Is the Right Losing the Internet? YouTube Blocks Conservative Videos


Moderator Emeritus
see also:
Robert Cox: When will the right recognize the cost of conceding Web 2.0?

Robert Cox, The Examiner
Oct 12, 2006 5:00 AM
Current rank: # 1 of 7,101 articles

WASHINGTON - If you doubt the Internet is causing a sea change in politics, just ask “independent” Senate candidate Joe Lieberman, who came out on the wrong end of a blogger-fueled campaign for the Democratic nomination in Connecticut.

That was no accident.

In the waning days of Howard Dean’s abortive presidential campaign, I met many of the talented folks who played a role in turning the Dean Web site into a powerful fundraising tool that propelled an unknown candidate into the national spotlight. At various blogging conferences since, I have had the opportunity to observe many of these bright minds strategizing on how to best leverage the emerging world of blogs and other “social networking” services known as “Web 2.0” to advance their liberal political agenda and win elections.

Their common refrain: “We need to own the Internet the way the right owns talk radio.” bold by TBM.

They got me wondering whether the online “conservative elite” was aware of what the left had in mind and, if so, whether they were concerned. During the past few years, I have had the opportunity to ask this of Internet specialists working on the Bush-Cheney campaign, top officials in the Republican National Committee, communications specialists at the White House and dozens of top conservative bloggers.

A-List blogger and talk radio show host Hugh Hewitt’s response was typical: “It doesn’t matter who creates the tools used by bloggers, but what bloggers do with those tools.”

When I suggested that ceding control of the major “nodes” in the online world to the left was a huge mistake, they were dismissive. It became clear they could not imagine one day finding themselves boxed out of what is fast becoming the biggest force in electoral politics.

Enter Fox News pundit, author and top-rated blogger Michelle Malkin. Last week she received notice from YouTube, the world’s most popular video sharing service, that her video had been deemed “offensive.” The result? Her account was terminated and her videos deleted.

YouTube refused to say why her videos were “offensive” and there was no avenue available to challenge the decision. Today, her videos are gone and her voice is suppressed on the most important video “node” on the Internet.

Some might note that Malkin can still host her videos elsewhere. Of course she can, but that would fail to understand the powerful forces of “network externalities” at play online. There is no Avis to eBay’s Hertz for good reason: Once an online network is fully catalyzed, there is no reason to join an alternative network. If you want to get the most money for your Beanie Baby collection, you are going to want access to the most potential bidders — and that means eBay.

YouTube is poised to become the eBay of video file sharing. If you want the biggest audience for your video, you want access to the most potential viewers — and that means YouTube.

Google understands this dynamic, which is why the company announced Monday that it will purchase YouTube — a company that has never made a dime — for $1.65 billion. YouTube fits very well within the Google online media portfolio. The company already owns, the most popular blog hosting site online, and Google News, which in two short years has become one of the top news sites in the world.

Don’t think it matters? Consider that, according to USA Today, 98 percent of the money donated to political parties by Google employees — “Google Millionaires” — went to Democrats. bold by TBM

But it’s not just Google’s media and financial muscle that benefits the left. Liberals run the leading blog search engine — Technorati. They run the leading blog software manufacturer — Six Apart. They invented two of the most important blogging technologies — Podcasting and RSS. The list goes on and on.

It may not matter who manufacturers your radio since all points on the dial are equally accessible and the choice is tiny compared to the number of Web sites, but on the Internet, where popularity is often directly proportional to technological acumen and popularity, once achieved, breeds more popularity, who builds what means everything.

Malkin may have been the first casualty in the coming information war but she certainly will not be the last. Yet online conservative elites seem not to care. They fail to realize that voters are increasingly accessing news and information from these new media sources and that these sources are using their editorial discretion to publish and promote a liberal — not conservative — agenda.

Still think it doesn’t matter? Just ask Michelle.

Robert Cox is a member of The Washington Examiner’s Blog Board of Contributors.

It is a very interesting point. If liberals "own" the major clearinghouses of Internet information (Google, YouTube, BlogSpot, etc.), how long until they start widespread deletion of content that runs contrary to their own agenda? Look at the largest liberal discussion forum, Democratic Underground. Try registering and posting your conservative opinion and see how long until you are banned. Already gun-related businesses are banned from advertising on Google, eBay is equally anti-gun. How long until these liberal titans of the Internet completely delete conservative content?



New member
The cure for the Internet is a mass of grey matter that weighs about 3 lbs in an adult. You have to choose to use it first. From time to time all of us have our moments of terminal colon blockage.


Eghad, information. Before the internet information was hard to get. Nobody can rightfully be called ignorant today, although some are willfully ignorant,
because the information is readily available. Google and other enemies of the Constitution, and the freedom it represents, want to limit conservative speech and the sharing of ideas.
Research Google and see what they have done to limit free speech. The internet will be reduced to the crap that we get from network news, if Google has their way. While you're researching, imagine how hard it would be if Google controled all the information. I'm no fan of Malkin, but she is shut down everything Google considers non-PC will be shut down.



Good article.


If you doubt the Internet is causing a sea change in politics, just ask “independent” Senate candidate Joe Lieberman, who came out on the wrong end of a blogger-fueled campaign for the Democratic nomination in Connecticut.

And the guy who knocked Lieberman off is gonna lose, even in a liberal state.

Converse view: The net and bloggers moves the Democrats farther out of the mainstream, since the loony libnet generally consists of the same folks "me tooing" their pet radical projects. Read DU and watch the mental circle masturbation, same as you see here if Rosie O'Donnel is mentioned.

But the vast mainstream of America doesnt pay attention, and the majority of young folks are too hung up with their MySpace social lives to care.



Sgt Snafu


Google and other enemies of the Constitution, and the freedom it represents, want to limit conservative speech and the sharing of ideas.

Google, eBay and the others are businesses. They have the right to publish or not publish what ever they want. You don't see too many Gay Vacation ads in the American Rifleman mag. It's their business, they can do as they want.


Is it any surprise that the internet is dominated by liberals when most high tech internet companies are based in...California?
I don't know how youtube decides something is "offensive", but I can tell you for sure that they do not classify videos as such by the political viewpoints expressed.

I have seen tons of right-wing stuff on the site and I have never had to log in to view it (standard procedure for "offensive" content).

Apparently they do not consider jihadi-home-videos of suicide bombings "offensive" either as there are tons of those on there as well...


New member
The beauty of the internet is the comparatively low startup costs and ease of access. If/when google and their shiny new video storehouse become a shill for the DNC, then competition will arise and they'll be knocked back on their heels.

If it can happen in television, it for sure can happen online.

You can't "own" the net.


Moderator Emeritus
Enter Fox News pundit, author and top-rated blogger Michelle Malkin. Last week she received notice from YouTube, the world’s most popular video sharing service, that her video had been deemed “offensive.” The result? Her account was terminated and her videos deleted.

YouTube refused to say why her videos were “offensive” and there was no avenue available to challenge the decision. Today, her videos are gone and her voice is suppressed on the most important video “node” on the Internet.
Certainly, one cannot "own" the Internet, but as the above quotation notes, there are important "nodes" and less important ones. The right "owns" talk radio.

It is my opinion that exposing the liberal-controlled "nodes" for what they are will hopefully spur conservatives to shake things up by either complaining loudly about it, or take the threat seriously and do something about it themselves.


New member
The internet is a threat to the Incumbent Party. It has already pulled down a presidential candidate and in the process of leading the defeat of a tapped senatorial candidate. The unchanneled power of the internet will eventually have to be restrained (in the view of statists everywhere). The democrat wing of the Incumbent Party has already said it will reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine for talk radio, effectively killing it off. The republican wing of the Incumbent Party has taken the first swing at damaging the internet by making sure internet based, political content is is subject to Campaign Finance Control regulations.

Youtube is a growing weapon in the arsenal designed to hold the Incumbent Party accountable for what it does. Youtube can also be duplicated.


New member
Much ado about nothing. I guess that Americans are becoming to lazy to read and to digest and comprehend what they have read. I guess it easier to be spoonfed by watching video.

The Internet is its own beast and too big for anybody to control. The truth is out there you just have to find it.

Free your mind.


It is a very interesting point. If liberals "own" the major clearinghouses of Internet information (Google, YouTube, BlogSpot, etc.), how long until they start widespread deletion of content that runs contrary to their own agenda? Look at the largest liberal discussion forum, Democratic Underground. Try registering and posting your conservative opinion and see how long until you are banned. Already gun-related businesses are banned from advertising on Google, eBay is equally anti-gun. How long until these liberal titans of the Internet completely delete conservative content?
Private companies have the right to host whatever content they please. If this bothers you then don't use Google anymore.

Maybe if the right didn't put computer illiterate fools like Ted Stevens in charge of communications committees on issues that will destroy the very framework of the internet then maybe it'd have more support from the large online companies.

The internet is a series of tubes.


Google can't even keep blackhat seo blogspam out of their search results, I doubt they could do the same to conservatives.


I thought youtube was cool...

until I realized (other than the occasional funny video) that it was mostly anti-bush conspiracy theory crap. They don't think we went to the moon and they don't think terrorists were responsible for 9/11!:rolleyes: I get enough of that crap at school and at work. I am a junior in college and I also work on campus. It seems like everybody here is a tree hugging hippy who is pro abortion and anti christian or anything "American" like constitutional rights (except for free speech). We had a campus cop take away a photo journalists camera and film when he took pictures of an arrest. The campus threw a fit and every kid smart enough to write wrote a letter into the campus paper bitching about it. I don't blame them. It truly was BS what happened to the kid. I love the fact that all the liberal *******s complain about the 1st amendment but think the second amendment should be abolished.:rolleyes: What a bunch of hypocrits. Maybe someday when they succeed in taking all our guns away the government will shove a gun in their face and tell them they can't say whatever they want anymore. It ould serve them right!:barf:


New member
Private companies have the right to censor things as they see fit. I'm not going to complain. However I will proceed to roll my eyes when these same people stand on the virtual street corner, or elsewhere, and complain about civil liberties and espouse freedom of speech.


until I realized (other than the occasional funny video) that it was mostly anti-bush conspiracy theory crap. They don't think we went to the moon and they don't think terrorists were responsible for 9/11!
People upload their own videos. Content is not provided by YouTube. You can find just as many videos of safe firearm usage as you can of conspiracy theories. If there's a lack of conservative-oriented material it's because there aren't enough computer literate conservatives that have taken the time to upload such videos.

But to think that "they" don't believe we went to the moon or "they" have ridiculous theories on 9/11 ignores the fat that "they" are individuals and do not represent the whole user base.


Moderator Emeritus
Redworm said:
If there's a lack of conservative-oriented material it's because there aren't enough computer literate conservatives that have taken the time to upload such videos.
Redworm - Please re-read the article. YouTube removed Michelle Malkin's videos because they found them "offensive." So there is one instance of a computer literate conservative that took the time to upload her video and had it summarily deleted.