Kahr P9 or Glock 26 or another?


New member
I am starting to get into concealed carry. Right now I own a Glock 19 and like it a lot. I have been carrying regularly for almost a month now and no one has noticed, not even my wife. Even though I have been pretty succesful so far, I find that my G19 sticks out a little sometimes, and I have a hard time concealing it well while in summer ware. If someone knew I was carrying they would probably be able to point out where my gun was.

I want my next gun to be a smaller CCP than my G19. I held and liked very much the P9, and I like the 9mm caliber so I want to stick with that. I held a G26 a while ago before I actually started shooting and did not like the short grip. Now I think I could get along with it. Does anybody carry these? What are the pros and cons of concealed carry with these? This gun would be my alternate CCW for when I need something smaller, or my main CCW during the summer. If you think of a better gun in 9mm than these two please suggest.
I have been carrying a G33 (same size as G26 but chamered for the VASTLY SUPERIOR .357sig round :D) and I find that it is the perfect size with the Pierce grip extension. I also find that the extension is small enough that it does not effect concealment.

I do not think there is a gun on the market that combines a simple to use design, unquestionable reliability, an easily concealed size, and higher capacities better than the sub-compact Glocks.

Although the Kahr's are also very fine guns. There has been question about the polymer models reliability in the past and the capacity is low but I still think they make fine carry guns.

Glock G33


New member
Unless you want ankle carry (because G26 is bulky for ankle carry, at least to me), G26 would serve you right.

G26 is cheaper, holds more rounds, more reliable.

David the Gnome

New member
The PM9 is pretty much the most comfortable CCW you could ask for. On the other hand I would want more than 6 rounds of 9mm. The Glock is about twice as wide but it has twice the capacity. It's a game of compromises. How much are you willing to give up for comfort?

Shadi Khalil

New member
You are already carriyng the G19 so why not get the 26? Same caliber, no new trigger set up to learn and you can swap mags.

Shadi Khalil

New member
I do not think there is a gun on the market that combines a simple to use design, unquestionable reliability, an easily concealed size, and higher capacities better than the sub-compact Glocks


I think it was you who I first heard say the HK2000sk was real close to a revolver. I find the sub-glocks to be very similar as well. I never fire my J-frames outide of DA and the unqustionable relibality of the glock really gives it a revolver feeling.


New member
You might also want to take a look at compact third generation SW handguns. A lot of people overlook these. I carry a SW 3913, single stack 9mm in traditional double action. The 3914 is DAO. The single stack has fewer rounds (8+1) but conceals much better than a double stack. You will need to look for the 3913/14 in used guns as SW has discontinued them except for law enforcement. I believe they still make the 908 which is simply a less refined version of the 3913. The 3913 comes in several variations (light or dark color, round or square trigger guard, with or without rail). I am not ashamed to say that I carry the LadySmith version.


If you can get hold of any of these to try, or at least hold, you may end up buying one.


New member
The PM9 is pretty much the most comfortable CCW you could ask for. On the other hand I would want more than 6 rounds of 9mm. The Glock is about twice as wide but it has twice the capacity. It's a game of compromises. How much are you willing to give up for comfort?


Glock 26 (and 27, 33, 39) width: 1.18"

Kahr PM9 width: 1.10"

That's twice as wide to you? :eek:

Glock height: 4.17 inches

PM9 height: 4.3


Glock 26 doublestack capacity: 11 rounds.

PM9 singlestack capacity: 7 rounds.

So, you gain only .08" with the Glock width, but 4 more rounds. Hmmmmm... ;)

Now we look at all the aftermarket (enhancement AND replacement) parts for Glocks! The reliability AND durability of Glocks! The cheap price of Glocks! The simplicity of Glocks! Ability to, with ease, shoot +p and +p+ rounds in Glocks!

Wow... someone'd have to be really crazy to not pick a Glock in this case! :p

Your last question is valid, only we can also switch it around: How much are you willing to sacrifice for combat? Pistols are carried for combat being the #1 reason... not comfort! Comfort is for a nice house, or chair! Guns = life safers when the SHTF! I'd rather feel comfortable in my mind knowing I have a much superior weapon compared to the other one on the list, when I need it most. The smaller physical "discomfort" I can easily get used to in light of this! :)


New member
I buy guns that PBP has(or vice-versa) that way I don't have to bother with trying to take pics of my own...:D

I have carried (almost exclusivley) a G33 for the past year, and alternate that with... a Kahr K9ss.

I always prefer the Glock for the superior firepower, and additional rounds.
I find that I shoot the glock better without the extension(as intended) by curling the pinky underneath. I do have grip extensions as well, and for carry purposes, I am indifferent.

The Kahr is great as well, but it's no Glock. It's heavier, and more expensive to buy....but, great gun nonetheless


Kahr P9 is a lot thinner than a G26, it's just that the slide stop ups the overall width.
Real width is right around .90" or over a quarter-of-an-inch difference.

When I was renting guns and testing for my CCW my two top contenders were the Glock 26 and the Kahr CW40, I went with the Kahr because it was easier for me to shoot consistently well adjusting but ever since then I've found myself craving the G26 as an alternative carry gun.

I think the Kahr P9/P40/CW9/CW40 and the Glock 26/27/33 trade off in different dimensions. The Glock is shorter in both grip length and barrel/slide length than the Kahr but is noticeably thicker, so I see concealment generally as "Six of one, half dozen of the other". Either should be easy to conceal even in summer wear as long as you're not wearing a speedo:eek:

For the record, my Kahr has been flawless, I love it lots, and even if I do get that G26 my CW40 will still be my primary carry.
That said, since you already like and have trained with your G19 so much, I'd endorse the Glock for you.


New member
Well, if carrying in a holster (which I hope all are doing), that slide stop will still push on the holster to make it 1.10 thick in places near the slide stop. :p

Then we must also say the Glock is thinner than 1.18 thick overall, except in places where the slide stop is. ;)


New member
I do not think there is a gun on the market that combines a simple to use design, unquestionable reliability, an easily concealed size, and higher capacities better than the sub-compact Glocks.

I just bought a G27 but I tried to talk myself out of it a lot before I bought it. I don't have anything in particular against Glock. Mostly I just don't like the look. It came down to that or an XD Subcompact in .40 and the Glock won by a head because of its reputation and all the options available. How can you argue with being able to shoot 4 calibers out of one gun, tons of aftermarket support, and rock solid reliability?


New member
North, go hold a Kahr and compare it to a Glock. There's no comparison. The Kahr is MUCH thinner & would be MUCH easier to carry.

The G26 is actually my favorite Glock. Don't ask me how but I'm more accurate with my old G26 than any other Glock I've shot (with a G21 being a very close second). It's easy to conceal but too thick to be pocket carried unless you wear baggy cargo pants all the time. The Kahr would be easier to carry regardless of where you choose due to it's very slim frame. The Kahr also has (imo) a much nicer trigger. It's long but amazingly smooth for a stock trigger. While I don't find the Kahr to have bad recoil (and I have pretty bad arthritis) the G26 is a very easy shooter.

Glock: more rounds, less recoil, more parts, manual of arms that you're familiar with, less expensive

Kahr: easier to carry period, great trigger, FEELS higher quality (feel only, I definitely wouldn't call Glock lower quality than Kahr)

Personally, I would choose the Kahr. Having used the G26 as an everyday carry MANY times, it's girth really sucks. My current EDC is a Kimber compact 1911 and it's much easier to carry than the G26 simply because it's not so bulky. That slim feeling has me looking at Kahrs again.


Here is a link to an accurate comparison of the size differences between the Glock 26 and Kahr PM9:

Ducky, except the OP is comparing with the P9, not the PM.

The relavent link: http://www.kahr.com/dtlcomp_kp9093.html

that said, even I wouldn't trust Kahr not to pad their numbers a little bit, and in the end, all these measurements don't really matter anyway, see how both feel, see how both fit, and be realistic about your concealment - you should be fine with either.


New member
G26. I was really hesitant of the sub-compact but went ahead and got one. I love this thing! Very mild recoil and just as accurate as my G17. You can also use those G19 mags, plus you have the same trigger...making it easy to switch between guns.


New member
Where you already have the one glock and like it were i you i would go with another glock. That way you can cross use the Magazines , leather , ect. from the larger to the smaller pistol and save money . Also you would not have to transition to a different trigger and manual of arms depending on what pistol you carried.

I went with a Kahr P9, PM9 combo for just the reasons i mentioned in addition to the fact i despise glocks for myself and wont own one .


New member
http://www.hipowersandhandguns.com/Plastic Pistols.htm

The above article made me think twice about purchasing a plastic Kahr (reliability problems)...so, went with the Glock 26...my new summer carry gun methinks...alternating with my 642.


Still love my GP100...revolver man at heart; I wont say that I went to the "Dark Side", but this little G26 is a sweet shooter...and my voice is getting deeper with every range trip.