is Sweedish Mauser strong eneough for 30 06 ?


New member
During and after WW1, rifles for paramilitary troops were made with a smaller diameter front receiver ring and designated as Gewehr 1898a. They were lighter, more portable, and not designed to accept a bayonet, instead having only a stacking hook on the front of the rifle, but were in other respects similar to a regular M98, and accepted M98 bolts, triggers, bolt stops, etc. Google M98a.

Here's a picture, you can see by zooming in on the top view that it has a small front receiver ring, but is otherwise similar to a large-ring Mauser 98.

TX Hunter

New member
Thanks Scorch

Thats the first time i have heard of a small ring 98. I have examined several mauser variants and noticed the stepped reciever ring as apposed to the smooth sided small ring reciever. Also noticed that the Turk mauser seems to be a cross between the two, but i believe its still a large ring action. Anyhow i think i will hold off on these sweed sporters . Thanks for the advice


New member
There's a 1st time for everything. :p

For any Small Ring Mauser 98 virgins out there - the quick way to ID one is to look for a cock-on-opening M98 that has a front receiver ring flush with the left receiver wall, just like pre-98 Mausers.

Since it's an M98, however, it'll have the M98 safety improvements.

Husqvarna made commercial sporters on them for over 30 years, some of them in the late 1960's - early 1970's stamped "Smith & Wesson Model A, B, C, or D" - before switching to the HVA "Improved" Mauser 98 action with delta cross-section/shaped locking lugs (when viewed from the front) on the bolt, etc.


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New member
Not sure about the answer but i will say this, ,back in my collage friend from out of state brought a swedish cut down bolt action rifle that his grandfather took from a panzer back in ww2..and let me tell you.that is one gun i would really really not want to get shot with.i believe it was an 8mm..3 shots and we obliterated an oak stump..nasty