Kahr for Carry?

"I can, however, shoot my
Kahr better with less practice than I could my 442/640-1/SP101."

I'll agree with you there.

From the moment I picked up my K9 it seemed to weld itself to my hand and just effortlessly toss bullets EXACTLY where I wanted them to go, almost with no effort on my part.


New member
I agree with the consensus here. I've got no problem carrying any of my 3 kahrs with a loaded chamber. Carry in a holster that covers the trigger guard and keep your &*(*&&! finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.



New member
I wouldn't worry..

I don't own a Kahr but I've carried both a KelTec P11 and P32, which are both double action striker-fired pistols. I never felt the least bit hesitant about toting them about with one in the pipe.l I think the engineers at Kahr would have their feelings hurt if they knew you were carrying one of their fine pistols about without one in the chamber.....because it was designed from the beginning to be carried fully-loaded.


New member
I have to admit that I felt a little tweaked about carrying my Kahr P40 for the first little while because it is striker fired and I have heard a bunch of gun shop urban legend about people's guns firing for no reason other than them being striker fired. However the more I carry it the more comfortable I become. I'm fine with it now and don't let all those mishaps (the were probably with a jennings or some other POS) bother me anymore. If the trigger guard is secure then its good to go.


New member
I always carry my K40 with one in the chamber and feel VERY secure about it.. BTW- it feels about the same to me as my 686 wheelgun in trigger pull. I feel it is on par (safety wise)as my S&W 686..
