K9 Death A Manslaughter?


New member

"Anyone help me to come to grips with the disparities?"


In the case of Law Enforcement having to kill a dog guarding drug dealers or other criminals, the dog is being used in the commission of a crime. Technically not the dog's fault I suppose, but have you ever tried to explain that to a dog who is in the middle of trying to rip your throat or groin out?

In the case a K-9 dog being used to help Law Enforcement, the dog is being employed by the good guys to help stop the bad guys. Now, disregarding any extraneous issues of your or anyone's else's feeling about the law(s) in question, the dog is being used in a positive and legal manner instead of a negative and illegal manner.

I hope that this can help you understand. No disparity at all.


New member
Several days? I don't see that as an accident.

Manslaughter - No, no huMAN was killed.

Animal Cruelty - Heck yes!

Destruction of Police property - Yes, the Police pay thousands of dollars a piece for those dogs.

Failure to perform police duties - yes, the officer was assigned to care for the dog, he failed to do so.

I'm sure there's plenty of additional things the officer in question could be charged with. But not manslaughter.


New member
Personally, if a dog is trying to rip my throat or groin out, I doubt I would be all that concerned about who owns it until I had dispatched pooch. Then I would go after the owner or handler.
It isn't always necessary to kill a dog to gain entry.
When the speed lab across the street was busted, the FBI used tranquilizer guns on the 3 dogs and they are just fine now.
I guess they didn't want to wake anyone up with gunfire...like the Bell Jet Ranger hovering 40 feet over MY house with the lights out wouldn't be a clue at 3 AM.

Back to the original post. If that dog had been the pet or on duty partner of the guy responsable for it this would not have happened.
I wouldn't be too hard on him. Just lock him in a car in the heat for a couple of weeks.