I've gone pistol crazy!


New member
overlordofwar and uziannie/ i am just like you guys buy me ammo or give me money to buy ammo. easy to please


New member
Local range memberships make great gifts as well. Of course ammo and spare magazines also make good stocking stuffers.

I particularly liked the "All Those Guns" and Goodwill posts above.

I'm at the "I have a good service weapon, a Kimber, and a pocket cannon ... now I need a plinker" phase myself. Then maybe an HK USPc just to balance out all these American guns again ;)

N.H. Yankee

New member
I'm not pistol crazy, I'm certafiable! I have owned well over 100 handguns and still have more than I wish to admit to. I was a late bloomer and started at 21, but have made up for lost time. Once you get the fever there is no cure, the only way to stabalize it is to keep buying pistols and keep shooting.
There ar alot of aftermarket barrels for the Glock and the 40 is an easy find, maybe E-bay would be a place to look also. Welcome to the ever growing feverish club of semiauto pistolero's, you poor poor man, 2 guns is only the beginning lol.