Is being a "gun nut" bad?


New member
Hi all, I got a problem that is bugging me for a couple of weeks now. I have 2 roommates who I've known for sometime now. One I have known since 4th grade. The other for about 7-8 yrs now. Anyway, the one I know for 7-8 yrs thinks that I'm a "gun nut." Now, personally, I take that term as an insult and I let him know so. In my view, a gun nut is a derogratory statement. Anyway, I do admit I have a large collection. I have 8 pistols and 4 rifles. However, I have always respected the law and never done anything stupid or illegal with them. I have been target shooting for about 10 yrs now and am just getting into rifle shooting. Well, my discussion with him basically went in the direction that he felt that the 2nd Amendment is out-dated and how the Constitution should be changed because it is a living document. He also feels that gun ownership is a priviledge and not a right. Of course, I pull out the arguements against that view and how it would lead to the loss of our freedoms. He claims he has no problem with me owning firearms but at the same time he thinks private ownership should be a licensed thing. Now, I know that we are entitled to our beliefs but what really bugs me is is that he still thinks I'm a gun nut and that our rabid defense of the 2nd Amendment is nothing but proof of how crazy we private owners are. He even went to claim that the "red-neck freaks" at the forum is warping my views! Btw, I forgot to mention that he works for the F.B.I. No...he is not a Special Agent. He is starting to really bother me cause he makes stupid snide remarks about my passion (target shooting and collecting) around others or strangers. I never bring the topic up unless someone asks or attacks the 2nd Amendment. I need your advice gang. How can I change his views? Both of my roomates own firearms. I just happen to have more. He is a friend....really he is but I think his job is twisting his perception of the private owner. Should I even bother and just put up with his remarks? What do you all think? Or am I just being too sensitive about being called a "gun nut?" Thanks all.


Moderator Emeritus
I'm pretty comfortable with being a gun nut. ;)

The rest of his statements, however, display an appalling amount of ignorance. :mad:


New member
Your roommate must have some passion that rivals yours for guns. For one day, mock him about all the anime he watches or whatever. Give him a feeling of what it's like. Hopefully he'll respond with, "Well, yea, so I'm a _____ nut! Who cares? It's what I like!" If he's a rational person he'll see your point and let up a bit.

Or you could try to convert him. :p


New member
Thanks Tamara but really should I even bother to argue with him about it anymore? It is really draining me cause I don't have the time or energy to waste.


Moderator Emeritus
How can... let someone who calls the people "red neck freaks" on a board he doesn't even read bother you?

Look, scroll down a page to the "Favorite Books" thread. Read through it, then go find him, think back to his last usage of "red neck freaks" and laugh in his face.


New member
The next time he calls you a gun nut, just cock your head to one side, twitch your face a couple of times, look a bit crazy and say "Ya know, I'm gettin a lil tarred o' you!"

He'll probably quit.:D


New member
i would say it's in the eye of the beholder. on one side, you're nuts about guns (i'm assuming). on the other, it sounds as if "gun nut" is a term you're not comfortable with.

i have friends that disagree with me about almost anything and everything: abortion, religion, politics, you name it. in fact, i would say that very few of my friends agree with me on everything. we discuss our differences with each other, but there are some major distinctions between my friends and yours seem to be, in that we respect our differences and don't disparage each other for them.

i would urge you to not try to convert your friend. Guns are a huge, emotional issue, and people's minds don't change easily (trust me :)). instead, is it possible to come to an understanding with your friends that you enjoy guns and he(?) does not, but you respect each other anyway? this is something you have to think long and hard about: is it worth it to lose a friend over a political issue and hobby?

also, set up some limits for your friend. let him know that you're not comfortable being called a "gun nut", and that you would appreciate it if he would not make snide remarks about your hobby in front of others (if at all). if he is a TRUE friend, this won't be a problem.

as i write this, i'm reminded of one of my closest friends in college: she was pro-life, me pro-choice (no flames please :)). and we were friends before we realized this vast difference of opinion. when i found out she was pro-life (and treasurer of the campus pro-life group, while i was on the executive board of the campus pro-choice group), i had to take a step back. Could i be friends with a pro-lifer? the answer, simple in retrospect, was Of Course. So, we both knew each other's stance on the issue; yet she refrained from calling me a babykiller, and i didn't call her a zealot. in fact, the only time we speak to each other about the issue is when we have an actual question: "why do pro-lifers say this?" "what do pro-choicers mean when they say this?" etc.

it helps humanize the "other side", and it adds a little bit of spice to your friendship. :) good luck


New member
Tamara, that is the point! He doesn't even come near the site and he is making these stupid remarks! That is why it bothers me. His views are so narrow for someone who is well "educated." I also have my degree but I do try to keep an open mind in most discussions. Well at least I'm more opened minded now than 6 yrs ago.....oh no! Being liberalized! Seriously, I'm really trying to show how his perception is wrong but he doesn't think so at all.


New member
Thanks all for the replies so far. I've actually had to perform some damage control with a mutual female friend of ours because of what he was "jokingly" saying about me in front of her. Nothing that I would label as destructive but definitely was distorting her view of me. Everything ok though since I got to her alone and had a nice talk over a cup of coffee with her. ;)


New member
Yeah, me too, I guess, if you call 12 pistols and 8 rifles and growing a "gun nut"....Tell em to join the crowd...I get that here at work some, and guess what I've talked the guy into buying a pistol,,not my 1st choice but a new taurus .40 millenium, one more on our side..Ya know the age old saying,,,If I had to explain you wouldn't understand.


New member
He even went to claim that the "red-neck freaks" at the forum is warping my views!

Well I do know one thing: All the red-neck freaks here have warped my views. For the better.

Ben Swenson

New member
This was discussed on the AR-15 mailing list. I think the general feeling was that "gun nut" was a term of casual endearment when used between two adament gun owners and second amendment supporters. However, when used by an outsider, "gun nut" becomes a derogatory term and they should be reprimanded for it. In this manner, it is similar to the dreaded "n" word.

Appropriate alternatives for gun nut available to an outsider are: "Firearm-American" and "Armed-American".

Peace out, my gunnaz.


New member
Gun Nut... lemme see... yep, describes me pretty well... there are ALOT more derogatory terms someone could use against me... that one is merely descriptive... (and accurate) :D

doesn't bother me a bit being called that...


New member
Who cares what you're called?!

If it really bugs you find an aspect of a “gun nut” that you find admirable and view the term though that aspect. For example, if he considers TFL to be a good example of what a “gun nut” is, then look at the collective intelligence and clear thinking abilities of the membership and consider yourself fortunate to be identified with them.


New member
I would, and have, generally taken no small amount of offense when being labeled a 'gun nut'. Were it, say, RC cars, or anything else, I would be considered an 'enthusiast'. The modern connotative use of the term 'gun nut' implies that there is a mental destabilization involved if someone collects firearms, and I do what I can to prevent that mentality from being perpetuated. I guess, as an earlier poster said, it's something like the 'n' word. I try my very best never to call someone a 'gun nut', because I don't want those who would use it in derogation to feel they can get away with it.

Your roommate must have some passion that rivals yours for guns. For one day, mock him about all the anime he watches or whatever.

...just yesterday my brothers girlfriend called me a 'peddler of indecent smut', over an anime that had no nudity, and only one kiss that lasts all of three seconds. Does put it in perspective, at least. I've yet to see ANY anti come even somewhat close to the kinds of mocking I've received about my anime collection.


New member
Yes it is.

Who cares what you're called?!

I do. I am a responsible, legal, well-informed, well trained, safety oriented gun owner. In the anti-gun climate of today I feel it is very important to be know as such, not a "nut". ;)


New member
If you want to deal with the redneck freaks comment, I'm sure there are many TFL members who would e-mail you their "resumes." Like all of the engineers, physicians, etc.


New member
I take offense to red neck. Gun owners have more education, less negative contact with law enforcement and higher incomes than non-gun owners.

It takes money to buy guns, ammo, mags and firearms education. The unemployable sofa dwellers are not buying ammo.

The men who founded this nation were men of property and were all gun nuts whether they were from Massachusetts or Virginny. Throughout history the gun nuts made things happen while the unarmed sheep stood around waiting for hand outs.