Is the Mini 14 / Mini 30 that bad?


New member
I'm a long-time AR owner and have never owned a Mini-14. I've always liked the look and feel of it, being a M1-A/M14 fan. It seemed that back in the '80s nobody was pleased with magazine availability, and I keep hearing negative reports on the accuracy. The Mini 30, as I understand, doesn't fire the less expensive surplus ammo without damaging the barrel. The barrel is smaller diameter, I think.

Anyway, these rifles feel and look so attractive in so many ways. I wouldn't mind having one. I shoot mainly off hand without glass optics. Would I be disappointed in the accuracy or reliability as compared with my Colt or Bushmaster ARs?

Can anybody convince me I'd be happy with one?


Suwannee Tim

New member
How about five to eight inches at 100. Is that bad? I think so. And the five inches was with a lot of effort and load development.


New member
I love my Mini-14, it'll shoot 3-4 MOA all day long (and that's stock with factory loads). They are great for what they are, a ranch/truck rifle. My only complaint about my Mini-14 is it's only 100% reliable with factory mags that are kinda expensive.

red caddy

New member
I'm not gonna try to convince you of anything.

It seems, around here, that AR platform guy's don't shoot/like mini's and mini guy's dont shoot/like AR's.

I too am a long time M-1/M1-A shooter. I also own, shoot and like the mini's (14 and 30). I don't know what your expectations are for the mini's, but both of mine shoot well with Wolf/milsurp ammo and very well with handloads. all in all, a short, light, fast handling weapon that does what I ask it to.

IMHO, the mini's were never designed to be a main battle rifle, and should not be judged against one. (especially one that can't (IMO) best the M-1/M1-A on any point of comparison) 'Nuff said. Paul


New member
Mini-14 180, last outing for comparison; Shot as well as my sons AK @ 100 yds. We shot as fast as we figured the rangemaster would allow and switched rifles twice. Most fell within 2" of center, a few 'flyers' went 3"'s off mark.

I can still sort of use peep sights but not reliable enough to hunt. The flyers wer probably me with the AK.


there are alot of people who bash mini's my mini-14 is a newer 580 series and it's been 100% reliable. shooting off a rest it will usually group 1.5-2''. maybe the older ones used to shoot worse,but my only experience with the mini-14 has been mini-30 is older and has a scope on it and it shoots 2-2.5''. ive never had any issues with either i tend to be on ruger's side. i use pro-mag 20 round mags and they have all worked well for me,so i cant bash them.i understand its not intended for match use or anything like that,but it will shoot man size targets all day.. cant wait to see my mini-14 with a scope on it..


New member

Accuracy was typically not very good until they retooled the manufacturing about 2 years ago...

Reports of the new ones say they shoot better, but not as good as an AR15. 2" at 100 yards in 6.8 seems like a good truck gun to me.




New member
Since the mid 1980s, I've owned 3 Minis. None were precision rifles despite dozens of handloads with different powders and bullet weights (including loads that would shoot less than 1" in my ARs). The one Mini I kept was bought new and shot the best of the three with 5-6" groups at 100 yds. The 2 I sold were 9-10" guns at 100 yds.

I also own 2 Saigas. Both shoot 3-4" groups at 100 yds.


New member
On the reliability issue, my Mini experience is limited to one issue that I created. They don't like being loaded up to over 4K FPS ++.

With that one exception none have ever failed me and I've put a few through the wringer. Ever flip your airboat and spent a few days walking out of the swamp? I'll die with that rifle!


New member
ive shot quite a few, both new and old. 14/30 and ranch.

the 30 ranch would not even feed roger mags reliably, it only liked 1 mag.

ive shot ak's that are more accurate than mini 30's. and they are more reliable, more accessories, and cheaper!.

if you just like to plink at <50yd it will be fine.


New member
Sarge said:
Even with a hot barrel, the last three-shot group of the day was 3 7/8 inches at 210 yards....

That was only ONE group out of countless others (and I'll guarantee you it wasn't the worst). Factor in the average of all groups and you have even less of an argument for a Mini-14's accuracy (that in itself should be an oxymoron). 3 7/8" is roughly (slightly better) than 2 MOA at 210yds. That is pretty poor compared to the ability of a decent AR. Any intermediate shooter with an AR can do 2" @ 200yds pretty easily. Even a Marlin .22 will shoot better groups than the 2 MOA the Mini was shooting.

The irony is that the author of that article was using a 4x scope. I'm sorry, but I can shoot better than that using iron sights at 200yds with my Noveske. Seriously, if 2MOA is the best you can do WITH A SCOPE, that alone should speak of the accuracy issues the rifle has.
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i can shoot the same guy in the head with my mini that you can with your AR.2-2.5 moa at 200 yrds. is pretty damn good where i come from..


New member
i can shoot the same guy in the head with my mini that you can with your AR.2-2.5 moa at 200 yrds. is pretty damn good where i come from..

Let's put this into perspective, then.

At shorter ranges, 200 yds and less, why pay the same amount for a gun that's less accurate than an AR?

At longer ranges, say 500yds, a 1MOA AR is going to hit within a 5" circle. Your Mini won't be able to even group on a paper plate.
How about hunting with Minis?
Other than punching a small group of holes in a piece of feral paper,
can't they stop a feral pig if the hunter knows where to aim with either a 14 or a 30 and the correct type of round?

Despite being middle-aged, I have a Mini 30 etc but have never hunted.
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New member
>>>Anyway, these rifles feel and look so attractive in so many ways. I wouldn't mind having one.<<<

Well then for Pete's sake GET ONE.

I was dissatisfied with my 25 year old Ranch rifle because it shot 4" groups. I put an Accu-Strut on it (all of 10 minutes work) and it shoots half that now. Plenty good enough for my plinking needs but you make the call for you.



New member
The Mini 30, as I understand, doesn't fire the less expensive surplus ammo without damaging the barrel. The barrel is smaller diameter, I think.

Where did you hear that? There is a difference in the ball diameter of a 7.62X39 as opposed to .308). The ball on a 7.62X39 is .02 larger than .308 so you have to be aware when reloading but what you just said is a new one on me. All of my ammo for my Mini-30 is surplus with the exception of 1 box of WWB. 7.63X39 is a mil-spec round. As for opinions on the Mini-14, you'll get as many people, or more, that like them as you do people that do not. I have 4 of them but only one is for shooting. The others are WAY too collectible for me to feel the need to exercise them.


New member

I dug out some notes and articles before responding, here's what I found:

Both Ross Seyfried and C.E. Harris describe the Mini-30 as having "long throats" and chamber specs", in articles written in 1987 and 1990 respectively. Apparently this allows the use of .311 ammo in their .308 bore. I t seems the oversize projectile gets slimmed down to size as it travels through the long throat.

Ruger owners manual cautions to use only made in uSA domestic x39 ammo. But...
My own Mini-30, purchased in the early 90's, has had 1000 or so rds of import ammo through it w/ no probs, though I shoot mostly brass cases .308 dia reloads through it these days, after getting an AK. W-W ball gives me 3MOA when my mini wears a scope. W-W or Rem Soft points do the same. This is sufficient for woods hunting and as a truck rifle for me. Mine has downed several 100 - 125 lb whitetail does, and many other pests.

The Ruger 5 rd factory mag is the most reliable, as in great. All the after market hi-caps I have are only OK, w/ the 20 rd types (USA) working best.

Seems like I have read that Ruger has gone to a .311 bore on recent Mini's but I cannot support that w/ reference or my own observation.


New member
Apparently this allows the use of .311 ammo in their .308 bore.

They would have to allow for something other than .308 because a 7.62X39 ball is technically not .308 anyway. Thanks for the documentation that backs that up. People get the ball from a 7.62X51 mixed up with a 7.62X39 because they see the 7.62 and think it's the same. That should only be an issue if you are purchasing bullets for reloading or if you took it upon yourself to pull some. 7.62X39 is 7.62X39. It could be argued that the brass cased, US stuff is of higher quality I guess but the OP was given some bad info if you ask me.

Anyway, I would ONLY listen to the "Mini-14s are crap" talk from people that have really owned one. Not just some purveyor of hear say. I own the Mini-30, Mini-14s and ARs.