Israeli Police Pistols For Sale


New member
I have a magazine from a CZ75 SA and it fits, except that the mag catch cutout is too low to engage the catch.
So, my big question right now is, where do I get magazines for this thing?

Obviously you aren't going to modify your factory CZ mags, but you can buy a couple less expensive Mecgars and modify the catch slot. It is fortunate that the catch slot is too low to work; If it was too high, you'd be out of luck. Just put some Dykem or chalk or what-have-you on the mag to find out the correct height for the slot (where the drag mark from the mag catch ends), then file or cut out (carefully!) with a Dremel

During the "dark" years of AWB, I managed to modify two or three different common mags to work in my CZ. One of them was from a Model 59 Smith. (Actually, the 59 was modified to work in a CZ Compact that I had at the time.) I think I used either Beretta or Taurus mags to work in the full size.
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New member
From the little I can find online, it looks like the small-frame Witness mags might work. If I buy them from Midway, I can always sent them back.


New member
After some research and an email to BUL, I learned that small-frame Witness 16 round mags will work. I ordered two from Midway and they fit.

I ran a bunch of 9mm dummies through the gun and got perfect functioning.

I'll get to the range soon to be sure, but unless I get back on here to say otherwise, 16 round Witness mags are the way to go.

NOTE: 17 round Witness 9mm mags are also available. Don't buy them. They're for the large frame gun and not for the BUL Storm.