It becomes more personal by the day


Member In Memoriam
Allow me to paint a bit.

Last week ….

The Guv has an event. The Lady, with baby in backpack, approaches The Guv in front of reporters and says she wants to talk to him about gun control. The Guv, senses a political moment. Reporters all around, who could set it up better?

The Lady talks of being raped twice by the same man who has stalked her for a number of years. The Guv, again sensing his moment, says, "That’s because he had a gun?"

"No," The Lady replies "I wish I could have had a gun so I could have defended myself." You see, the police really couldn’t do much about it, etc ….

This flies in the face of reason to The Guv who now starts to uncomfortably move off.

The Lady is persistent and corners The Guv.

"Why will you meet with those who favor gun control but don’t have the time to talk to those who favor self defense." The Lady asks.

The Guv mumbles something about his schedule and "Call for an appointment."

The Lady, being the persistent one she is, requests an appointment be made right now; this still in front of reporters. A check is made of the appointment book and plans laid on for today, specific time in The Guv’s office.

The Lady calls yesterday to confirm the meeting and is told that it is cancelled "The Guv is busy, ya know, blah, blah …"


The Guv. Colorado Governor Bill Owens.

The Lady - my daughter.

The point? I’m not sure.


New member
Time to contact one of those reporter type that was standing around, looking for a story... ;)

It never ceases to amaze me how biased these *******s can be...

When will the voice of the people be heard?


New member
"Oh, but that was just gun lobby rhetoric!"

That's what you'll more than likely get out of any reporter, unfortunately.

Labgrade- good for her!



New member
Labgrade -

First, let me offer my sympathies to your daughter, and to you as a father. Lord help one that messes with my daughters. I sincerely hope she pursues this, although I'd certainly understand if she chooses to let it go. I really can't think of anything else to say...

"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36
"An armed society is a polite society."
Robert Heinlein


New member
I'm at a loss for words.........How far is your daughter willing to take this???

Me thinks it's time to call all the papers and TV stations in the state to try and get somthing about how the Gov refused to talk to your daughter the victim. Public pressure by voters is the only thing these ****sticks understand!!!

How about sending letters to the editors of all the newspapers in the state???? At least that might get some print time.


Staff Alumnus
Time to let Benedict Owens know that it's not just a few vocal loonies who are after his butt. :mad:

Firing up the email client...

Why don't you just end the suspense and officially register as a Democrat?

I am a friend of the young lady who cornered you and confronted you with your hypocrisy the other day. You remember: the one you thought would provide a good photo-op, then utterly baffled you when she wanted to know why you're against self-defense.

Well, Governor, you told her to make an appointment. She did. You cancelled it.

What's your problem? Why won't you deal with us? Why do you insist on insulting us in the media and belittling our efforts to make you accountable for your actions?

Have you forgotten your oath of office (that stuff about upholding the Constitution)? Have you forgotten who elected you?

Governor, if you don't get your act together, we *will* recall you. We've gotten liars and traitors out of office before, and we can and will do it again, if you continue your unconscionable attacks on basic human rights like self-defense.

Remember, Governor: no one, not you, not the Legislature, not your so-called "majority," NO ONE has the right or authority to disarm another.
"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited February 24, 2000).]


Staff Emeritus

Send a copy of that e-mail to every paper, radio station and TV station you can think of.

Politicians hate to be embarrassed. One of the media is bound to pick up and publish/broadcast this.


If this happens, please tell your daughter to be prepared to play hardball with the Governor. He will have been embarrassed, and I note that powerful men who are embarrassed tend to get mean.

Please extend my sympathies to your daughter.
No one should have to go through that sort of thing once, much less twice. Please tell me that the critter responsible has been snatched up and is doing time.



New member
I'm so sick of f***king politicians and there agenda's and there ilk. Labgrage: let me express my sympathies to your daughter and your family regarding the violation at the hands of this sick individual. What is the e-mail address where i can send my feelings about this towards the Gov???

[This message has been edited by 12-34hom (edited February 24, 2000).]

Guy B. Meredith

New member
I have forwarded the following to Governor Owens:

Governor Owens,

You need to be aware that your treatment of a rape victim who asked for the right to use a gun to protect herself has been communicated across the nation.

Bigotry is not a desirable qualification for anyone holding political office. In your case it is a bigoted attitude about the quality of the character of people desiring to use guns for recreation or self protection.

I urge you to consider that in instances like this the availability of a gun is a deterrent rather than a cause of crime. Whether a gun is used for good or ill is something for which the individual violator should answer, not responsible gun owner.

Guy B. Meredith
San Ramon, CA


New member
May I have your permission to post the text of your message only (no link) at other non-firearm forums?



Member In Memoriam
Thanks, folks. Found out about the cancellation yesterday & have been so angry -well, somewhat immobilized.

First time I've been at a loss for words (even if it isn't something stupid). Tried to post this last night & lost it.

"May I have your permission to post the text of your message only (no link) at other non-firearm forums?"

Of course. Link if you'd like. The labgrade moniker is somewhat known in some venues. Perhaps, as I feel, it will personalize events. My daughter's name stays out of it. Different last name, etc.


New member
Please post that e-mail address to Benedict Owens.


Labgrade, I'm speechless. I'm afraid my control would be significanly less if it were my daughter...


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited February 24, 2000).]


New member
The guv is an a-sshole.
The Lady truly is.
E-mail will be sent explaining why a planned vacation to Co is cancelled.


New member

A tip of the hat to you, for your self-control.
It goes without saying, but you should be very proud of your daughter.
This hits close to home; as I have 2 daughters (grown) of my own, and one had a similar experience.
There's NO excuse for Owens' actions.

Please keep us posted...

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...


New member

That really **** me off.


[This message has been edited by Shok (edited February 25, 2000).]


New member
Looks like your average sissy boy. ( Note: the previous was a PC version of my real feelings )

Sorry your daughter had to endure a POS not worthy to even be around her.

[This message has been edited by scud (edited February 25, 2000).]


Staff Emeritus
I didn't trust myself to answer yesterday. (I have three daughters.) Permit me to say:

1) Congratulations to you. Your daughter obviously does her Daddy proud.

2) A respectful tip o' the Stetson to your daughter. The term "Well done" seems quite inadequate.

3) Please keep us informed. TFL members can become quite a political force (ref Hobgood and other examples).


New member
What we need to do is take a case like this and turn it into a media issue. However, not just by trying to embarass the "Higher Authority." Consider other avenues; for instance we are all aware of the lawsuits against gun makers because (and I'm sure I'm quoting incorrectly, but paraphrasing right) "of promoting violence thru irresposible sales of weapons." Fine, turn it around and have people (victims of such aforementioned crimes) form a class-action suit against the Governor for "promoting a unsafe enviroment for the average citizen." You could even add "promoting ... by failing to disarm criminals in any numbers instead disarming citizens and violating their 2nd Amend. rights.

Just a thought.
I passed the BAR in Virginia. Too bad it wasn't in CO or I'd do it myself.