Just to be safe... .22 shorts?

i have a tube fed bolt that says S,L,LR on it, it take all and shoots all just fine. ive fired a few hundred shorts then gone back to LR with no problem.

the shorts (remington) are quiter than my pump BB gun.



New member
+1 on the super colibris

I have shot them back to back with a pellet gun and found that they are actually quiter them my RWS 94 pellet gun. I shot them with my 10/22 and Marlin Model 60. they are much louder when shot from a pistol though. and don't expect to kill much of anything past 25 yards since they loose much of their velocity past that distance. but the neighbors won't know any better!


New member
I'll add my 2 cents here... I have been using standard .22 shorts, and they are NOT quiet at all. They have a definite "crack" when fired that will not be mistaken for a pellet gun.

Just yesterday, I started trying the CB shorts in my back yard. I can honestly say that these are very quiet. I shot a medium sized bird, think Blue Jay size, and the bullet did not exit. It dropped the bird from the tree about 35 yards out. The bird was not dead on impact with the ground however. It was kicking around on the ground. I had to take another CB short and pop it in the head to finish it off. After that, I was shooting into some wood that I had set up as a back stop. It will penetrate 2 pieces of 1/2" plywood, but stopped in the 3rd. So, I can say that if I need to kill something in my backyard, I will be using these.

There is NO comparison the two.

Mike U.

New member
I have been using CCI CB Shorts to good effect on tree rats here. I use the Gamo Shadow 1000 too, but it is louder than the CB's. I've been very much wanting to get my hands on some CCI CB but there is a total drought of them in this region. I really want to set the levergun aside in favor of the 60 or the Nylon 66 for pest control and I need the CCI CB Longs to work in those two.

I've used .22 shorts before. The Remington Golden Bullet Shorts did not do well by me so I'm on the lookout for another brand to try. The GB's were not very consistent in the accuracy dept. That simply will not do.
However, it is kinda nice to have 26 shots of .22 in the tube.:D