J-frame carry method OTHER THAN pocket?


New member
I've been carrying a Taurus 850 in a clip-on Don Hume IWB holster. Cost me about $30. Covers the trigger and rides high and tight at three or four o'clock. It has good weapon retention and I like being able to take the holster off my hip without unthreading it off a belt. Less obvious too if you have to take off your shirt for any reason. I was also suprised how comfortable it was driving around in the car, something to think about if you've got a long commute.


New member
I use an Uncle Mike's belt pouch , federal size. My 3" model 60 fits right in there. What's amazing is, my full size HK USP 45 fits in there too, as well as my full size Sig p226. It's a very versatile little pouch, although it does sort of have that "fanny pack" kind of look to it, which isn't too popular. It works well for me though. It fits right on your belt on your pants. jben


New member
Depends on what I'm wearing. I have belt, ankle, and shoulder. Each has it's advantages and disadvantages. My choice is a weighted decision based on clothing, temperature, time of day, and where I'm going. I also judge my decision based on who is with me (another family member or friend who is carrying). There is no holster that's perfect for every situation. I even have sports holster for carrying while jogging.

I used to be self concious about concealability. Years ago before people carried cell phones, pagers, mp3, blackberries, ect I felt like it looked more "obvious". I notice bulges on people all the time and I'll bet a large percentage of them are not guns.


New member
+1 on the Galco Speed Paddle. I carry an airlite ti....very light, concealable, and comfortable.....also very easy to adjust the holster position to my activity (driving, carry not allowed situation, etc)


New member
Hume JIT--can be carried in about any position on belt, strong side or crossdraw. Cheep, and well made. Often use two, one left and one right.:)


"I use a SmartCarry.
It works with pants, shorts, even no shirt at all. Total concealment."

Among other forms. If you get caught with a CCW, in the areas that you can't get a CCW permit, you are totally screwed.

Recently, a lady that really needs one, let her permit run out, and left the gun in a store, in her purse. She's now on probation, no guns, and still has a crazy ex stalking her.
NEVER put the gun in something you can leave somewhere...


New member

:confused: Not sure if you are refering to the SmartCarry in your post or not, but it is a belt you wear under your pants that holds the gun.
You cannot leave it anywhere unless you purposefully took it off.


New member
Smart Carry.
Belly band.
Shoulder rig (eg, Alessi Bodyguard).
Alessi CQC/S.
Alessi APX.
Various ankle holsters.


New member
I just ordered (5 weeks ago.....sigh) a Don Hume 721 O.T. and black belt to match. This is for hip carry. I hope I get it soon.

omegaman.....which Don Hume IWB is yours? I have been thinking of trying to carry this way.

Anyone here have a "honey pot" ie a gut or a tummy? Not sure if IWB will work with my over hang :)


New member
I just got a Hume IWB for a 3inch Model 36 ( I can't remember the model number, sorry) and it is great. Another member here and on other forums clued me in on this little holster. Inexpensive also. Contact Gunner's Alley. They are a first class operation.



Used to be called Thunderwear, and I have a big, and a little one.

That's one of the reasons I like them. Other then a Terry stop, no one can tell you aren't a little round, or something like that...;)



New member

My holster is stamped "Don Hume leathergoods" and the packaging says "H715-M 3-2 RH w/clip". Its supposed to fit Smith j-frames and Taurus snubbies. Got mine new off of eBay for $27. Good quality leather as well. Top is reinforced for reholstering. Good luck.


New member
Paddle vs IWB

I like the look of the Galco Speed Paddle mentioned above. I definitely need something I can take off in the car if I'm going someplace that prohibits firearms. I like the way the Bianchi Black Widow looks except it's not easy-off.

A paddle holster will still show more than IWB like the Galco Summer Comfort or High Noon Split decision, right? Also, don't paddles sit farther off the hip so they're more likely to print?

Most of the time this will be under an untucked oversize t-shirt in warm weather.

Galco Summer Comfort:



New member
I have owned and tried many concealment holsters (IWB = uncomfortable for me / pancake = too hard to deal with "adjustments" sometimes), and very much advocate the use of a paddle with "compacts". As I mentioned above, it's very comfortable, adjustment to situations are simple....& they don't print any more than a pancake / the space between the paddle and holster is minimal, and fits just as snug to the body. I wear it often in the summer with a light T-shirt with no printing problems, the small size looks like it could be a cell phone at best. For a very small / light firearm, they are ideal....however, when trying to use one with a larger weapon such as a 1911, you will find them to not be the best choice as the weight of the pistol will work as a lever between the holster and paddle, pulling the pistol away from you (printing) and digging the bottom of the paddle into you (discomfort).
Hope this helps.


New member
I carry my j-frame inside the waist band, strong-side, with a homemade string holster. It is secure, but absolutley disappears under even a light t-shirt since it doesn't have the extra bulk of a traditional holster;) .


New member
I have only carried concealed about 10 years, but have learned a few things along the way...The belt is the most important part of the package! Good holster-bad belt= bad package. I bought my favorite belt at a gun store, made by a local--far better than my Galco. I would look to Allesi or Mitch Rosen for my next. There are many other makers of good gunbelts--but I know these. My favorite pancake is from the Mitch Rosen express line, although my wifes Allesi is also quite good--also a pancake. My Paddle is from Aker--absolutely superb quality. It will not ever pull out with the draw, and conceals as well as any pancake. My first 2 paddles were a dissappointment, and concealed poorly. The Aker is second to none. The real test of holsters is when they have been worn everyday for years--some (even some of those touted above) turn to misshapen rags. My Aker is 15 years old--I bought it used--and carries a Ruger Sp 101 .357 daily (not a lightweight), and while a little scuffed, is as good as when I bought it 9 years ago. Buy good stuff-you will not be sorry! ChuckD