Kahr P9 or Glock 26 or another?


The 3.48" barrel in nearly the same size package as the j frames offers a HUGE ballistic advantage. Clocked 125 grain bullets at between 1200 and 1248 fps out of a Glock 26.

The j frame 1.8" barrel looses huge ballistically, from a 3" barrel, or, in particular, a 3.5" barrel in 357.


http://www.hipowersandhandguns.com/P... Pistols.htm

The above article made me think twice about purchasing a plastic Kahr (reliability problems)...so, went with the Glock 26...my new summer carry gun methinks...alternating with my 642.

Well, but this source that you refer to here is about just one single person's experience. And he states that he only had this problem when using +P ammo with a very early production P9.

The P9 has been in production for many years now. It was introduced way back in March of 2000. So obviously this person is referring to a very, very old issue.

To assume that this means that the P9 still has any such issues over 8 years later is most unreasonable.

I bought the P40 right when it first came out, and it was 100% totally reliable from the first round through it. But recoil was so severe on my hand, that I ended up selling it.

I am most happy with my current Kahr: a PM-9 It is much lighter and easier to conceal than a Glock 26.



New member
Actually, there are numerous problems, noted on this forum as well as others, with the reliability issue on plastic Kahrs. Personally, I would like the all-metal Kahr...but do not think they have all the bugs worked out of their plastic yet. Small...light...but nothing I'd risk my life with. I'll stick with the Glock.


New member
I have a G27 which is the same size as the G26. I also had a P9 for several years. It shot well and was considerably more concealable than the Glock. It's difficult for me to comfortably conceal the chunky profile of a Glock. Many do and have no complaints. It's difficult for me. The Kahr is a nice little gun.

In all fairness, I should add that I did have some reliability problems with it. I have heard of others having similar problems, so it's not a fluke.

All you guys worried about concealing the Glocks need to man up and start carrying a fanny pack like I do...it really simplifies life in so many ways. :)


New member
I don't own a Kahr P9, but I do have the K9 (fairly close to the same pistol (dimension wise), except the K9 is all stainless steel (heavier)) and also a G26. If I had to choose between the two, I would choose the G26. Both are great guns, but I really like my Glocks and the G26 (like already mentioned) carries 3 more rounds. I carry both in IWB kydex holsters. Here is a pic of the two next to each other:



Ok, here is a Glock 26 on the left, compared to the new Walther PPS on the right:


Now here is a Kahr PM-9 in the middle, with the Walther PPS on the left, and the Kel-Tec PF-9 on the right:


As you can easily see, the Glock 26 is far thicker than any of these other compact pistols.

If you wear the Glock, it is going to make you look fat.

Or appear to have a tumor growing out of your side.



New member
Scanning through here, I see that nobody has mentioned that your G19 mags will fit the G26.
Personally, I carry two G17 mags as spares with mine!!


New member
If you can’t afford an HK P7 then get the G26.
I have a safe full of guns that I can choose from. From little 44 sp revolvers to small light weight 1911's.
And I hate Glocks,,,,
That is until I picked up a Glock 26 for the wife.
I carry the 26 most of the time now.
One suggestion, when you try the 26, check out the mag extensions.
I find the gun un-shootable without them.


New member
On another forum someone says they actually prefer their G27 (which has actually more recoil than the G26, since the G27 is .40 S&W cal) without pinky extensions! So to say the G26 is unshootable without an extension is pushing it a bit, I'd say. Maybe you shoot better with the extension (which I could understand)... but unshootable? I'm doubting that, personally. :D

Maybe you should change the way you grip it, instead. That might be why.


New member
The 3.48" barrel in nearly the same size package as the j frames offers a HUGE ballistic advantage. Clocked 125 grain bullets at between 1200 and 1248 fps out of a Glock 26.

The j frame 1.8" barrel looses huge ballistically, from a 3" barrel, or, in particular, a 3.5" barrel in 357.

The G26 handles +P+ very well. Better ballistics than .357mag coming out of my 3" Ruger SP-101. 1246fps with Ranger T.


New member
Change my grip Northalius?
That would mean cutting off the last two fingers of my hand, I have large hands and with out the extension for the mag I have a hard time shooting the gun, with the Extension I get a very firm grip with all three fingers.
I will back my original statement, "I" find the gun un--- NOT shootable in any controllable fashion with out the extensions.:p


New member
The G19 is great, but a bit too large for some people. Try Walther's new PPS, in 9mm. I think the G26 is top heavy and its stock is too short.


PPS is an excellent alternative, though it does share the Kahr's single-stack capacity "problem" (if you consider it a problem, I obviously don't with my 6+1 Kahr CW40)

My biggest issues with the PPS are 1. kinda expensive (around $600 here) and 2. I just cannot get used to the mag-release lever integrated into the trigger guard, some people love this feature but EVERY SINGLE TIME I try to pull the mag from a P99 or a PPS I embarass myself trying to push a button that isn't there.