Just ordered a Pietta 1860 Army


New member
I got a $200 bonus at work and one of the places we could spend it was Cabela's. So of course I used it towards a Pietta 1860 Army!



New member
So of course I used it towards a Pietta 1860 Army!
:confused: What, you have a problem with 1858 NMA's? Or 1851 Army/Navy? Why "Of course" a Pietta 1860? what about Uberti, Pedersoli, or the late ASM???

Ahhh, just messin' with ya :D Hope you have lots of fun with it! ;)


New member
I've already got a Pietta 1858 New Army Remington that I bought for N-SSA competition. Everyone waved me off of the 1860 army because of it's open frame and wedge-dependent barrel/cylinder gap.

But I love the look and feel of the 1860 Army. So now I have one! :)



New member
The wedge on a Pietta won't change the cylinder gap and the open top is perfectly fine with bp pressures. I much prefer the Colt design over the Remington.


New member
I have both the Colt and the Remington in the Pietta. Why? They are new. No wear and tear other than my own.
And they make a good contrast, one then the other for shooting.
That's my goal or quest for this decade, maybe. New stuff.
Except maybe for some new old stuff.


New member
Lookie what the UPS guy brought me today!





New member
The 1860's lines are just sooo graceful. I'm a top strap guy, got lots of remys, but that has me wanting an inferior gun...;)


New member
That is some kind of pretty there...

You will enjoy it.

I started off with remmy's, and still like them.

But the FEEL of the colt is better.
I have a pietta 1860 steel framed .44 and love it.
The best feeling one is my 1861 navy in .36. (Asm made)
Next would be my 1862 police in .36.
Then my 1860 army.

Yes I still shoot the remmy's, but not as much as the colt design.
It just points better

Which if you are having tin can races with friends, that matters..

Give us a range report when you shoot it!

This is what my asm 1861 does at 25 yards offhand.

As one guys signature says..
It just FEELS right...


New member
Holy cow! If my 1860 shoots like that out of the box I'll be using it for N-SSA competition instead of my 1858!

What is your load? What do you use for a filler, if anything, and lube?



New member
My load in the .36 caliber gun is a .38 special case filled with pyrodex RS, a felt wad I cut from an old wool cowboy hat, the wad is lubed with wonderlube and beeswax. All under a hand cast .36 caliber ball.
And #11 Remington caps.

There is a photo of my pietta 1860 army .44 with its target.
Shot with 30gr of FF, a .lubed felt wad (same cowboy hat) cut using a .45 acp case sharpened with a rcbs case reamer.
And a Hornady swaged ball, and #11 Remington caps.
Same distance, .
6 shots.

6 o'clock hold.

Bone stock, no tweaking, just fired about 200 times.

45 Bravo

Yours hopefully will shoot similiar, when you find the load it likes.



New member
I took the afternoon off and shot my new 1860.

It seems to like 30 grains of 3F Shuetzen with cream of wheat filler.

Shoots about 8 inches high, but windage seems right.

I was shooting a .454 Hornady swaged round ball.

Pictures here:
