Is being a "gun nut" bad?

Dave R

New member
"I have 8 pistols and 4 rifles. "

Slacker. ;)

Seriously, I know a couple of gun nuts, and yes, they worry me a little. They are un-balanced people who have a bit of an unhealthy preoccupation with revolution and destruction. And they dont believe in cleaning up after themselves at the "informal range", too. :mad:

However, I know a lot of gun enthusiasts, and they are among the most friendly, intelligent and successful people I know. And they generally know a lot more about politics and the Constitution than your average person.

You are not a gun "nut". You are a gun enthusiast.

Your FBI friend is a prejudiced bigot. Check the definition.

Then have him read the Federalist Papers and see what the 2nd Amendment really means.


New member
I'm certainly no redneck -- I live in the northeast, write software, and have three engineering degrees from Cornell and Stanford.

In a previous life I was a Civil Engineer. In that profession I got to work with everyone from day laborers to PhD company presidents. And frankly, some of the most honest, straight-forward, and hard-working guys were the blue collar folks on the job sites. In general, they knew the right way to do things and they really wanted to do it the right way. The only time they didn't was when their d*mn foreman was directing them to cheat on the specs.

I don't judge people based on a person's level of education or what they do for a living. I judge them based on the strength of their character. And I've seen an awful lot of highly educated, white collar *ssholes (sometimes while looking in the mirror :()



New member
Sticks and stones can break my bones...

...but before I let that happen, I'll fill ya fulla holes! :mad:

Why should you care what your "buddies" think?

Some buddies.

Only people that matter have opinions that matter.
Only people you care about have opinions you care about.


New member
Play games with your friend.

Gun Nut--Firearms Enthusiast
Car Nut--restores '69 Camero's
Motorcycle Nut--Rides Harley's
Loves Football--Fan
Loves christianity--fanatic

What is your friend's passion? Engage in some creative redefinition. If you can make is a sound unacceptable you've then hit paydirt.

Then when your point is made, back off to the status ante.

I work for a company that does not understand the firearms culture so I refer to my self as a pistol shooter.

glock glockler

New member
Well, yes and no. It is a more expensive than cocaine but OTOH you can treat BGs to their choice of caliber upon entering your house.


New member

Gun Nut? Don't worry about it. If it really bothers you, call him a jack booted thug the next time you are amongst people you introduce him to and see if that gets his attention. When he looks at you like you put a knife in his back tell him "That is what it feels like every time you call me a gun nut in front of people."

Am I a Gun Nut? YES and proud of it!

By the way. Is he coming to the shoot? Invite him from me. Maybe when he gets to meet a bunch of "Gun Nuts" he will see that we are all just normal people.;).......then again....... :eek:

Paul K

New member
No! IM proud to be a gun nut. Take your friend shooting, go to that TFL shoot in NJ, let him meet other gun nuts, It might change your opinion.

Calamity Jane

New member

My name is Calamity Jane, and I am a Gun Nut.

I am also a Hubby Nut (as in, nuts about my hubby).

In addition, I am a freedom nut, a book nut, a classically trained composer/pianist nut (whee, that was a long one!), a writing nut, a science nut, a computer nut, and a cat nut (as in, I am fond of the species felis catus).

I even like walnuts.

Ah, it is good to have passions in life.



New member
When asked if I am a gun nut I usually reply, "No, I'm a marksman." Most people don't know what to say to that, not that I really mind being a gun nut. In my experience the most fanatical "nuts" I have ever met are refered to simply as golfers. Watch-Six


New member
I am called a gun nut by a select few. They understand the meaning and use it to pick on me, only close friends or family can do it.

All others get asked what their hobby is. Some say they don't have one, yet they go clubbing all night every weekend. I can make up several names for this and it really bothers them. From then on they avoid gun nut.

The ones who can get away with it have a hobby I have a name for they do not like. So it evens out. My sister is an art major, graduated. I call her art stuff artsy fartsy. It is worth money, but so is my gun nut stuff.

Respect is needed by all. When around new people all bad nicknames are avoided, or else explanations are given. Course after college dorms I never had a room mate again. I prefer privacy, and have been called a nut due to that.

Sounds like respect is not being given. That is the first problem. Everyone spends a paycheck on something. Even if it is a new car payment, there is something expensive being bought. For those rare people who scrimp and save, tightwad comes to mind.


New member
When a shooting buddy calls me something like that, I take it as a compliment :)

A couple of times I've had discussions about guns with more or less antigun (or indifferent) Americans that go something like this:
- Are you into sports?
- Yes, I shoot.
- Oh, you're a gun nut?
- Yes, and I'm an ex postal worker...
That usually results in a somewhat hesitant smile :)


New member
I always get angry:mad: with people when they call me a gun nut unless they're my close friends or family. Most people call me a gun nut on purpose to annoy me.:mad: I hate leftist liberals.:mad:


Gun nut and proud


New member
My therapist says it's ok, so it is ok. I am ok, you are ok, we are all ok.
I would rather be a gun nut, then a liberal. :barf:

Usually the conversation goes kinda like this, "Hey, you are a gun nut, what do you think of _______ firearms."
I take it as a compliment in that context. :D


New member
I never really have this problem. Not a lot of people know that I own guns. For the most part, the ones that do are friends and family. I also have little patience for people who speak to me in a disparaging manner, so someone who called me a "gun nut" and meant it as an insult or in a way that calls my character into question, I just make my displeasure known (cold, silent stares do pretty well when you're as big and ugly as I am), and I make a point to avoid that person in the future.

Having said that, I really don't mind being called a "gun nut" and have referred to myself that way jokingly. Once or twice I have corrected people when they referred to me as a "gun nut" and let them know that I prefer the term "gun totin' maniac" (which I think has a much cooler ring).

Sounds like this guy isn't a very good friend. It also sounds like he has self-esteem problems. Lots of times when people don't like themselves, they feel the need to tear down those around them in order to make themselves feel better. Sounds like you're more patient than I am. I would have ditched this guy years ago. I don't maintain 7-8 year relationships with people who disrespect me.



New member
Its funny that you mentioned "damage control". I had lunch today with a friend and her fiance. We talked for awhile and sept. 11th came up. I had said that it was too bad there wasnt a blackout in addition to the tragedy, new yorkers would not be so forgetful as they are now (people are in serious denial). I said the death toll due to crime would have surpassed the WTC. Her fiance says, yeah, so you can have a reason to get out your gun? I said no, but now that you mention it, it would have been a deeper lesson for the liberals, seeing them rush the cities gunshops in a last ditch effort to protect themselves. Im sorry but you brought it up. I dont want to see people harmed or killed but if you believe in the deliverance of God, you would understand that it would be for the greater good. It ended there.

Over the last month I may have actually lost 2 friends as a result of my beliefs regarding the RKBA. Some people think that I am to pre-occupied with guns and now consider me .... too much? Im learning to stop trying to force myself on people and just let it be. If I dont, I think I will be doing more damage than good. I also feel that I will be vindicated when the SHTF :cool:


New member
Thanks for all your views and support. I just feel the term "gun nut" is an insult because to me, it describes someone who is unbalanced and is a troublemaker. Now, I've never been in serious legal trouble ever (except for a few traffic tickets here and there...) but for him to say that just really racks me up. There may be something to what someone said earlier about him not having a high self-esteem and needing to break someone else down.Although it is hard for me to figure that one out since my friend is a very arrogant person. He even admits this in front of people. His reason is because he feels that he is that good. He is quite the ladies least he thinks so. :rolleyes: Me, I just like a quiet night at home and occasional gathering of friends. He does shoot fellas so it is not like he doesn't know anything about it. I'm just better......:D It was worse when I had to defend against some stupid statements a mutual aquaintance of ours made when he got involved in the discussion. Stuff like hollow points are designed to kill cops and should be banned, why would anyone need to be allowed to have a ccw permit, we should give up some freedoms in order to obtain more security in wake of 9/11/01........etc. Boy, I couldn't believe the stuff I had to try to straighten out that day! I have a standing invite to all my friends that if at anytime they want, I'll take them to the range and show them how to shoot a pistol. The aquaintance took me up on it and we go next weekend. Anyway gang, he is not dis-respecting me in that he truly believes in the perceptions he holds about private gun owners. Since his job is to deal with scumbags and lowlifes, I'm beginning to feel that it is his profession that is warping his view. He told me once that the NRA is viewed by the FBI as a radical out fellas! I'm a Life Member btw. (My roomie know this :D ) So thanks for chiming all. I feel better now that I had the chance to get this monkey off my back abit.