It becomes more personal by the day


New member
Dear Governor Owens,

I just found out that you cancelled that appointment with the victim of rape. Why? Why not refuse the appointment in the first place? Were you afraid of bad press?

What solution do you propose to prevent rape? Besides lawful self defense, perhaps you can pass a law to remove the offending parts off of all potential perpetrators. Then I'll feel safer. You first.

Long Path

New member
As a new father of a daughter, I am impressed at your self-control, Labgrade.

I am further impressed with your daughter's actions.

Let's not let this one flounder. She's got some fire in her belly; will she be willing to go on-air in the broadcast media? Newspaper stories?

The man is a swine, and your daughter wronged. The governor didn't rape her, but he certainly is not in favor of allowing her to do anything to stop another swine from doing so. He's just a half step behind...

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited February 25, 2000).]


New member
I once worked with a guy that sent his daughter off to college in San Diego .About 30 miles from home . He lived in Orange CO. and she went to school in L.A. . He gave her a .38 pistol origin unknown . His instructions were simple . " If you fear for your life or your safety caused by someone coming into your apartment YOU SHOOT and then call me . We will work something out before reporting it " . As I have posted before the saying when I lived in Texas was ( Especially by women ) " Better to be caught with it than without it " . You have to know that the Gov. will get the last word in every deal . When he calls a news conference the best reporters show up to cover HIS version of events . When other people call for a news conference it ranks with a Cat Show or some other mundane event .
You need to back this guy into a corner but that may not even help . He will give lip service to a specific problem but nothing really happens in the long run .You try going into a court room and ask the Judge to define " IS " . They answer to a different group and I don't think we are a part of it . If you get someone else in office that shares your views perhaps they don't share the view of some other group and becomes their target later . We have gone from Ten Commandments to Ten Thousand Volumes of Law . In this case we need to move backwards . I always figured a person had to stoop pretty low to fit through a loophole .



Moderator Emeritus
I was 17 when I left for college. At the time my only handgun was a Ruger Single Six. A day before I left, Dad asked if I was taking it with me. I said yes and he said no, leave are taking this...his 1911 .45. That sly ol man had spent the last year teaching me how to shoot it. He merely said, don't let anyone know you have it and always keep it concealed. Years later, I needed it...and I had it.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!