Is the forum "thining out"?


New member
**Is the forum becoming less active?**

Is it just me, or does the average views and replies of most threads seem to be going down? :confused:
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New member

this _may_ be a relativisitic phenomenon due to your accelerating participation in the forum...


-also from mn


New member
it's 3:45am :)

go to bed!


(I'm at work)

I'm brand new here, I hope it isn't thinning down, I'm just starting to have fun.


New member
I don't mean like right now (this minute) :) I mean within the last 2 weeks the forum seams to be less active. I could be wrong though.


New member

People may be worried the Feds are watching because of the D.C. sniper so are not posting to avoid unwanted attention.:barf:


New member
My observation is that the political composition of the forum has been aired and some see an association with left wingers; who desire for gun control.
Hell, Conyers wants assualt like rifles banned - period and others want to ban accuracy. And they all want more information i.e., secrets on Irag.
I'm phasing out myself.:barf:


New member
I've been involved in TFL since the beginning. Activity moves in waves. People are busy, just how it is.

Long Path

New member
Larry's right, of course. The forum's contributions come in seeming waves. That does not necessarily mean that the Membership is not reviewing the forum as much; just not posting as much. The "Views" per thread haven't dropped much lately. And honestly, can you really compare this October with last October? Not a chance. Things are relative. People are going hunting, or taking fall vacations. (I spent the whole of the last week in the woods, though not hunting.) This is the best time of year to be out of doors, AWAY from your computer.

Come snowy days and blustery weather, you'll see the posts come back up. :)


New member
Well I don't know about this forum thinning out, but compared to many others forums that I have seen, this is the mother of all forums !! I am always astounded at the level of particpation.

Larry C.


New member
Well, I know that I haven't posted as much this year, though I have been viewing just as often as before. I have other issues weighing me down.
A certain amount of the membership are regular posters, at least within specific forums. I would think that some just don't post if a bunch of members got their first and posted similar replies to what they were going to post.

Navy joe

New member
Don't encourage him Soda, he'll just start 5 new threads on why Knight has produced the mother of all battle rifles. :p

Brett Bellmore

New member
Things are insane at work; I put in a 14 hour shift yesterday! :eek: So I've had to offload a few less essential activities, like mowing the lawn, doing dishes, sleep... and websurfing.

Calamity Jane

New member
Though I look in/read on a regular basis (hey, I'm a TFL addict! ;) ), I've been going through a "less talkative" period lately. That's normal for me, though. My talkativeness comes and goes in waves.



New member
Look under peoples' profiles. I find that the number of average posts daily is inversely proportional to the quality of those members' posts.

Quantity doesn't necessarily mean quality.

Of course, there are exceptions to this, but they're few and far between.


New member
It's all part of my BIG PLAN. Soon, I will have TFL all to myself, and I will post and reply on every topic imaginable.


[Gotta get some coffee now.]


New member
Hello! It's hunting season!

Many 2nd amendment supporters are hunters and they don't take their computers to camp with them.
BTW- how many localities have tried to pass an anti-gun law on the opening day of deer season in your area?