Kahr PM45 or PM9?

Which do you recommend?

  • Kahr PM9

    Votes: 76 69.1%
  • Kahr PM45

    Votes: 20 18.2%
  • Neither

    Votes: 15 13.6%

  • Total voters


New member
I have been researching both the PM45 and PM9 extensively (searched thorough just about every forum), however most posts about the PM45 were made prior to 2010. I would like to know if anyone with either the PM45 or PM9 have experienced any issues with the firearms/or very satisfied with their purchase.

The majority of the threads I have read mention various issues with the PM45, however I would prefer the PM45 to the PM9. If Kahr still has issues with the PM45, I wouldn't be against going with the PM9. Concealed carry isn't an issue now since I am in the military and stationed in Illinois which doesn't allow carry of any kind, but when I transfer I will definitely put in for a CC permit. The size difference is negligible as I do not plan on pocket carrying either of them, but they are still slim enough for comfortable IWB carry. The closest range is over an hour away from where I live, and they only have a PM9 available to rent. I plan on heading out that way in a few weeks to test fire it before making a purchase anyway.

Just about everything I have read shows Kahr stands behind their product, but I would prefer to find something that works out of the box. I am aware of the recommend break in period, and I am not new to firearms. Another reason I am leaning towards the 45 is because I currently have a 1911 (with zero issues), and I am very fond of the round in general. I have experience with various compact 45s (Glock, H&K, M&P) but I have never been able to come across a Kahr. Also, I know about the CM/CW series, but I would prefer the PM.

I am also open to other suggestions from those who have fired either of the Kahrs. There is no shortage of choices when looking at some of the other mini-9s and 45s, but I would prefer constructive thoughts as opposed to starting a brand war. Thank you for any/all responses.


New member

Kahr stands behind their product. If you really want the 45 caliber
I say get it. More than likely it will work for you and work well.
If it won't run, send it back to Kahr on their nickle and they will
get it to run. If you need some support here, go hang out on
the forum at http://kahrtalk.com/ for a while. You can get good
feedback on Kahr pistols there.

I own 2 polymer Kahrs at this time, PM9 and P380. They run fine.
I've owned two others in the past, a P40C and a PM40. They ran
fine too. My favorite, by far, is the PM9. It is an exceptional pistol
for pocket carry, balancing size and power perfectly.


Kahr stands behind their product. If you really want the 45 caliber
I say get it. More than likely it will work for you and work well.

Had a PM-45 that I had to send back to Kahr because it wouldn't run a full magazine without jamming. They "fixed" it and sent it back, after which it only jammed once out of every two or three magazines. Have to say, though, that it ran much better with JHP ammo than ball, probably due to OAL.

Fit and finish were substandard and I had to clean hundreds of metal shavings, some as large as a pin head, out of the action. You might expect that from a Hi-Point or even a Taurus but a $700 supposedly top-quality SD handgun? :barf::barf::barf:

Now have a Walther PPS in .40 S&W -- almost as much poop per pop, thinner and more concealable, and dead nutz reliable. :cool:


New member


chris in va

New member
I rented a CW45 a while back, didn't care for the recoil at all (when it worked). Couldn't imagine that in a smaller package.


New member

I had 2 PM45's and still have the PM9. My first PM45 was a problem I had to send it back 2x to Kahr. My 2nd PM45 was fine. They can be very "pickle" guns (PM45) but it's to be expected. Shooting a 45 from such a small gun. The PM45 is a handful to shoot and follow-up shots are a little harder than a 9mm. My accuracy was ok within 10-15yds. I would rather carry the PM9. The recoil is not as bad the follow up shots are faster and my accuracy is better. But that just me. Keep in mind if you do choose the PM45 make sure the ammo you use cycles live rounds without jamming. The Hornady ammo gave me the most problems. Remington GS and speer gold dots work the best for me. If you limb wrist the PM45 it will jam for sure. My CW45 is a cream-puff no problems at all.


New member
My PM9 has shot flawlessly right from the box. It has never experienced any malfunctions of any sort and is surprisingly accurate.

I've also just purchased a Kahr P380.


New member
Both pistols work as advertised. I personally prefer the PM9, but then I also have the ability to conceal carry in Washington State and the PM9 is ideal for that purpose. When it comes to a .45ACP polymer pistol I own an HK USP .45 Compact. It works better for me. I can conceal carry it and it makes an excellent home defense piece as well. With service pistols I prefer the external safety and DA/SA capability that HK gives me. When it comes to DAO you'll not be disappointed with either Kahr. Their trigger is second to none when it comes to DAO. Travel and fire the PM9. You'll at least get an idea on how well you like the trigger. Good luck and thank you for your service.


New member
Thanks for the quick responses everyone. I also appreciate that chart los... I have seen others that you have posted all over the forum, great work.

I've also heard about the issue with cycling live rounds, and that was one of my concerns with the PM45. I would hate to have to drop the magazine in order to clear it, as IMO that kind of makes the PM worthless in the event of a FTF/FTE. I keep hearing that Kahr has the smoothest DA pull though so I am looking forward to making a trip out to the range. Hopefully they will have a PM45 to shoot as well (not advertised on their website though). Thanks again to everyone who has responded, and I look forward to further comments.


New member
Mine had 3 FTF the first 220rnds (or so). Then took it home to clean and lube. Took it out the next day and shot another 200+ problem free. Since then i've shot it an additional 400+ rounds without any failures. Some here get a failure free right out of the box, and that's great, but some of us do have to break it in (as it says in the manual). I do now trust this gun for my conceal (conceals nicely) as that is what I bought if for. Looks great too! I also carry a G36 on occasions but the PM9 (w/+P loads) is my primary CCW.



New member
Do you have a range that would let you shoot one?
I wanted a PM9 until I shot one. Due to the short sight radius I could not hold a good group. I went with the P9 just a little longer and IWB you can't tell it. The purchased a P380 to go with it.



New member
My PM45 has been great. It is my daily "off-duty" carry gun. Didn't have much for problems during break-in and it has been flawless since the first 100 rounds.

I'm used to shooting 45's so the recoil was not an issue and accuracy is great!


New member
It seems like the PM9 is the preferred model. After doing a little more research I found that I can order either the PM9/45 from Bud's and save around $100 from their LEO website. I know that the LGS probably won't be able to match that so I am also considering the CW series as well. I found a range that is only 30 minutes away while browsing Kahr's website (for some reason it didn't show up on Google Maps with the area code), and they are an actual Kahr dealer, so I'd imagine that they have a pretty decent selection. I have actually read better things about the CW45/CW9 as well, so I wonder if the P series is a little more reliable due to the somewhat larger size.

Thanks again for all the suggestions. I am looking forward to heading out this weekend if Uncle Sam comes through. At the very least the $250 price difference would give me a little extra money for magazines/ammo, which is always a good thing.


New member

I purchased the PM9 because a friend told me the 45 has a few issues and is a real kicker.

The PM9 in my opinion is the best light weight carry gun made. It is 9 instead of 380, it conceals beautifully, is (at least in my case) completely reliable, takes down easily, is accurate for its size (beating all the mouse guns I have owned or tried) and is worth the high price.


New member
I voted PM9 because that's what I have. I trust it and I love this little pistol. I have about 400+ through it without a failure of any type. Great weapon. But I do believe Kahr would stand behind thier weapons if you had trouble with them (I don't have first hand experience though). From what I've read on the internet they seem to have decent customer service.


New member
I have a PM45 and went through the same internal debate. I wanted to stay on the .45 caliber and still have a small carry weapon. The PM9 seems to work better, or is more popular for small concealed carry versus the PM45 (just my thought, not fully documented by empirical evidence), but I wanted to stay with a round I like, albeit on a slightly larger frame. My experience is limited, but the first 50 rounds worked flawlessly. I followed the break in procedure recommended on kahrtalk.com and it has been a great handgun to this point. Obviously, I need to put more rounds through the gun for a truly objective assessment, but the start has been perfect and the break in period is often the time you experience the most issues.

Good luck with your decision.