are. Also, I do believe they do need a break in even though mine were fine out of the box. Best of luck!!