Just flew home from Europe with one of the "Band of Brothers"


Wow, very memorable. Thanks for sharing.

I just watched Band of Brothers for the first time this last week (borrowed it from a friend). Damned near moved me to tears in many scenes.

God bless the men of Easy Company.


New member
If you liked the miniseries...

... you should get the book, by Stephen Ambrose. It's excellent.

So was his book, Citizen Soldiers.

Nice to hear that people treated Mr Mauser with respect. I've heard of a couple other instances where Easy Company guys have been encountered while travelling, and they were similar by all accounts.

One of my favorite stories involved one of the gentlemen who as of a few years ago apparently was both a double amputee, and also a dirty old man in the George Burns, good-natured style. A couple flight attendants I knew had him on their flight; both had watched Band of Brothers, and read the book, and they apparently noticed a name they recognized while scanning the manifest.

As their story goes, they approached and asked if he was the person of that name from Easy Company. Turned out there had been a gathering of survivors in that city, and yes, he and another man with him were both from Easy.

The flight attendants, both reasonably attractive 20-somethings, proceeded to fuss over both men for a good portion of the flight.

My favorite part of the story was when the gentleman without legs asked one of the girls to come sit in his lap. She said she told him she would be happy to, but she couldn't because he didn't have a lap. Both girls said he and his buddy just broke out laughing, saying that was the funniest thing they'd heard in years. Knowing those two flight attendants, I can picture it; they were both nice, smart, and funny, and would have been able to say things like that while making sure the other person was in on the joke, and not the butt of the joke.

They both had PIR pins and autographs to show, to support their tale.

I wasn't there, but have no reason not to believe them. Besides, I'd like to think the old guy is still having fun, flirting with the girls, and not letting amputations nor age spoil his good times.






New member
Simply wonderful. Men of such calibre are seldom among us nowadays. They were the stuff that made the United States and the British Commonwealth what they were, at the very height of power, and we owe our very freedoms we enjoy to such brave men.


New member
What an honor and what a memory to treasure. We are losing these men and their history, it is great you have something to carry on with this memory. I am jealous and yet thankful you shared.


New member
That's amazing. Thank you for directing a little well deserved appreciation his way. There are so few left.
My Dad was a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne. Went into Normandy in a glider. When I was really young he wouldn't talk much about it. Thankfully, later he would. He passed five years ago and I'd give anything if I could hear the stories again if even just one more time.


Awesome - read this when it first appeared, read it again....and then for a third time this evening to my wife.....teared up each time - since my dad was at Normandy, Sicily, N Africa and other places in the USN, it was amazing to listen to the stories at night during the summer.......I only wish I had recorded him and our neighbors who told these stories.......


New member
more than a little jealous. Just does not cover it!

Like everyone here my admiration for this man and his band of brothers is unbounded. My 18 year old has the DVD set and watch’s it all the time, has for several years. I asked him why as its ancient history for him and he replied he can't believe the courage of those men. Truly an age will pass when the last is gone, I know because I lost my dad recently, B25 Mitchell pilot during the war. We can only hope to uphold their honor should it fall to us and make sure the up coming generation remembers and understands.