Just when things were starting to shape up....


New member
I'm almost done with moving a thirty years of accumilation as a married man.. Just got my bench set up, got my rifles moved safely from old house to new, and have been working extended hours on two large commercial sites when the worst thing that could of happened to me did....
I was drilling a 2 9/16" hole through a double plate of pine when my "Hole Hawg" drill hung up in a knot twisting my wrist into a pretzel, Now surgery will be required on my trigger hand,:(, It's sore as hell and wont get better until Orthopedic surgeon re attaches two large bones in my hand. I'm almost sick because I had huge plans of hunting with my Hunter certified youngest son..
Might just have to suck it up and be a spectator this season...
As a side note: The Dr. let me know that after rehab, there will be no flexibility in my wrist but my fingers will bend and strength should come back..:(
Wow, bummer!

I need rotator cuff repair surgery in both my shoulders, have for a while now, and I keep delaying having it done because I won't be able to shoot, hunt, fish, or a lot of other things I enjoy for several months after...

Hope everything turns out good for you.


New member
Wow! Prayers for a speedy recovery are sent.

Might have to learn how to shoot left handed until your hand heals up again.


New member
hooligan, that's terrible. Really bad timing. Like somebody else said, can you shoot left handed?

Precision shooter, I've had the right rotator cuff done and it was an ugly experience. If yours isn't really a bad mess and they can just do the scope job, you'll be back in action soon. Mine was bad, with reattachment to the bone, and I don't think I have words that will adequately describe how bad the pain and rehab was. I hope they can scope you. And I should mention that I HAD to learn to live left handed for a couple of months. Using my left for tooth brushing or shaving was a lot tougher than a fellow would think. And....and...if you do both shoulders, I sure hope you have a loving wife, cause even peeing will require SOMEBODY's hand involved. And then there's some other stuff that will require help. Yuck.


New member
Very sorry to hear that Hooligan, know it means more to be able to hunt with your youngest rather than just go with him. I hope all works out.


New member
Here's to a quick and complete recovery.

Don't let it get in the way of your planned father/son hunt, though. Spectating one season might give you an opportunity to see things in the field from a different perspective.
Precision shooter, I've had the right rotator cuff done and it was an ugly experience. If yours isn't really a bad mess and they can just do the scope job, you'll be back in action soon. Mine was bad, with reattachment to the bone, and I don't think I have words that will adequately describe how bad the pain and rehab was. I hope they can scope you. And I should mention that I HAD to learn to live left handed for a couple of months. Using my left for tooth brushing or shaving was a lot tougher than a fellow would think. And....and...if you do both shoulders, I sure hope you have a loving wife, cause even peeing will require SOMEBODY's hand involved. And then there's some other stuff that will require help. Yuck.


I definitely would not have them both done at the same time. Left shoulder should be able to be done via scope, they hope, right shoulder is the more invasive method with more damage...
I haven't really kept score, but I would guess my right shoulder has been dislocated 15-20 times and left shoulder 5-7...

It would be nice for my shoulders to not dislocate periodically. I've been woken up in the night from my shoulder dislocating in my sleep - sleep on my stomach with arm under pillow. I just now know the limitations of what I can and can't do anymore. No volleyball or swinging my hands hard over my head, no pull ups or lifting anything heavy over my head with my arms extended out in front of my body, can't ride ATV's anymore, basically anything that puts a lot of torque on my shoulders. I've been able to successfully reset the dislocations every time they happen, but still hurts like a SOB.


New member
Dawg gone man bad rap. Hope u get better real soon.U know what they say its hard to keep a good man down. Youll be up in know time best of luck to ya.I dont think u can leave your rifle in the safe all winter noway.:D


New member
So sorry man. Not only does this injury impact your beloved shooting sports but it probably affects your ability to perform your trade as well.

I hope you recover fully so that you may return to work and you may return to shooting as well.


New member
I can appreciate your pain.
Back in the 90's I had a 100lb door fall across my right hand and cut all the tendons and ligaments.
Surgery and a very long recovery.
Even now I hold a pistol a little cocked and have my sights jacked over to the right to compensate.
The good thing that came out of it was I was forced to shoot left handed.
I got to the point that I could shoot better left handed than right handed because my dominate eye was my left eye.
Shooting a bolt action rifle was bit of a pain but I learned how to shoot it and now feel I am a better shot because of the injury.


New member
Wow thanks fellas. I have practiced with my rifles from various positions, and one is shooting left handed.. The practice of "switch shooting" is a hard row to hoe. It's training my left index finger and left eye training that has been tough through the years but it's no stranger to me, I have squirrel hunted from the age of 12 to 28 pretty regularly (when I lived down in southern Missouri) and found myself sniping those dudes from Every conceivible position possible, and that has helped me with weird shots at deer that required a lefthand shot...

So I'm training my left eye on crosshair engagement as well as boltwork...
It's just another hurdle, and the hunt with my youngest is looking and feeling like a "one gun" affair, that he'll be carrying... I focus on him scoring his deer, I've killed 55-60 deer, so he'll get my undivided attention for sure... Unless I can, from a standing position, aquire proper sight and trigger finger aquisition 10 out of 10 in the bull, which is about a 2" bull on the targets at my hometown range.....:)


New member
Just a little update: Had surgery on the 9th, doctor sent me back to work on 13th, its still painfull and not really sure where ill end up.
Mostly it's stiff and I find myself trying to move it around in circles, up down side to side. And sunday here is supposed to be 60 degrees, let me tell you Im heading to the range, setting up my new chronograph and testing not less than four different loads for my .270...

The surgeon could only repair this latest injury because workmans comp wont let him fix the old sum--tch.
Anyway just wanted to update....


New member
Wow hooligan, I somehow missed the original thread last fall!

Do they have you doing physical therapy to work on strengthening and range of motion?


New member
Not yet Globemaster, the surgeon told me and my wife that my wrist is so bad from previous injuries that to completely make it pain free, he will need to fuse a steel plate across the top of my hand to my arm bones and lock my wrist at 35degrees... I thimk i can take the pain as I have since I climbed trees for a living.
Im givin it a therapy work out by just bein the hard worker I have always been.. And I do a strict regiment of 12 oz curls..;)


New member
I made it to the range and set up my chrono. Its quite cool to use one of those dudes.
I shot five rounds of four different bullet powder combos. Also i tested a brand new bullet powder combo featuring the 130 grn partition and H 4831sc... And I only tested one powder weight 57.5 grains, I think Im on to something already, maybe a tweak to coal, and itll be a sub moa load, maybe better.

The wrist didnt bother me the whole time... Thank God!!!!