Is Security enough?


New member
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

attributed to Benjamin Franklin, although he may not have written it.

The only correct answer to the question, "How much freedom are you willing to give up for security?" is "None."

Anybody in power who comes to you with this question is more dangerous than whatever they claim to be protecting you from. Nobody who wants power should be trusted with it. To have a functioning society, we need to give them some power, but trust? Never. This, to my mind, is the deepest flaw in democtratic/republican government, (no party labels implied,) that it awards power to power-seekers.

Fear is the best way of convincing people to grant the power-hungry more power. I fear the power more than the threat.



New member
Now I'm an internet commando? That's what we call an Ad Hominem attack and it's recognized as a fallacious argument.

As for all the posters citing how the money would be better spent, that's not the point. It's not an either/or situation.

We could save lots of lives by lowering the speed limit. We could save lots of lives by outlawing 5 gal buckets but we aren't going to do either. It's not about choosing the option that is likely to save the most children because the options aren't mutually exclusive.


New member
Give me Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness! I`ll take that over any amount of security the government provides. You are responsible for your own protection when disaster strikes. How can all this security really protect you?
If you ask me, it`s all one step closer to giving up your freedoms.