Is there a really good way to calculate wind drift


New member
I was trying to shoot between wind gusts you guys just showed me i cannot do that thank you. Taking all your advice to heart


New member
I was trying to shoot between wind gusts you guys just showed me i cannot do that thank you. Taking all your advice to heart
There is AT LEAST a $Billion prize if you can accurately show how to do that.
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New member
You just need a Cray computer, a team of programmers and wind sensors at the correctly point of the trajectory every foot of the way!

Or you can wing it. Cheaper.


New member
I learned long range shooting from a retired Vietnam sniper. On a still day, he does not place in the top 10 in our 1k shoots. On a windy day, he usually wins. He says "look at the 50 yard wind flag and to hell with the rest of them." Works great for him. Works ok for me.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I guess that first, write down the bullet drift for various ranges and wind speeds.

Then find articles about wind speed effects on your location in the field: Grasses moving or not. Small tree branches moving or not. Larger branches moving or not.

It doesn't hurt to check local area weather forecasts for probable wind speeds during the day.