Kahr P380 vs Ruger LCP vs Ruger LCP II vs Sig P238


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The wife is looking at adding a pocket carry gun. She is looking for a LCP sized gun. It will be a dedicated pocket gun for carry when she cannot carry on the belt. Here are the contenders.

Ruger LCP: I have the LCP and she has shot it and it would work but as most of us who own a LCP know its trigger is not the greatest but at $170 it is hard to beat as a pocket gun. This is the size we are looking at. She does not want to go any bigger.

Kahr P380: The other contenders are the P380 which can be had $350 give or take. I have a CW9 and the trigger on the P380 is going to be similar. It is a long trigger pull but it is much smoother than the LCP. My CW9 has been reliable but looking for peoples feedback on the P380.

The Ruger LCP II: The LCP II is larger but not by much. I have read up on the SA nature of the LCP II and I believe in the right holster is safe but would love to hear peoples thoughts. I have not shot this one but am wondering is the trigger pull that much better. How does it conceal in the pocket vs the original. At $200 it is not much of a step up from the original LCP.

Sig P238: The final contender is the Sig P238. I am not fan of this gun historically but it is a soft shooter and Sig after years of beta testing on paying customers seem to have worked out the kinks. It is the nicest trigger of the bunch but is more costly than the others at $450 give or take.

So what are peoples thoughts?
I have owned 4 lcp's. Still own one, but never or seldom shoot it. I have a Kahr CW380 which is is nicely built but very finicky on ammo. Very mild shooter especially compared to the high five slap of recoil that the LCP are noted for. I do not own a Sig, but have shot them many times of the years, and I would love to have one. Also a very mild shooter and I love the grip feel on the 1911 style. Would also love to have a Kimber as well.
My true love is the Beretta Pico. (The newer Gen 2 and three models). Totally fell in Love with this Pistol, Extremely well built, solid as a Rock. All Stainless throughout the gun minus the Modular Grip Frame which is easy to change out. Stainless steel chassis, takedown Pin, recoil spring, magazines that look like top end custom 1911 mags.
I like it so much I bought a second and thinking about a third. A totally reliable pistol which I put about three thousand rounds mixed ammo.
I have a size large hand with long fingers, yet these gun is very easy for me to handle and MILD, REPEAT MILD SHOOTER.
The trigger pull and the rack will be a little strong at first but break in very nicely. A great trigger on the newer gens.
I think the wife may really get very fond of one. I actually prefer the slim design for shooting. The gun fits perfectly Between my fatty tissue of my thumb and forefinger. Solid grip, anchors perfect. Plus the Modular design if you want to change grips.

If I were to get the LCP, I would choose the Gen 2. Not to be confused with the LCP ll. Much better trigger. And if you do a little research you might find the LCP ll has a lot of folks that believe it is unsafe for a pocket gun.
The Gen 2 or LCP has a nice light pull but smooth and just right for a Pocket gun.

I have a lot of Pics comparing the Pico to other Pocket pistols. Will try and post later.

Good Luck.


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Yeah the LCP I have is a Gen 2. I have not looked at the Pico but IIRC it had some teething issues initially.

I am not too worried about the snap of the recoil. She can handle it and this is not a target gun. It is a get off me gun of last resort.
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I checked my videos from the last time at the range chrono testing some .380 ammo.
The buffalo bore +P out of my brothers LCP came out at 1041, 1050, and 1040 fps with the 100 grain hard cast flat nose. Hotter by 200 fps than any of the other SD .380 we tested. That's about 241# me. Only shot three, but they were contollable and fed fine.
That would be a load I would carry in the LCP. The trigger was long, but something I could live with. Nice and thin and light! Might have to get me one.


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I thought the P238 was the end all of all 380's. That was until I shot a Glock 42. Yes a bit bigger but handles +P ammo with ease, soft shooting, good sights and I am a great deal more accurate than with my Sig. Just saying...


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I thought the P238 was the end all of all 380's. That was until I shot a Glock 42. Yes a bit bigger but handles +P ammo with ease, soft shooting, good sights and I am a great deal more accurate than with my Sig. Just saying...

Yeah but it is not a pocket gun. If she was going to something on the belt she would step up to 9mm and the Glock 43 would be in play.


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The Kahr is good.
I own an LCP.
P238 is the best option. (My opinion...)

(Yes, I'm a cheapskate. That's why I have an LCP instead of the P238.)
I really wanted to like my Kahr. Like many it is in the shop for repair. As I mentioned, well built, no aluminum frame, which I personally will not buy a pocket gun unless stainless steel. Has nice steel inserts on the rails and stress areas. The gun shoots great. But terribly finiky. Does not like hollow points or any cartridge where the OAL is on the long side.
However is was not close to the quality of the Pico and the Pico runs like a sewing machine with all kinds of ammo.

I shoot pocket guns every week. Recently I took the Pico, the Kahr and the LCP gen 2.Over the course of 10 years of shooting pocket guns, I became fairly proficient shooting the LCP. Not at first, but gradually after and many rounds of training. I do not target shoot my Mouse guns, but quick draw, double taps etc.
Both the Kahr and the Pico performed exceedingly well. Then the LCP. Man the Pico and the Kahr had spoiled me. Lousy groups with the LCP. I had forgotten how much recoil in comparison. It went back into retirement.
Still I would love the Sig, maybe the Colt or Kimber. Also thinking about another single stack 9 and maybe the CM 9 by Kahr of the Kimber Micro. My LC9's has served me well over the years. But no matter what gun I carry, the Pico will alway's be with me every where.

* Just a note-I shot a box of Precision One ammo and it was the most accurate yet. Even the ammo was mild. I later shot Precision One Plus P and now that is my standard defense load.


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I own the Kahr CW380. I had the Keltec P32.

IMO, the P32 is similar to the LCP. I never could shoot the P32 and hit what I was aiming at with much speed. Finally, I sold it and gave up.

Then PSA had Kahr CW380's for a heck of a deal. I bought one to try and a Malwear Holster. This pistol was easy to draw from this holster with a solid grip...I thought, maybe I will like a pocket gun. Then I shot it a bunch from 3-15 yards. I thought, I'm getting pretty good, I think. I'll prove this gun is crap, so I brought out a timer. Would you believe my splits were close to my big guns and I was hitting minute of pie plate. I was sold at that point.

So, I would suggest a long look at the CW380.

Yes it is reliable. Yes it feeds ball. Yes it feeds XTP hollow points. Yes it even feeds my reloads.


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I'd go with the Kahr. They are amazing, well-built little pistols that are about as surprising at the range as they are to easily carry.

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Beretta Pico has a $50 rebate :D.

It's also - - a geek thing - - got a fascinating modular system.

IMHO, this could very well be the start of something new.

I should add - I just recently got a Ruger LCP. (this past Spring)
Perfectly happy with it as an every day/everywhere carry type of thing.

It ain't the type of gun that's going to stand up to a whole lot of shooting.


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If you can find a P238 for $450 buy it now. It's just a fantastic little gun. Been carrying one for 2+ years. It's built like a real gun. Real sights. Real grip, etc.

Just bought the LCP2 last week and fired about 150 rounds through it. It is definitely smaller especially in the grip length. Also thinner. Should be even easier to conceal. My kydex pocket holster comes in today.

I was shocked at how the LCP2 is built like a toy. Will be surprised if I don't break this thing at some point. But am still happy I got it. Recoil was not as bad as I thought it would be. Shoots OK. Seems to be reliable so far with ball ammo. Trigger is not the great thing so many talk about. Funny how Ruger fans never have anything bad to say about their guns. :D

For the money it's hard to go wrong with the LCP2. Got mine for $247 after transfer fee.

If you want the real thing get a P238. There is no comparison.


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My pocket pistol is a Kahr P380. Never had any issues feeding or extracting any of the rounds I have personally put through the gun. (Traded a kahr cw40 for it). My only complaint is it will sometimes eject the brass in a way that it lands on top of my head. Odd, i know but it seems to from time to time. Spends more time in a pocket holster than on the range but i totally trust my life with it.


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I've got an LCP gen 1. After 1,700 rounds or so it's starting to feel a tad loose so I'm thinking about replacing it, and obviously I'm looking at many of the same guns listed by the OP.

I don't really care for the Kahr guns I've held and shot, and the hit or miss issues that some owner see worries me. The LCP II sounded great, but with small kids in the house I don't want a single action trigger without a safety. I'm meticulous about keeping my guns locked up when they aren't on me, but I feel better still knowing there's either a safety or heavy trigger pull just in case.

I have a SIG P938, similar to the P238, but I don't think I'd want a safety with a pocket pistol. The weight is a consideration as well. The top contender for me right now is either a second LCP gen 2, or the Beretta Pico. I've yet to hold a Pico, but I like everything I've read about them so far. My biggest beef with my LCP is the lack of accuracy, so if the Pico can perform better in that regard it's a win IMO.


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My biggest beef with my LCP is the lack of accuracy (...)
In my opinion, you're applying the wrong set of standards to the LCP, if you're worried about shooting pretty groups.
It's a belly gun, essentially.

...And they aren't made for heavy use. Run them hard, and they wear out quickly.

(Two of the reasons for my previous statement about considering the P238 to be superior.)


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I do not understand why people make claims about the accuracy of pocket guns. They are not made to be accurate a longer distances. They are close quarter spitting breathe type of guns. All of the guns on the list are going to hit center mass at 5 yards and under if you do your part. If you are not getting that kind of accuracy it is the Indian not the arrow.

If you want an accurate small gun I always recommend a 640 J frame but they are not really pocket guns, I can't hind them in jeans, because of the cylinder IMHO.


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We have two P238s at our house. My wife handled the LCP, Pico, and Kahr (the LCP II wasn't out at the time) before settling on the Sig for her carry pistol. I liked hers so much that she got me one so I would leave hers alone - I mean, I needed a pocket pistol, and . . .

I have shot the little Sig out to 25 yards and stayed on the head of a half-sized silhouette. OK, one round of 13 nicked the ear, but the ear is on the head, right? Good sights, smooth operation, easy slide to rack for those who have trouble with that, and quite a good trigger. Just overall easy to shoot well. If you don't mind the price or cocked and locked carry, keep it on your list.


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WVsig: I work in a bank and wear suit pants everyday. I pocket carry every day. Originally with the 238, now with the Glock 42. My Daltech holster helps a great deal with the 42.


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WVsig: I work in a bank and wear suit pants everyday. I pocket carry every day. Originally with the 238, now with the Glock 42. My Daltech holster helps a great deal with the 42.
Don't meant to be to forward but are you a man or a woman? This gun is for my wife and it seems like womens pants even in a pants suit are not as deep as mens.


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Kahr P380

Another vote for the Kahr P380, my pocket pistol. Very light, very small, and very easy to shoot well. Plus I like revolver triggers so the long smooth Kahr trigger pull is excellent for me.