
Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
February: Generally dry. Maybe a light snow every two or four years. Morning lows around freezing. MId-day highs around 70, although don't be surprised if it's warmer. Think "layers"!

Sitting-hunting at daylight, you wear everything you own and it's still cold. Start walking hunting about a half-hour after sunup and you start peeling. By 1PM, it's tee shirt and shorts. Around 4PM, reverse the process. :)

Low this morning was 27. High this afternoon was 82. Quite common.


New member
Wy wife's uncle BBQed some young javelina one time for the family Christmas shindig....that was some might good eating.


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Lil Piggies

Back 63 I was down in Baja California doing some scouting for a old lost mine and my partner and I ran up on some "Lil Piggies". It was hot and dry and I guessed we made them mad, they came over and visited us. We sat on a rock for 3 hours. One or two of them hung around and when we tried to leave they would run around and try to snap a snack off our ankles. No we didn't have a gun it was during no guns in Mexico days . They left so did we to it was getting really hot and they got bored I think, HA! Well all the "Lil Piggies" I've seen sense then let me shoot one and then left, tasty! Doc:cool:


New member
kreyzhorse, you can hunt Deer, hog (few) Javelina, Turkey, and Audad and Mouflon at Lake Amistad NRA, in Del Rio. It's an Archery only hunt, walk in walk out. Rough Terrain, and is about 100 or so miles due west of Art's place. Not mountainous, but has it's share of steep ravines. Same climate. You can see the mts. where Art is on a clear morning. Mexico is in between there and his place. It is one of the few public hunting areas in TX, and is not over hunted. Tons of game. Just don't go on opening day. The permit is only $20.00 for the season, plus your license. BTW, it's on a lake that has excellent fishing as well, so bring your fishing gear. I have killed game out there every year I hunted it. I've killed mouflon, (3) 1 Audad, and 2 whitetails...Missed countless others. Bring a range finder. The draws & ravines make ranging very deceptive. The web address for the park is www.nps.gov/amis. If you like a challenging, fun hunt, this is it.
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We spent the week after Xmas at Prude Ranch that is located just outside of Fort Davis. We saw a goodly number of javelina at the ranch itself as well as on the road between the ranch and Fort Davis and between Fort Davis and Marfa (had to take the kids to the the Spook Lights). I have to admit, these were some of the largest I had seen. A guy from the ranch said that the recent bounty of wet weather has really helped the local food supplies and that they were seeing a more and larger animals, such as javelina.

The mule deer at the ranch were quite visible. Of course, their season is over and they know it. We probably saw a couple dozen each day and surprisingly at all hours. We even had half a dozen split our trail ride, passing between the lead three horses and riders and the rest of us.

Of course Art is further south, but a lot of the game are the same. You could do a lot worse for hunting country than that part of Texas.

Oh, we even managed to spy some ringtail cats, something we don't have up in North Texas.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Ah, compass reading! :) Actually, it's about 180 airline miles EAST from Terlingua to Lake Amistad. Study Butte, Terlingua and Lajitas are along the western boundary of Big Bend National Park. (By US 90, it's 200 miles from Alpine to Del Rio; Alpine is 80 miles north of me.)