Is the Mini 14 / Mini 30 that bad?


New member
Gav-N-Ten I think only the new target minis are .223 specific the rest are still .223/ 5.56

Well you see what I mean then. That's the difference in accuracy same as you would find in an AR chambered for .223 ammo. Thanks for that info. It definitely explains why the target model would be more accurate.
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New member
TriumphGuy said:
Sorry to ruin it for you, but it's a "Ruger Ranch Rifle" now

Naah,'s still a Mini 14. I've been renaming Ruger's firearms for them, free of charge, ever since the 'Great Vaquero Embarrassment'.


New member
again and again

Another thread about this, eh?
I like'em both. I've owned and shot them both. I gave the Ruger to my son. I kept the AR.
The Ruger was/is an older model. Try as I did, it would not shoot better than 4 MOA using the same loads that produced way better accuracy in the AR. The iron sight adjustment was too coarse for my tastes. But it was a handy gun, pointed well, was reliable. For SD/HD/plinking/hunting a bit, it'd do fine.
It was when I decided that I'd like to try the HP game that I went full time to the AR and gave the Mini away.
How many "box stock" plain vanilla ARs shoot inside of two MOA on a regular basis?
What is "box stock" plain vanilla anyway? The AR that I own is "bought-over-the-counter-and-unmodified" (not exactly true - I installed a hooded Nat'l match rear sight). It is the HBar Match target version; is that plain vanilla? When I bought it, years ago now, it was about the same $ as other ARs, IIRC - but that was before the current semi-auto craze and Internet forum discussions.
In any case, that "as bought" rifle has always been sub-moa capable. I have shot my own smallest iron sighted group with it (0.5 inch), though that was from the bench.
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New member
Almost ruined mine

Mini's are NOT chrome lined. I nearly ruined mine, here;s how....

I did some casual shooting one morning, rocks, cow pies, just out for a stroll on property and a ROW near my home.
Using import ammo, non corrosive, but........mixed in was a couple of rds of corrosive ammo that I was not aware of.

I came in, put the rifle in the safe, did not clean it.....went to work.
When I handled the rifle next, in a day or two, .............disaster, visible rust in the bore, and I could not get the action open, the op rod was rusted to the port/gas tube.

I hosed the whole works down w/ WD-40, and after a bit, w/ the action out of the stock, smacked the bolt handle w/ a soft mallet, which popped the action open. I then brushed, scrubbed and JB'd the bore and gas assembly like a madman. The rifle shoots as well as ever, and their are no visible pits (to the eye anyhow), but I nearly ruined one of my favorite guns.