Just to be safe... .22 shorts?


Staff In Memoriam
What is the reason some .22s are not labeled for shorts but others are? Not semi's but bolt guns. Is it only a feed issue or is there any danger to this? I have fired shorts as single shots thru a variety of arms from semi auto pistos to several rifles...


New member
Safety is not the issue. Ability to feed the rounds might be? Some guns will accept any size of regular rimfire except mags, of course. Some might have issues with cartridges of varying lengths, and might still fire fine single shot with any cartridge, BB, CB, Short, LR. I guess if you closed the bolt on a misfed cartridge and it crushed the rim, it could set it off outside the chamber. That is just a wild guess. And of course they claim that firing shorts in a long rifle chamber causes buildup or crud to make loading a LR into the chamber a problem. Therefore a good scrubbing is in order after shooting alot of them. And of course autos will not function with different power level carts. But I think you can get a 10-22 modified to work with shorts. Just that no one much bothers because the smaller cartridges are no longer cheaper than the LR.


Staff In Memoriam
I am just wanting the quiet shooting for the 1-2 squirrels per week for the snake. I have one neighbor a couple doors down that actually told another that he thought I was intentionally shooting at his house which is utter rubbish. Just don't want hassles I can avoid.


New member
Yes, any .22 will shoot shorts if you use it as a single-shot, loading directly into the chamber.
CCI standard velocity long rifles only travel 1080 fps and are also quiet, probably quieter than high velocity .22 shorts. .22 shorts aren't that much slower than long rifle bullets, they just shoot a ligher (29 grain usually) instead of the long rifles 37 to 40 grain bullets.
You might also look for Remington Sub Sonic Hollowpoints but I find that they are not as slow and therefore as quiet as CCI standard velocity rounds are.
CCI also sells CB shorts and longs, about 750 ft per second claimed.


New member
Have you though about using a pellet gun to shoot squirrels? Ruger makes a decent pellet rifle for $100 that come with a scope and is over 1000 fps.


New member
Also check and clean the chamber between shorts, longs and long rifle ammo.
The shorter ammo can cause a crud ring in the chamber (lead,powder residue) that can affect feeding and chamber pressure.
Be safe and have fun.


New member
Try some Aguila Super Colibri. They're LR cases with a 20 grain pointed solid bullet at about 700fps. No powder, just a heavy Ely primed case for propellant. These are quieter than many pellet guns, but hit much harder. Easily kills squirrels, cottontails and most other small game animals. There's two types: Colibri (500 fps) and Super Colibri (700 fps). Both say to only shoot from pistols. In my experience, the Supers are okay from most rifles.
Why does my very old Savage .22 shoot shorts with a piercing 'crack' sound, but is much higher-pitched than shooting .22 LRs? It seems as if much of the sound is coming directly back from the chamber.

It is not a pleasant sound, and would rather shoot the MN 44 with hearing protectors than use these .22 shorts with none.


New member
Why does my very old Savage .22 shoot shorts with a piercing 'crack' sound, but is much higher-pitched than shooting .22 LRs? It seems as if much of the sound is coming directly back from the chamber.

My guess is the chamber isn't sealed and you are getting blowback with shorts. Are there black smudges on the outside of the spent cases? That's a sign of blowby. It is also common with lightly loaded centerfire cases because there is not enough chamber pressure to expand the case against the chamber to seal it.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Sounds like a feeding issue. It's particularly the case for a tube magazine.

For a "clip" type magazine, the feed lips might not work well with shorts.


New member
.22 short will fire in any .22rf rifle or pistol chamered in .22 short, .22 long, and .22 longrifle. They will have to be fired as single shot.


New member
+1 for the pellet rifle. A 5mm Sheridan BlueStreak has doomed thousands of squirrels over 40 years. It's also like handloading, 3 pumps min. to clear the barrel and take close shots, 10 pumps (max) will take down a coon or possum @ 50 yds.


Staff In Memoriam
The pellet rifle is always an option.. i just like the .22 rimfire often. I also have little time to acquire for a head shot as these squirrels are on to my hunting.:eek:


New member
hogdogs, I do go for head shots and mine is scoped. My neighbor a few houses down is in his 60's, shoots open sights and takes COM shots with the same effect. We keep fuzzy tailed tree rat records. He's also from NY and won't eat'em, another bonus. In a good week we may get 20.

BTW, we're just protecting our fruit. The little SOB's will eat practically anything from avacados to pineapples.


+1 for CB Longs. Shorts are at least 100 fps faster, thus louder. Don't try to kill a woodchuck with them, though!