is a k-gun like a k-car?


New member
You guys think you had a bad K-car? HA! My father probably had one of the worst. It was a 1982 Plymouth Reliant that was made on THE FRIDAY OF LABOR DAY WEEKEND. During the first year, EVERYTHING on the car broke. Then it all broke again during the second and third years too. In it's first three years, it spent more time at the dealership getting repairs done (all under warranty, thank goodness!) than it did on the road. For the next few years it ran OK, but then the engine blew. It got a new (used) engine from a considerably newer donor car, but that one blew a year after that. All in all, it lasted a total of 10 years (although about three of those years were in a repair shop) and only 89,000 miles (took two engines to get that far!). And yes, it was a rust bomb by the time it croaked the first time.


New member
You guys keep this stuff up on K cars - and K guns / I'm going pee down my leg laughing so hard .....

But Zippy is right about the predecessors to the "K" guns ..... ( and yes, they were ugly too ).


I believe it was Bruce Buck who called a K-80 a "gun that balances as well as a pig on a shovel", or something to that effect

While well made, it IS interesting that you never see one in Bunker, or pigeon rings or anywhere where fast-handling is paramount.......


New member
I disagree - I think they're a very well balanced gun.

I see a lot of them on the Skeet fields / and in Sporting Clays where a lot of barrel movement is critical / and good balance on a gun is something that cannot be overlooked. The only place I don't see a lot of "K" guns is in Trap - but I think they're making inroads there as well.
Ha ha..... somebody said k-car!
I am not at all familiar with a k-gun, but a betcha'.

My poor buddy had a k-car in high school. Bought it for like $200. We beat that car so bad, it wasn't even funny. Wrecked it, hammered it out, wrecked it again. It just kept coming back for more.

My cousin had one, too. One morning in college up north (sooo cold), he went out to warm it up in the morning. He came back inside and we were having a cup of coffee when we heard this terrible noise outside. We ran outside to see his k-car running wide open throttle. The whole parking lot was a smoke screen and people were outside staring and coughing. Then.....BANG! Game over... :D:D


New member
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks they feel like a 2x4. The k20 feels alot better than the 80's, to me.
So are people really just shooting overpriced remingtons?


New member
So are people really just shooting overpriced Remington.
Overpriced? Perhaps.
A Remington? No
The Krieghoff Model 32 and the Remington 3200 are similar in that they share a similar uglyass exposed locking hood. The innards are quite a bit different.


I disagree - I think they're a very well balanced gun.

Having handled quite a few and shot them as well, IMO they are not balanced, but nicely barrel-heavy for smooth swings at American slower targets