Jim Zumbo


New member
OK, let me just say that this is a serious proposal; now that Jim Zumbo is on everybody's fecal roster, I suggest that SWAT magazine hire him on as a writer. He could be featured every issue while learning about the various types of semi-auto rifles, plus self defense handguns and whatnot. He would definitely be out of his element and, I am sure, willing to participate in the process. It would be interesting to see his transformation from someone who is indifferent to AR's to an enthusiastic owner. JMHO :D

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
Probably won't happen. In his apolgy, Mr. Zumbo repeatedly said how he had seen the light that ARs can be legitimate hunting rifles. The Second Amendment has absolutely nothing to do with wacking Bambi. I truly don't think he gets the point.

What I can do is out out some feelers with different instructors to see if they would invite him to attend a carbine course. If they would, and if he would accept, and if he could complete a high-stress class at age 67 (no disrepect intended) I may consider running an article written by him.

That's a lot of "ifs".


New member
Fair enough. I suspect that he will be much more willing to participate now than he ever was. I realize he's 67 but, he's been tromping through hill and dale for 200 days a year for a loooong time. I suspect that he's not your typical 67 y/o duffer. He may not take top honors but I'll bet he doesn't quit, either.

As for the 2A argument; this is a golden opportunity to educate him while using this controversy to put AR's and AK's in positive light. It might make an interesting "in your face" to the anti's by displaying their poster boy in full color while he learns the ins and outs of the AR-15 platform. I also think that the crossover from hunting to tactical shooting might be an interesting take, also.

Anyhow, that's just my two cents. YMMV


New member
What Mr. Zumbo does not now understand, and he and the elitist gun owners have never understood, is that, as it was 231 years ago....

"We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately." -Ben Franklin, 1776.

Your hunting rifle, Jim, if you're listening, is the anti's "sniper rifle." I'm all for defending your right to own and use yours, why don't you defend my right to own and use mine?

Denny, I'd at least give him the rope to...er...room to answer the above? :D

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
Several instructors have stated they would allow Mr. Zumbo to attend a carbine course to get a view of the other side of the coin. Contact message out to him to see if he'll take them up on the offer.


New member
I applaud your generosity. Your willingness to allow Mr. Zumbo the opportunity to redeem himself (somewhat) speaks volumes about your character. You can now count me among your devoted readers.

I am looking forward to the issue with the Zumbo article.


New member
Denny ~

I have to congratulate you on this one. Absolutely brilliant way to turn the whole ugly mess into something positive for all of us.

May your tribe increase!



New member
I must say this is certainly a step forward. Mr. Zumbo will never fully recover from his faux pas but this is a big step in the right direction. I too am not satisfied with his apology as it seemed to only validate ARs since they can be used for hunting.

Education is the answer to most things. Hopefully if someone like Zumbo, who still carries weight with the "I'm a hunter not an assult weapon owning gun nut" crowd can see the light, and very real danger of his previous position, he can then serve to educate others. I have always felt one of the greatest groups of enemies of the 2A were those elitist hunters who were more than willing to sell the rest of us down the river. Perhaps Mr. Zumbo's education can help change that.


New member
I am not a SWAT reader... I already digest a couple other publications more suited to my shooting interests. Please post when the Zumbo article is going to appear because I will make a point of buying it!


New member
Yes, please post the publication date of your magazine with Zumbo, as I will be buying it as well.

Mal H

I love it when a plan comes together!

Excellent idea ebd10 and congratulations to Denny for making it happen. Man oh man, things are certainly happening fast in these days of the internet, eh?

A man makes a life altering blunder, is completely castigated one day with practically a total loss of income, and is authoring an article about the very subject he had zero knowledge of the next day. (Ok, it'll take a lot longer than a day, but it is all happening very rapidly.)

Can't wait for that article.


New member
Excellent idea ebd10 and congratulations to Denny for making it happen. Man oh man, things are certainly happening fast in these days of the internet, eh?

Thanks. Occasionally I get two brain cells firing simultaneously and then something happens (usually a sneeze). Denny deserves the kudos because he is taking a risk on Zumbo, not only in the fact that Zumbo might fold under pressure, but in the possibility that there could be some negative repercussions for the magazine. I just wish I could be there to see Zumbo go through the course!


New member
I'll subscribe to your magazine if Zumbo writes an article. As it stands now, I look at it at the newstand and buy it ocasionally. The article or series of articles that might come out of it would potentially be quite interesting and might serve the 2A and hunting cause.

Hugh Jardonne

New member

This is terrific- some people use the phrase "leave no man behind" but here is a crew who is living that ethic.

My hat's off to you...