Is the RKBA under greater threat now, or less?


New member
I dont think we are in desprate trouble yet, remember there are 80 million guns out there and prob. 20 million people that would make a stand against such tyranny... considering our military is only 1.3 million and a lot are over seas, I think their numbers dont match up, just have to keep fighting for the RKBA, and dont let people fall asleep at the wheel...


New member
Glockguy45, according to the "official" statistics, the number of firearms in this country is estimated at between 220 to 240 million. This is based on manufacturing and importation statistics over the years.

Evan Marshall, who does certain kinds of statistical analysis on firearms use, estimates the number of firearms in the USA at 300 million.


New member
Thanks for the info Jeff, Just remember hearing the 80 million guns owners awhile ago and figured well 80million guns has to be broken down to where people like me own an armory... So the ratio goes up some more :D

Tom B

New member
As sad as the attack was it will help our cause. People see that the government and police cannot protect them. Gun sales speak for themselves. People also see what the politicians are doing and saying in Washington and the lack of courage there. Leaving town,protective suits, closing National airport, general whining, other elitist type stuff. The memory will remain for quite a long time. Overall it will be healthy for the country.

Cap n ball

New member
When Joe-average goes to the surplus store for his family pak gas masks I'm pretty sure he will also check out the firearms. He will figure that this isn't going to end right away and he should be prepared. After we get the terrorists on the current list there will be list #2 and #3 and so on...heck, we'll invent terrorists after we get the popular ones. In the meantime things could spin out of control, with one more WTC debacle this nation will go absolutely nuts and then it will be what it has been all along but were not openly calling it....a religious/economic war. That will be a very tragic and messy thing and it won't just be 'over there'. It will be everywhere. Except possibly in China. They may just sit back and let everyone have at it. It sure will sell firearms though. Don't get me wrong. I'm no pacifist. I'm a vet and as patriotic as anyone else here. I just think this whole thing can go south on us quickly and we better keep a good tight grip on what the big boys are up to in Washington as well as the other side in the gun debate.

"When you find yourself agreeing with the majority it's time to reflect and re-consider." M. Twain