I've gone pistol crazy!


New member
I fear I may have no control over my handgun habbit! Last month I bought a
CZ75B, and today I ordered a Glock 32 :D I love the CZ and don't get to shoot it as much as I'd like to, but I can't wait to get my hands on the Glock either! I'll post a range report when I get the chance. How do you Glock owners feel about the .357 SIG ? Is it hard to find a .40 caliber barrel for mine if I would like to?

Thanks in advance


New member
We all started like this. First it's a nice carry gun, then you see a Glock that you just have to have. Soon you realize that you don't have any small calibers, so you get a P22, then you realize you like that so much you got to get the P99. Then your wife needs a new dress and you take her to Goodwill because you've put your paycheck down on a new Kimber. After awhile she leaves you and you think, "I can keep two Benelli's on her side of the bed, and a couple Kel-tecs under her pillow."
And then you're just like us.


New member

I have only been into guns for 4 months and I already have four new ones. Love them all. Except the .380 broke the 1st time out. Hear it was a fluke.

Glock 26
Golck 23
Ruger P97
NAA Guardian .380
next one? maybe a Kel-tec .32?


New member
I got into revolvers before automatics. My first love was a S&W 66 6"bbl, and I also own the 2.5" version of that revolver. I'm sure I'll have to buy a.....few...more before I'm done. I'm not quite sure what comes after this, the 1911 bug will probobly bite me :rolleyes:
After that, well, you know how it goes.



New member
If you like CZ's....

If you CZs... i just bought a CZ 83 in .380. WHat a sweet shooter. I want to get the CZ 97 .45. The bluing on the CZ'z is extrodinary, the couple people i showed it too did the "oohh". I shot good, snappy for a 380. It felt like my old S&W 3 1/2" 9mm semi. Just thought i'd tell you about the 83


New member
All Those Guns

You married guys know the "All Those Guns" ploy.

It's those first 4 or 5 that are the hardest.

The idea is to buy a service handgun for home protection, then a rifle because EVERYONE needs a good rifle, then a shotgun (ditto,) then a carry pistol, then a classic military rifle....
At or around this point, the wife loses track and they become "All Those Guns," as in, "I don't know WHAT he does with All Those Guns!"

You are then free to operate within the bounds of your budget and conscience.

Now I need a SU-16c.


New member
Then your wife needs a new dress and you take her to Goodwill because you've put your paycheck down on a new Kimber



New member
Its a sickness that antibiotics wont cure. Pretty soon, you'll come across a good deal you can't pass up, even if it means peanut butter on bread until the next payday. It gets that bad, you'll see.


New member
Man the only time I'm not looking to buy a pistol is when I can't dig up the money. Some people get tattoos, some do drugs, I like pistols. sounds like you are on your way getting good wepons man, if you're going to get them at least get good ones :D


New member
I went from 0 to 14 in less than a year. I would much rather go to a gun shop than a jewelry store and now everyone knows I want ammo for gifts. Makes shopping for me much easier! BTW--any caliber will do :)


New member
Attention married men

I told my wife she could get ANY pistol she wanted. She chose a stainless Smith & Wesson, :barf: while I had a blued Sig 220 :) . Then cames the Sig 226. She open the gun locker and saw 1 stainless gun and smiled :rolleyes: . Now I have 3 Sig's and a HK USP :D and she still has the only stainless gun, she cannot tell the blued ones apart or figure out their worth, but the BRIGHT one is hers. Maybe you guy are going about it all wrong.