I've done it now.


New member
Yup Guys-n-Gals I've done gone & did it, I bought my self a 5-1/2" barreled 1858 Remington by Pietta today from Cabelas.

I know I have been looking really hard at the 5-1/2" barreled 1860 Colts for a little over a week but every time that I would look at Gryms' Remy made me want one of those too.

Now I need to pry my brothers fingers away from my Navy Arms 1858 Remington so I'll have the set "sort of" while I'm at it maybe I can get my Dragoon from him too.

Here's the link if any one is interested, come join me Moma's goin to be mad at me when she finds out so I need company... :D



New member

This here confirms my estimation of your character!:D

I think your gonna like it! I sure like mine and fondle it daily. Can’t wait to get ‘er back to the range! I still need to fix the sight and the loading arm latch, but just need a bit of spare time.

Moma's goin to be mad at me when she finds out so I need company...

I'd like to join you but Mrs. Grymster does not yet know about mine… or the conversion cylinder… or well… other stuff…;)

One thing I can think of is if you don’t have a nipple wrench, don’t order the Traditions one for $7. I did and spent $15 getting it here in a hurry. First couple of nipples completely ruined the “hardened” wrench. Try a different brand!

I found a chunk of 440C in my basement was is just the right size. I went to a friend’s house (his wife lets him have a nice little shop in the garage:)…. mine don’t:mad:) and I now have it machined and ready to harden and draw. I was in a rush and made no effort to make it real pretty, but it should be serviceable.

Enjoy yours, post some pics if you can and we will definitely need a range report.
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New member
You've got it bud.

I've allready got 3 nipple wrenches that'll do the job nicely, one thing you may want to do is get some 3M anti seize compound from the auto parts store "I have it in a metal bottle but it lasts a long time" & use a little on the threads of your nipples & don't crank em down, just a little snug, I've been doing mine like that for a long time & even after a long day at the range they will come out with no effort.

I'm going to hold off on the conversion cylinder till I get to know it some, almost all my C&B revolvers have had my touch applied to make em just the way I like em "cleaning, tuning, & smothing" then see what she'll do on the range, who knows I may just get a spare percussion cylinder & leave it at that.

My wife is sortof like that but tolorates some of my hobby "archery, & muzzle loading."


New member
Do like I do, I tell my wife to get back in the house and shut up, after she shuts the door. That way you allways get the last word in.


New member
The thing is, I may wind up selling my Stone Mountain Arms 1851 Navy steel frame .44 "for maybe $100.00" to make room in my safe for my new addition, being that I haven't shot it in nearly 10 years.

I just got my Navy Arms 1858 Remington from my Brother, he cried a bit so I let him keep my Navy Arms 3rd. Dragoon permanently "my bum knee don't like carrying that thing around anyway" but I had to go to the range to let some lead fly out of an old friend....

.457 145gr. ball
35gr. FFFG Goex
Remington #11's
900 fps. AVG!!!!!!
260.5 ft. lbs.

And I was hitting a paper plate pretty consistent at 25 yards!

I think this little jewel will be a lotta fun.
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New member
Get rid of it and get something more realistic. Colt didn't make an 1851 in .44.
No, I don't want it.:p


New member
Yeah I know, I think it's about 12 years old & I bought it off a friend about 10 years ago to help him out of some hard times, it's a nice piece for some one that wants a shooter but otherwise......

I do have a real Colt 1851 Navy .36 but it'll stay in it's nice glass case at least till God needs me.


New member
Raider2000, I hope you have fun with the Remington 1858.

Lets talk about that Colt you have under the glass, take that thing out man and bring it to life! It's been waiting all it's life for someone to feed it some blackpowder! Let her live, someone is probably going to after you are gone anyway, might as well be you.

I just shot a 2nd gen. Colt Walker yesterday for the first time, don't regret it a bit. I've done the same with a Colt 1851 Navy, and a 1860 Army Colt. Bring it to life, sorry if I jumped the subject.


New member
No probs my friend, my 1851 Colt Navy has been in my family since around 1857 belonged to my Great Great Grandfather.
As far as putting some powder into her, I think she's a bit too tired for that.


New member
Sorry Raider 2000, I assumed you were talking about a 2nd gen. Colt. You are one lucky man, to have an original is one thing, but to have one that is part of the family is really special.


New member

I'll have to get back to you on that.
She presently resides at my fathers home in South West Virginia "my last divorce scared him & I where the old girl may have been out of our family forever" & for now she'll stay there till I know it'll be safe in my home again.

My next visit I'll try to remember to take a few pictures for all to enjoy...


New member
Finished my 440C stainless nipple wrench. Hardened and drawn to 52 Rockwell C. Didn’t have appropriate stock for the handle, so I’m currently using the black one from the Traditions POC. I even managed to incorporate the nipple pick from the traditions. Works great and someday I’ll push the handle out and press a stainless one in.


Sorry 'bout hi-jackin' yur thread Raider, but I gotta show this off.:)
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New member
Well here it is!!!

I got home this afternoon & it was waiting for me like my long lost puppy....
I will say it looks darned good in person except for the grips "a little too fat at the top" but some fine tuning will have em fit just as nicely as my Navy Arms 1858 New Army "by Pietta."



New member
Well today I had the pleasure to throw some lead through my new toy, & let me tell ya it's a bit surprising in the recoil & chronograph area compared to my full sized 1858 but manageable.

These were taken from 6' on my Pro Chrono just to see what differences in the barrel length would give me.
Bullet = .457 144 grain Hornady Round Ball.
Powder = Goex FFFg black powder.
Primer = Remington #11

8” barrel average ballistics.

35 gr. Volume 34 gr. Weight = 935 fps. 279 ft. lbs.
30 gr. Volume 29 gr. Weight = 842 fps. 226 ft. lbs.
5-1/2” Barrel Average Ballistics.
35 gr. Volume 34 gr. Weight = 861 fps. 236 ft. lbs.
30 gr. Volume 29 gr. Weight = 766 fps. 187 ft. lbs.

Now my accuracy was to be desired but I'm getting used to this little fella, with a 25 yard group of 6" & slightly favoring the left, the front sight to me is a bit lower than I had anticipated so most of my shots are 2.5" - 3.0" high.

after running 30 shots through it today between the 2 cylinders I had to call it a day "ran out of powder in my box" but I've learned a bit on what it can do & see that I have some more sessions with it to get even more accuracy out of it...

I used my powder measure that I use for measuring my loads for my Hawken & I noticed that there is a slight discrepancy in my 2 pistol powder measures & my Rifle measure.
My pistol measures are the simple brass tube type with no swinging funnel that read 5gr. to 50gr..
My Rifle measure is also brass but it does have a swinging funnel & it reads from 10gr. to 120gr..
My quandary is this.
When I use my rifle measure & back it up with the scale it is usually 1gr. less by weight than the volume reading on the measure no matter what amount I want to use on the measure, not bad.
When I use the pistol measures they degrade a bit as you go up the scale, 10gr. = 9gr., 40gr. = 35gr. not alot granted but just wondering if the smaller measures aren't as accurate as they could be..