Is It Just Me, Or Do Any Of You Have A Difficult Time Shooting Kahrs?


New member
I have a CM9 and a P9 and finally got around to shooting them back in the Spring. I thought that I would really like them because of the smooth trigger, but I'll be darned if I can shoot either one of the two worth a hoot. I couldn't get a handle on the the "Dot the I" sights of the CM9, but I'm sure that would change after more time with the gun. The P9 having night sights made it a bit better, but the trigger is what is giving me trouble. The pull is so even that it's throwing me off. If there was a little stacking I think it would help me considerably.

So, is it just me or do any of you have the same issue?


New member
If you shoot revolvers shooting the KAHRs is fairly easy. Otherwise they are tiny and have a long trigger pull making them challenging.


New member
Weird maybe they are just not the right fit for you or you just need a ton of dryfire. Maybe they are Your firearm kryptonite if you will. :D

I shoot most things passably (not great by ANY STRETCH) from mouseguns to beltfeds I can run anything passably................................except the Beretta Tomcat/Bobcat/itty bitty things. DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN if you don't want to get shot by me with one of these, stand directly in front of me. I might as well just throw the darn things.


New member
Oddly enough, I shoot the tinier Ruger LCP way better than the Kahrs. I would trade the two off, but for some reason Kahrs don't bring much on the used market.


New member
I have several Kahr's and shoot them pretty well. I do shoot them a lot and have been shooting them regularly for about 6 or 7 years. I guess it's like anything else. Practice is the key. Once you get the hang of the Kahr trigger you will be to shoot any of their pistols. It is pretty consistent throughout their product line.


New member
Actually, it depends on where you're coming from I think. I started with revolvers and I hate to admit it but I shoot my CM9 better than my model 340 with 38 special loaded. The trigger in that j frame has a sudden drop off at the end that always throws me off and it stacks. Seeing as how the 340 is worth more I would like for it to shoot better. As for the sights I have never bothered to dot the I. I always just align the tops of the front and rear sights which is supposedly universal unless you have something novel like the XS big dot sights or ghost ring or the like. One thing I have noticed about these little guns is they tend to wiggle in my hand during the trigger pull because they don't fill my hand all the way and I have all this excess hand/finger length that feels like it gets in the way. But palm sized groups at 10 yards (if I remember right) isn't something I can complain about. Keep playing around with it!


New member
mostly revolver guy here, only messed with one Kahr, my SIL's CW45 that I have because it has had numerous failures to eject and he does not have time to deal with it.
i expected to not like the pistol, but after running three boxes of the cheapest 230 gr. ball through it and the ejection problem about ironed out I am liking the pistol. So-so trigger, but pretty accurate for what it is and my hand is getting used to it, It is definitely different than my beloved 1911s but i can see using it as a carry piece.

It sure does mangle brass though.



New member
I shoot my cw9 well enough, but not as accurately as my other pistols. When I used to qualify with it I would shoot 94 or 95 vs 99 or 100 with a SIG p220. My 1911 I can qualify 100 every time, if I don't outrun myself. Same with a CZ 75 and P07.

I was issued a Sig P290 a few years ago as a u/c gun. For all intents and purposes, I should shoot the kahr better. I can fit 3 fingers on the grip and the trigger is WAY better. Alas, I still shout slightly better with the P290 with 97s. I do find myself shooting a little faster with the kahr as it is more comfortable to shoot fast. This could account for the lesser performance. I still feel I should shoot it much better than the P290 though.


New member
I too have a hard time getting used to the post & dot sights on my CM9. What I found to help was filling in the little triangle cuts on each side of the rear sight window with some white sight paint.
As for hold, and trigger I really don't have a problem.


New member
I have a cw9 that I just retired. Was going to trade it but resale was horrible. After 3 years I could not get it to shoot decent groups, always shot low. I liked the way it felt in my hands and the trigger was decent but man it would not group. Just got a hk p30sk and that thing is a tack driver. I also have several revolvers that I shoot double action very well so I know it wasnt the trigger for me.


New member
As a matter of fact, my local club just had the third annual "Hand sized" hand gun match in which I shot my kahr cm9. I shot it fairly well, took 18th of 75 with two DUMB procedurals. Anyway, I normally shoot a glock which is nothing to write home about but even still the trigger of the kahr made me stumble a little, namely due to how long the pull is. Twice I short stoked the reset which slowed me down. So, no, it isnt just you. They are different animals. As mentioned above, shoot a bit of double action revolvers helps improve the use of kahrs. They are good little pistols IMHO.

Also I find the pinky extension for the mags helps immensely.


New member
I don't have a Kahr but I have shot them, I like them but I shoot revolvers and an LC9. Friend of mine has a .45 Kahr, I may have to get one.


New member
There's just something about the Kahr that my hands don't like.

I see them at gun stores and will pick one up,,,
Then immediately put it back down.

I just don't like the feel of them.

So I doubt I would shoot them well,,,
Something about the grip just turns me off.

It's a shame though because by all reports,,,
They are dandy little fieryarms.




New member
I shoot pretty well with my j-frames, but I just can't get a group to save my life with a Kahr. Maybe more trigger time would help since I've only shot a buddy's, but in my experience any gun I don't shoot well to begin with doesn't get a whole lot better even after 1,000 or more rounds.


New member
I tend to shoot small revolvers a lot better than these two Kahrs.
I shoot the tinier Ruger LCP way better than the Kahrs.

Not me, I have a LCP and IMO it has more recoil than the PM9.
My PM9 is preferred as a 2nd option pocket pistol (not primary, same for LCP) to a Glock IWB.

Shotgun Slim

New member
MY CW40 is capable of shooting amazing groups. For a long time I was the weak link in the accuracy department. The Kahr is a little small in my hand and it felt like the trigger pull was so long that my finger would actually have to shift position on the trigger to complete the pull. The fix for me was to let my trigger finger maintain light pressure on the inside bottom of the trigger guard all the way through the motion. This as opposed to trying to keep the finger up in the center of the trigger's curve. Worked like a charm for me. YMMV


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I'm about to find out. Just bought a CM9. Haven't got out to shoot it yet. I do like the trigger though.

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The LCP is brutal enough for me - it gets 1-2 mags at practice. The small Kahr gets a lot more. No Annie Oakley, but at 7 yards, I can put all the shots where they need to be to make it useful for close defense like I would my snub. Only way I shoot my J frame better is by using a Ergo grip. Not pretty, but the grip angle works great for me. Had them both at the range the other day; J frame won the tighter grouping that day (I think I'm finally getting my finger on the trigger in the right place to keep from pulling shots off).
I'll keep the Kahr and may make it my "in the map pocket of the car" gun.


New member
Nope had a PM9 and still have a CW45, shot them just about like my LCR, LC9s, PPS all are easy to keep in the 9ring of a B27 @ 25 yards