Is the forum "thining out"?


Moderator Emeritus

My observation is that the political composition of the forum has been aired and some see an association with left wingers; who desire for gun control.

What you may have noticed (and misinterpreted) is that a lot of people around here are libertarian; just because someone doesn't like statist Republican control freak legislators doesn't mean they like statist Democrat control freak legislators any better.

Or that they want gun control laws.


New member
It seems to me that in General Discussion, half of the threads are about the DC sniper, a topic that I just can't seem to muster up enough enthusiasm about to sludge through.

And over in the SemiAuto hangun forum, they're talking about the Glocks with defective/not defective frames..

And in the Rifle forum, well, there's plenty of threads on SR-15's and M4's, for some reason! ;)


New member
well let me see in between the remodeling job on the house to sell, the loan companies to buy the new one and sell the old one , end of the quarter in the chemical industry( working my butt off ) 5 states in 3 days @2200 miles) getting engaged , getting dumped , recovering from that mess , eatting . sleeping .. hmm what am I doing here???? oh yes recouperating .. :D


New member
Feds, schmeds

A couple of times lately I have seen references to the Feds monitoring this board and people being scared of that...

To what avail? Has TFL ever been subpoenaed for its membership records? Then they would have to try and track you down through your e-mail address? And then -- if you use a hotmail or yahoo! mail -- they would have to try and subpoena their records and track down your ISP?

The govt may (not sure I am that paranoid yet) read what you have to say, but unless you are plotting criminal activity, they are not going to be able to get the necessary subpoenas and spend the man hours to track you down.


New member
I think its just a natural slow-down. I spend a lot of time on some other boards (i-club) and it goes in waves too.


New member
I'm not a big-numbers poster, but I'm here daily.

There are many reasons you may feel this way:
It's huntin' season.
The clamor of good posts comes in waves, as mentioned.
You can only say so much about which gun is best, etc.
After a while, everyone becomes an expert and no longer needs advice. ;)


New member
I have not been in L&P as much this year because there were hardly any significant cases coming out of the U.S. Supreme Court in the areas that interest forum members. It looks like this term may be different.


New member
just because someone doesn't like statist Republican control freak legislators doesn't mean they like statist Democrat control freak legislators any better.

ROFL! Right on Tamara!

Hey, where's Dennis been the last couple months? I always enjoyed reading his posts. Not that Tamara (and a few others) with sound reasoning haven't done a good job blowing the Republicrats out of the water, but I miss his great posts. Hope he hasn't given up.

Maybe I just haven't been seeing his posts and he's still on?


New member
Dennis is keeping the forum tidy over in the Art of the Rifle area

Where is DC? is a better question...

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woo woo!