Just bought a SigP225


New member
Well, I found a used P225 in great shape for $450, so I HAD to buy it. I told my wife I was just helping Santa find the perfect gift for me. It appears to have been made in West Germany in 1982. Night Sights and a trigger job are in order. Anything else you guys would do? I'd like to get a glossy durable black finish done on it, but I'm clueless on aftermarket finishes(spoiled by Glocks).
The P225 fits my hand much better than my issue P228. Now, I'm off to wally world for winchester value packs. And, I've got to find some Winchester Ranger ammo. (thanks Santa).

Take Care,



I also just got a near new 225 with 4 mags for $450. Haven't shot it yet, but I've qualified with the M11 and expect the same performance.

Really great DA trigger. The "crunch'n'ticker" crowd obviously haven't used one of these weapons.

The grip is nicely sized, though not tiny for a single column. This is my favorite looking SIG, the embodiment of tactical chunkiness. Very professional.

The "problem" with Sig finishes is that the slide and barrel are finished by different processes, one being steel and the other alloy. I think I'm going to wear my slide down awhile and then go to a really deep blue. The Sig frame coating is probably as good as aluminum gets, so I'll send it to Sig when needed.

If anybody needs mags, I've got 2 spare NIW. Email me.


New member
The P225 is a great pistol. I have owned several Sigs including a P225 and they have all been winners. I wouldn't worry too much about the supposed finish wear. I wouldn't get it refinished unless you have a probelm with the original. In my experience you will have a long wait. I once bought a used truck from a guy who had put ugly uncomfortable seat covers on it they day he bought it new. A couple of years later I bought it from him. As the second owner, I took off the covers and had a new seat! Why fix it if it ain't broke? Watch-Six

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
The SIG-Sauer P225

Greeting's Poster's-

donglock 26 and Handy, congrat's are in order folk's for
selecting a world-class SIG-Sauer handgun. You now
own one of the finest DA/SA self loader's in the world.:cool:
And I hope that each of you get many years service from
this great investment. :D Many thanks for choosing a

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
I had a minor problem with my 225 and sold it......


I will have another. It is simply the most comfortable 9mm I have ever owned and the only gun I have ever traded or sold that I regret everytime I shoot or hit these forums.

Enjoy your 225 and if you should ever want to get rid of it, don't. If you still want to get rid of it....look me up.



New member
Why is the P225 still a military/LE only firearm? It seems like Sig would have no problem keeping a supply to the normal public. I feel really lucky to have purchased my new 225 with 4 used mags for $500. Great purchase everyone, giving the forgotten child of the Sig line a home! :)


New member
Merry Christmas! Wish I hadnt sold mine. (But I just put $50 down on a Romanian AK47, so I'll have a Merry Xmas too)


New member
Great gun!!! I bought one about a year ago. . .it had been shot quit a bit. . .don't know how much though. . . anyway, after about 500 rounds it broke an internal spring! No big deal. . .I ordered a kit from Sig and replaced all the springs. Never another problem! I like it better than any other Sig I have owned/fired. . .228, 229, 239, 232, etc. etc. Enjoy your 225.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Greeting's Again Handy,

No Sir, I am not quoting from the manual; STRICTLY
my heart felt feeling's of just how good SIG-Sauer firearm's
really are!:D They are certainly in a class all by themselves.:cool:

*Personal Opinion- I just don't think there is anything any
better, bar none!:eek: :cool: :D :) As many of you know, I
love and respect quality Smith & Wesson revolver's; well
folk's the same holds true for SIG and SIG-Sauer auto-

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

neal bloom

New member
Congrats on your 225. It is my favorite 9mm. Ever since I got mine 6 months ago, all my other nines don't see the range as much. While my Browning HP has somewhat of a better feel, the 225 outshoots it. Far better trigger out of the box than the Hi-Power. Have fun and be safe!


New member
The 225 isn't just an LE/Mil handgun. It's just that SiG has some contracts that take all the supply right now.


New member
AIM has euro style P225's for sale right now at $299 with 1 mag...while they have some slide wear, are dirty, and have a heel style mag release, they seem to be great guns still.

I just picked mine up last night..need to get some time to shoot it now :)

Jimbo 7

New member

Dong, congrats! I have 2 P225's and love em. I have also used Tripp Research for refinishing (though not for the 225) and can highly recommend them.

Jar, and Dill--Hola, from SF

Handy, you've got mail.


New member
I thought that the 225 was truely discontinued!?! It would be nice if it only went the way of the 228. Jar, anyone, details please.



New member
hola JJB :)

Sig is still making the 225, but most of the guns go to fulfill police and military contracts. It says so right on their page in the FAQ's :)
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Napoleon Solo

New member

The 225 is a FANTASTIC firearm. However...

IMHO it has the worst DA feel of any handgun since the old P38. Terrible, terrible DA trigger. Definitely a canditate for Teddy Jacobson!

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Greeting's All,

While opinions vary regarding the DA trigger pull of
SIG-Sauer firearm's, I must say that the trigger pull
of my West German manufactuered and assembled
SIG P220 and P228 are buttery smooth, with NO creep;
straight from the factory box'es! As a matter of fact,
the trigger pulls of these weapon's is quite a bit better
than I've seen on some revolver's.:) :cool: :D

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
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