Is it legal or ethical to dispatch wounded game with a knife?

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I was waiting on one of these old farts to show up!! LOL!! Sorry Frankie. Where's FINISHING a deer with a knife illegal?


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Never thought about it much during gun season. I always carry a side arm just in case the first shot does not do the job. I have never thought about it being a problem using it after dark, if it was to end the animals suffering. Where I grew up the game warden would be much harder on you for not finding and dispatching a wounded animal.


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Is it legal or ethical to dispatch wounded game with a knife? Can we use legally carried firearm during bow season to dispatch an animal with a mortal wound? What about a rock or other improvised weapon? Can we wring the neck of an injured dove or are we obliged to shoot it again with a shotgun to end its suffering? Are we poachers if we use any weapon or method to dispatch a game animal that isn't in our state's list of approved hunting equipment?

I know this question comes from an earlier, ill advised post about an archery kill poorly, and illegally completed.
Now my question for you. WHY NOT ANOTHER ARCHERY SHOT? If you are close enough for pistol, knife, or rock, why not another arrow?


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This sort of begs the question: if the government is going so far as to regulate knives as finishing implements... are you allowed to hunt small game with throwing knives? What about shurikens? Or a slingshot?

Where does the regulatory madness stop?

If David could kill Goliath with a sling, I'm pretty sure someone with practice could kill a deer with one. Would the game wardens complain?


New member
I'm not sure what the laws are on Oklahoma... but it's NOT legal in Texas to kill a deer with a knife.

of course, I've finished off deer with a knife on the throat. I'm not going to sit there and watch an animal suffer needlesly. There was actually a case of a game warden confiscating a deer that was shot on an army base in texas, because it was "killed" i.e "finished" with a knife. Total BS in my opinion, but you have some of these game wardens with a corncob buried deep, and just look for a reason to jack with people.


New member
All states cover "method of take" as well as legal weapons in the hunting regulations. Good reading, BTW.

It would be a lot easier to believe a knife to dispatch a wounded deer than a firearm during bow season, otherwise every Bubba in the state would carry a handgun to "finish off" his deer. And a spotlight, too, because they were looking for him at night, Mr Warden.


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I belonged to a bow hunt only club for a few years and we had a spear (I kid you not) for following deer at night. The logic was, you could not shoot it again w/ your bow after hours, and approaching and doing the deed w/ a knife could get tricky, so you stuck the animal from a slight distance w/ the spear. It got carried a bunch, but I never was with a tracking job on that lease, that didn't find a dead deer already, at the end.

"course Alabama now declares a spear season for deer, so.........I dunno.


New member
You have an ethical responsibility to end that animals life ASAP. Finding the animal when it is not legal to discharge a weapon leaves one with very little choice. The VAST majority of the time, I believe that we have an ethical duty to follow all laws. However, in this case, the ethical responsibility to the animal that you have grievously wounded overrides any legal issues of killing it with a knife.

I have done it twice. Once when I spined a deer with my bow because it was (unknown to me) damaged and a follow up shot was not possible and once when my only other option was a 12ga slug on an animal that was unconscious but still alive.

It's disgusting, to say the least, but you make your bed, you lie in it. It's part of hunting, if you can't/won't, don't hunt.

And yes, you have to be very, very careful. Even a doe could hurt you bad. A buck, well, those horns can do nasty things.

Good post


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Ever since I learned to "stick" a pig, I no longer need to waste a round on a kill shot for the most part...Just a quick tussle and the critter is handled clean and humane...

That would also protect your dogs and fellow hunters that might be struck by a bullet. I don't know if it's strictly legal but it seems like an ethical approach.


New member
I'm not sure what the laws are on Oklahoma... but it's NOT legal in Texas to kill a deer with a knife.

of course, I've finished off deer with a knife on the throat. I'm not going to sit there and watch an animal suffer needlesly. There was actually a case of a game warden confiscating a deer that was shot on an army base in texas, because it was "killed" i.e "finished" with a knife. Total BS in my opinion, but you have some of these game wardens with a corncob buried deep, and just look for a reason to jack with people.
That's interesting. I think your choice to end the animal's suffering as quickly as possible is the way to go even if it could result in a confiscated deer.


New member
bamaranger said:
I belonged to a bow hunt only club for a few years and we had a spear (I kid you not) for following deer at night. The logic was, you could not shoot it again w/ your bow after hours, and approaching and doing the deed w/ a knife could get tricky, so you stuck the animal from a slight distance w/ the spear. It got carried a bunch, but I never was with a tracking job on that lease, that didn't find a dead deer already, at the end.

"course Alabama now declares a spear season for deer, so.........I dunno.

spear season? got a link for that? I'm in :D


New member
Spear season does sound exciting. I wonder if that means that Bamaranger's former club won't be able to use the spear to dispatch wounded animals after dark anymore.


New member
Interesting question.
As stated, it is a state by state thing.
Where it would be illegal does illustrate the absurdity of many of our laws and regulations.


New member
Where's FINISHING a deer with a knife illegal?

Every state I've ever hunted in had/has regulations that limit legal weapons to those specifically defined by the state. If the weapon isn't listed, it is illegal to be used on the (live) game animal, in any way. The coup de grâce is no exception.

The only place I've lived, that allowed knives in any form, was Florida -- and that was limited to feral hogs.

spear season? got a link for that? I'm in
Here is a very interesting article, including video!
I've wanted to hunt with my Altatl for quite some time. But, of course, it isn't a defined weapon in the states I hunt.

If you know how to use it, it's a better weapon than a bow. (More energy, more range, more internal damage if it doesn't pass clean through.)

But, I am a cheater. I have Eaton Aluminum shafts for my Atlatl darts.


New member
Some states have specific law addressing dispatching wounded game and some don't seem to address it directly. For example, in North Carolina an archer can use a handgun to dispatch wounded game but it must be a .22 rimfire:

SECTION 1. G.S. 113-291.1 is amended by adding a new subsection to read:
"(k) If a hunter kills or wounds a big game animal during the hunting hours authorized by subsection (a) of this section, the hunter may use a portable light source and a single dog on a leash to assist the hunter in retrieving the dead or wounded big game animal, and may dispatch a wounded big game animal using only a .22-caliber rimfire pistol, archery equipment, or a handgun otherwise legal for that hunting season. Pursuit and retrieval under this subsection may occur between the hours of one-half hour after sunset and 11:00 p.m. if necessary, but such pursuit and retrieval may not be accomplished using a motorized vehicle.

It doesn't look like a hunter can use a knife in North Carolina to dispatch a big game animal.


New member
Didn't have a bow at the time. Would you have been ok if a knife was used?

A friend of mine stuck a whitetail doe around 8:45 Saturday morning and his expanding broad head didn't open. He tried for an hour to find the deer and then backed out for lunch. After lunch we went back to look for the deer and around 2:00, he found her. She stood up near him and he got a shot off with his .22lr revolver before she ran off.

Sounds like your poacher friend chose NOT to have a bow with him!!!
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