Just finished building my new gun cabinet

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Well, with a kid on the way the under-the-bed storage days or over. I wanted a safe, but dont really have anywhere to put it. Typical gun cabinets don't particularly match my wifes vision of decor, so I had to find something unconventional. Besides, most store bought gun cabinets have plenty of long gun storage and little in the way of handgun space, besides simple shelves. I finaly desided on buying and modifying a wardrobe type cabinet. It ended up being the perfect solution. With simple brass hooks I could situate the guns how I wanted them, and easily change the layout in the future as new additions come along. I could put the cabinet right in my bedroom without it looking out of place...and I dont have to worry about my guns being in another room in the event of a nightime intruder. It also has 2 built in cabinets that are perfect for storeing ammo, mags, holster, etc. All I had to do to modify it was remove the shelving, remove the pressboard back, and replace it with a piece of pool table felt wraped plywood..then moun the hooks.
Just wondering if anyone else has built any unconventional gun cabinets. By that I mean departures from the tradition glass door cabinets and steel safes.

Now I just need to get my A$$ in gear and finish mounting my guns. Only got a few more to mount, but I ran out of hooks

Not sure if this belongs in the handgun forum, but seeing as the majority of the contents are handguns....


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MP Freeman

New member
I like the outside appearance of the cabinet. Looks nice and unassuming. Inside looks kinda cool too. Kinda like a 007 Bond movie or something out of a mini-Matrix.


How about locking the cabinet?

How about moisture and contamination resistance?

Can you hide the entire unit inside a walk-in closet?


I am nearly done with finishing my basement and I built a corner closet with a locking door. Inside the closet is my gun safe.

I like keeping the low profile myself. Uptight, white and out-of-sight.

MP Freeman

CZ Gunner

New member
Looks great .... but if I were a crook, that would be one of the first places I'd attack. It just screams "goodies inside".

What about locks? Just how "kid proof" is it? I mean, by the time they are 6, they'll have figured out what is in it and already be looking for a way in ... if typical kids. (Especially boys!)

Bottom-line: It is super. You did a nice job and it's 10 times better than those "glass front" jobbies!



New member
Very, very nice indeed! Give us the specs. Please tell what brand, cost, etc. Would like to do the same. My wife would approve this request for sure.:)



New member
Cool idea!

A gun armoire! I would have thought at first appearance that it was either a TV or computer cabinet, but that ain't bad, ain't bad at all!

Now I wonder if I can get my wife to spring for one to modify...


New member
Thanks for the positive feedback guys. Sometimes its hard to tell how a project comes out untill you get some opinions from other gun-nuts.
As far as specifics, The cabinet itself was about $250 from a local furniture store. I think the particular one I got was made by Saunder. The hooks came from the Muzzleloader section of my neighborhood gunshop, think I spent about $15 a pair on them. The pool table Felt and spray fabric glue came from the fabric store (I was the only guy there. Thought it was pretty cool untill I realized they probly figured I was, well..) for around $30. I got the battery powered under-the-cabinet style florecent light from Wal-Mart for about $25.
You can't really see it in the picture, but I drilled a hole in the top of the cabinet, down through the top of the door and instaled brass detent captured pins to secure it. Its less obvious than a lock, is unnoticable unless you are really tall, and dosnt require a key. That means I can get access to my guns in an emergency simply by pulling the pin.


New member
Very nice! It reminds me of a cabinet I once saw in a rich man's house. The only difference was that his had the interior clad in thin steel for security. It looked otherwise identical.

Love the idea and can't wait to try it out for myself.


New member
Well, first: Congrats on the incoming baby!!

Gun cabinet: Very very nice!

Thanks for the pics, you are helping with ideas.


New member
very nice looking and kid proof for years to come!

Do you have a securing device for the ammo drawers? i assume thats where you put your ammo, not that a kid would do any harm but he might lose a couple rounds ;)

Dwight M S

New member
Very clever Corbon, very resourceful. Now I know what I'll do about getting a gun cabinet. I'll bet you've just started a new trend.
Dwight M S


New member
Very tight work!


New member
Very ingenious idea!! Just the thing I was looking for and couldn't figure out exactly what I wanted. I especially like the idea of the pins down through the top. I've been looking for a way to secure it without a key for a while. Thanks.:D


New member
Very cool. Now, go watch The Big Hit for some more ideas. Also, a dropping (falling? I cant remember the correct word) dead bolt would be ideal for locking those two doors together.



New member
Great idea, it really does look sharp! Only concern, as mentioned before, would be about theft. I wonder if you could find a welder and have the inside of the cabinet lined with 3/8" or 1/2" steel plate along with a hinged door and have a serious lock put on it.
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