Is the Right Losing the Internet? YouTube Blocks Conservative Videos


edworm - Please re-read the article. YouTube removed Michelle Malkin's videos because they found them "offensive." So there is one instance of a computer literate conservative that took the time to upload her video and had it summarily deleted.
Without any description as to why they were deemed offensive. Maybe a member of YouTube's staff didn't like what she had to say or maybe she uploaded a video with graphic or adult content. We don't know unless she tells us which videos were taken down.

93 results. She's not being silenced.


New member
I'm not at all sure getting 93 hits says much about Malkin's acceptability to Youtube.

Unless we're to assume that Michelle posted this description of one her videos:
Right wing wacko Michelle Malkin tell's right wing wacko Bill O'Reilly about her culture of suicide, and Bill agrees.

Of the first page or so, I'd guess over half are actually Malkin hit pieces rather than Malkin videos. One was simply a video of Malkin saying "hey".

I'm not much into tin foil but if I was I'd make note that youtube seems to have left the hit pieces intact. If one removes Malkin videos, one should also remove the "rebuttals", as it were. Agree?


New member
The way I see it is that most people who use the internet do so on their home computer. A computer and an internet connection costs money. To get money someone in that household needs to have a job (although it is possible people are spending their welfare checks on electronics). A large number of people are leftist untill they get a job and get out in the real world.

So I think we need to note the difference between the websites that are for kids in their leftist-schooldaze-hippy-faze and those sites frequented mostly by adults, such as this one.


I'm not at all sure getting 93 hits says much about Malkin's acceptability to Youtube.

Unless we're to assume that Michelle posted this description of one her videos:
Right wing wacko Michelle Malkin tell's right wing wacko Bill O'Reilly about her culture of suicide, and Bill agrees.
Of the first page or so, I'd guess over half are actually Malkin hit pieces rather than Malkin videos. One was simply a video of Malkin saying "hey".

I'm not much into tin foil but if I was I'd make note that youtube seems to have left the hit pieces intact. If one removes Malkin videos, one should also remove the "rebuttals", as it were. Agree?
What left pieces are intact? Are you telling me you can't find numerous conservative videos on that site? And while I agree that leaving all sides of an argument up for review is the wise thing to do you have to realize that youtube is a private company and they can show whatever they damn well please. If you have such an issue with that then get together with some like-minded computer nerds and start your own site.

Complain all you want but the internet is probably the best example of a free market as you'll find. At the end of the day this is what the people want.


A large number of people are leftist untill they get a job and get out in the real world.
wow, I absolutely dare you to come up with a single shred of evidence that backs up this assertion. one could just as easily say that most right wingers are too uneducated to know how to use a computer in the first place until they get some schoolin' and learn how to use dem fancy machines that the real world runs on

Yet we both know neither claim is true.